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 Husky Hiking Tips?

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Male Join date : 2012-08-31

Husky Hiking Tips? Empty
PostSubject: Husky Hiking Tips?   Husky Hiking Tips? EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 3:01 pm

So before it gets to the warm months here in FL, I'd like to take Hannah hiking.

She's a little over a year now and she's been jogging with me now for a few weeks. She's at about 2 miles a day now, and I'd like to get her to 3 miles brisk jogging pace before I take her on long hikes. I've been closely monitoring her and she's taken to running fairly well.

With all the experts here, are there any tips for first time hikers? I'm not just new to hiking with a dog but hiking in general.

What equipment should I get (or not get). What type of things should I have on hand always.

FL doesn't have a lot of mountainous terrain, but I'm sure there are still things to look for or stay away from on trails.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!!
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Husky Hiking Tips? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Hiking Tips?   Husky Hiking Tips? EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 3:13 pm

well im a CO hiker and we need much different things then you flatlander Wink
but general hiking things would be GREAT shoes or boots and socks, large enough backpack to carry food, water, first aid kit, extra layers to either put on or to take off and stuff in the pack. im a fan of but that might be a bit much for a starter.
for Hannah she needs a back pack google search for deals, the Palisades Pack is the best bet as you get a harness and a pack out of it and water bladders. also booties for just in-case paw issues. food, treats and poop bags as well.
running xmiles is different then walking xmiles so she might be able to go longer walking then on your runs, keep an eye on her and if you think she is tiring turn around or maybe remove some weight from her pack. start working on her now with weight training so she will not be shocked hiking. and take a ton of pictures. im sure you will have to keep an eye out for wild life and snakes maybe?

Husky Hiking Tips? Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

Husky Hiking Tips? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Hiking Tips?   Husky Hiking Tips? EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 3:56 pm

Good advice from Jen.

The only thing I'd add is that when they get hot, dogs will drink a lot of water very quickly.
They then have a tendency to throw it all up.
So I pour a quarter of the water in his collapsable bowl, and let Bodhi drink.
I make sure it's down before I give him more.

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Male Join date : 2012-12-01
Location : Frederick, MD

Husky Hiking Tips? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Hiking Tips?   Husky Hiking Tips? EmptyThu Jan 24, 2013 8:52 pm

I would say the minimum you need to go hiking would be a small backpack(school bag or such) for yourself to carry water and a good pair of shoes. Especially for flat ground. As far as for your husky I'd say what ever you use for running with your dog is all you'll need plus some extra water. If you have no experience hiking and aren't sure if you want to be doing it regularly, I wouldn't invest in a bunch of expensive hiking equipment. If you decide you like it and go on longer hikes you can get the nicer packs and a pack for your husky.
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Female Join date : 2012-10-16
Location : Tampa, Fl

Husky Hiking Tips? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Hiking Tips?   Husky Hiking Tips? EmptySat Jan 26, 2013 1:31 am

Do you mind me asking where your at in FL? I'm a fellow floridian and have recently found some nice trails out here to go hiking on. I'd love to find a hiking buddy!
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