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 Working a lot and a sleepy puppy

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Female Join date : 2014-10-10
Location : Bear Delaware

Working a lot and a sleepy puppy Empty
PostSubject: Working a lot and a sleepy puppy   Working a lot and a sleepy puppy EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 2:57 am

This whole week work has been demanding and I've been not home a lot. Idk what she does when I'm not home or im sleeping. I'm assuming that she's sleeping. She's put for 1hr before work. About 45min lunch break shes out, I love living 2mins to work. And once I'm home out and about till I pass out. At night shes awake for about 2 hrs then she just cuddles up and sleeps. So far she cuddles up around 10 and passes out with me not far behind cuddled on the couch. Wake up later in the night and put her in the crate. Here's my question. If she's sleeping when in the crate that means she sleeps about 18 -20hrs a day.... that seems an awful lot dont you say? Bandit is two weeks shy of 5 months old. Is this okay? She acts normal while awake just lots of sleeping
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

Working a lot and a sleepy puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working a lot and a sleepy puppy   Working a lot and a sleepy puppy EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 11:14 am

I find that they sleep a lot more than I thought they would. Our new one sleeps even more than Kesler does.

I personally think that everything is ok... as long as she is getting enough excerise. My two cents Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Working a lot and a sleepy puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working a lot and a sleepy puppy   Working a lot and a sleepy puppy EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 11:29 am

She's probably about to have a big growth spurt. Wink I wouldn't worry too much, puppies sleep a ton, and unless she's acting sick, mopey, or seems in pain, she's just fine. Do you leave her anything to chew on or play with in the crate? She might be spending her time that way. I leave Diz loose in the apartment now when we're gone, and when I come home, there is usually an assortment of toys in various spots around the apartment, bones hidden in corners and under the couch, and areas where I can tell he napped. He sleeps a lot, but will play and entertain himself when he gets bored. It was the same when I used to crate him, I left him a frozen kong and nylabone, along with a toy of some kind and he'd play and chew. He also 'sings' every once in a while, which was sort of heartbreaking, but i think he just gets bored.
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Female Join date : 2014-10-10
Location : Bear Delaware

Working a lot and a sleepy puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working a lot and a sleepy puppy   Working a lot and a sleepy puppy EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 12:50 pm

Yes kongs in the crate, sometimes filled with goodies. And we run in the backyard when we can and go on walks. And yes I've noticed she hasn't grown in a while
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Working a lot and a sleepy puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working a lot and a sleepy puppy   Working a lot and a sleepy puppy EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 2:01 pm

Another thing to consider - I've noticed Ami is sleeping a lot more since the days are much shorter. In the longer days, he would come in the house around dinner time, hang out with us, ask to go out and schmy around the backyard. Now, he comes in, curls up on his blanket under the kitchen table and then appears to get annoyed with the activity of the house and the lights, asks to go out and when I go looking for him, he's sound asleep in his house...without me even putting him on the trolley. Go figure!
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