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 anyone know what this test is for?

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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

anyone know what this test is for? Empty
PostSubject: anyone know what this test is for?   anyone know what this test is for? EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 8:45 pm

I was looking at the list of things the clinic we're going to for heartworm tests does and they also list a heartworm/lyme/erlichia test. Does anyone know what the erlichia is for? I've never heard of this and the vet we used before has never mentioned it either, I think im just going to stick with the regular heartworm test but maybe that would be better?
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Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

anyone know what this test is for? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone know what this test is for?   anyone know what this test is for? EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 9:00 pm

Tick borne disease, Odin was positive for Erlichia when he was adopted.

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anyone know what this test is for? 6877191385_f831cf231c
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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

anyone know what this test is for? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone know what this test is for?   anyone know what this test is for? EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 11:19 pm

Ok thanks! I dont know much about the tests and shots we have only ever donw the standard heartworm test, rabies, and then the 5 in 1 or 7 in 1 shots. Slowly oearning about all this stuff kind of throws me off and gets confusing. I have my mother in my ear complaining that they never used to do heartworm tests or use heartworm stuff and the dogs were fine, trying to explain that not knowing their background I feel the need to do it just doesnt seem to compute with her. I got them as strays from chicago do you think it would be best to get the extra tests? I dont think theres much of a tick problem there and we havent had problems by me.
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Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : South East Wisconsin!

anyone know what this test is for? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone know what this test is for?   anyone know what this test is for? EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 8:17 am

I have my mother in my ear complaining that they never used to do heartworm tests or use heartworm stuff and the dogs were fine,

That's true, way back we never new about heartworm. It is a problem now and I think you should stick to guns and take care of your puppies the way you think is best! Moms are always going to be moms, give her a kiss and tell her love her.

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Join date : 2013-07-19

anyone know what this test is for? Empty
PostSubject: Re: anyone know what this test is for?   anyone know what this test is for? EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 1:28 am

My dog got erlicha and he about died from it. I am happy to say that a lot of ups and downs and a thousand dollars later he was just fine.
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anyone know what this test is for? Empty
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anyone know what this test is for?

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