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 Parvo in the yard

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Female Join date : 2012-03-30
Location : Jacksonville, Florida

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PostSubject: Parvo in the yard   Parvo in the yard EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 3:24 pm

My neighbors bought a puppy off of craigslist last week and it came complete with shot records/etc. We let the puppy come play with my dogs in the yard a few times when the neighbors came over and they came over this morning to tell us the puppy died overnight to what they think is parvo.
Snow and Ghost have had their shots updated within the past few months, but Mia, my greyhound mix is due this August..with it being so close to her being due I have been freaking out. I took her to the vet this morning and we did a booster vaccine, a parvo test and they did a full exam on her. The vet said to just monitor all three dogs closely for any signs or symtoms...
So now comes the fun part....apart from bleach is there anything else i could use in my yard and house? I have researched for hours upon hours and I see a bunch of contradicting stories about how long it lives, how its spread, what to use etc. bleach has been the only thing that everyone seems to agree on...

I used 4 gallons of bleach in the yard earlier, but now it is raining so does this mean i need to reapply? Im sure by tomorrow i wont have grass, but as long as the parvo is gone i can always either seed or sod the yard again. I used the miracle grow hose attachment to apply the bleach at a 2 1/2 oz ratio. (not sure how much i needed to use, so i figured this would be a good start.)

The vet said sunshine kills it...but yeah...just cause i live in florida doesn't mean we get sunshine all the time. it is supposed to rain everyday this week, so i dont want to just count on that. Ive read it can last from two months to 10 years in the would be nice to know a better time frame than that, based on facts, not just what people think. ugh.

In the house do i need to be bleaching EVERYTHING, or how does that work? I put all the soles of the shoes in a bleach mixture and have a bleach towel at the doorway for when we walk in...but im not sure if i am not doing enough, or going overkill with it. I know its not airborne, but i am concerned about the dogs tracking it in on their paws all over the house. Is this cause for worry? Does it actually stay ON their paws or ?
We have not let them in the back yard today at all and I gave them each a good bath and *yes i know this is not right but i didn't know what else to do* I mixed a capful of bleach in a rubbermaid container and i dipped their paws in it then a few minutes later washed their paws really well. Then they were carried from the bathroom to the florida room, which was already bleached....While each of them were bathed we bleached their crates, let the bleach air dry and then put brand new bedding down. I threw away all the toys and old bedding but do i need to throw away the stainless steel dog bowls or will that be ok to just bleach?

Any advice would be awesome at this point.
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Female Join date : 2012-12-29
Location : Northern Nevada

Parvo in the yard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parvo in the yard   Parvo in the yard EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 3:53 pm

Ahhh, parvo sucks!! I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
I lost a puppy to parvo over a year ago, and later my female became pregnant with her only puppy.
I know that parvo stays around for up to two years, but just like you I would spray everywhere around my yard and the house. There's really not much you can do other than what your already doing.
Just monitor her and the other dogs closely, and continue doing what you are.

My female gave birth to a beautiful healthy little puppy, and she did not catch the parvo.
Hopefully your puppies will get immunity from mom, so that they will be strong enough to fight it off if they happen to catch it.  I would strongly advice you to get the puppies checked and into a vet as soon as the vet can for shots. Usually the vet will give them shots around 4 weeks if they know that there was possible parvo around.

I hope I helped some what. Good luck.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Parvo in the yard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parvo in the yard   Parvo in the yard EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 4:33 pm

Parvo is rough. I haven't had to deal with it but my aunt works at a vets office and you're on the right track. Bleaching everything and keep bleaching everything. Once is said to not be enough for the things that your dogs come in contact with. You should be able to soak the dog bowls in bleach and be okay but I would do it every couple of days if not every day. I don't think there is such thing as overboard when it comes to Parvo. As for how long to keep sterilizing the house, I have no idea. Your vet should have some suggestions. I hope everything works out for you.

Parvo in the yard Huskyf10
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