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 So I think my foster has seasonal allergies

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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I think my foster has seasonal allergies    So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 11:47 am

Okay, so I did not read the entire post, I will admit so sorry if this is a major repeat and the same stuff with work. Siku has been itching and biting his groin area, his front paws (but not in between the toes) and his back legs. I can see a little bit of a rash, but it looks more like little flea bites, but they are red and not raised or scabbed (but he does not have a single flea on him). The emergency vet said, that it is most likely a seasonal allergy and this is something that could happen every Fall. It just doesn't make sense to me, I don't think he has been itching all fall, no food changes have happened, same flea and heartguard medication, same treats and same everything at daycare. They wanted to give him Prednisone (sorry for spelling), but honestly when they don't know if its necessary I'm not going to risk giving him that, so I just thank you but I guess I will try the benadryl first. So that seems to help, but I just can't figure out what is causing it and its getting so frustrating. Does anyone have experience with this, and what helped with the non raised red itchy skin? We have a vet appointment with our normal vet tomorrow, so I will see what she says but its just so sad to watch him be miserable and I have no idea what it is to change it!
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I think my foster has seasonal allergies    So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 1:28 pm

siku&nikolai wrote:
Okay, so I did not read the entire post, I will admit so sorry if this is a major repeat and the same stuff with work. Siku has been itching and biting his groin area, his front paws (but not in between the toes) and his back legs. I can see a little bit of a rash, but it looks more like little flea bites, but they are red and not raised or scabbed (but he does not have a single flea on him). The emergency vet said, that it is most likely a seasonal allergy and this is something that could happen every Fall. It just doesn't make sense to me, I don't think he has been itching all fall, no food changes have happened, same flea and heartguard medication, same treats and same everything at daycare. They wanted to give him Prednisone (sorry for spelling), but honestly when they don't know if its necessary I'm not going to risk giving him that, so I just thank you but I guess I will try the benadryl first. So that seems to help, but I just can't figure out what is causing it and its getting so frustrating. Does anyone have experience with this, and what helped with the non raised red itchy skin? We have a vet appointment with our normal vet tomorrow, so I will see what she says but its just so sad to watch him be miserable and I have no idea what it is to change it!
Awh, poor Siku! Did you say the benadryl was helping? I would keep giving him that. I gave Maddie 2 benadryl per meal time (4 a day).

Check the weather channel in your area. Does it say anything about a high pollencount or anything?

Have you recently shampooed the carpet? Used any new cleaning supplies around the house? Sprayed for bugs?

If the benadryl doesn't work, I would get the panoxyl wash and tea tree oil. It stopped Maddie's itching completely and the red areas cleared.

I don't think it's flea dermatitis, but I could be wrong. I don't have any experience with that. Sad I use Capstar to instantly kill all adult fleas. It's a pill that's good for 24 hrs.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I think my foster has seasonal allergies    So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 1:37 pm

The Benadryl seems to help for the most part, and then as it wears off he continues to itch. And no nothing that I think of has changed, I've been racking my brain and I haven't mopped, shampooed the carpets with anything new, and daycare hasn't started using any new cleaning supplies either, so I'm just at a complete loss of where this is coming from.

And the weather channel says there is very low to no pollen counts in our area and we are going on our third Fall with Siku and this hasn't happened before.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I think my foster has seasonal allergies    So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 1:44 pm

siku&nikolai wrote:
The Benadryl seems to help for the most part, and then as it wears off he continues to itch. And no nothing that I think of has changed, I've been racking my brain and I haven't mopped, shampooed the carpets with anything new, and daycare hasn't started using any new cleaning supplies either, so I'm just at a complete loss of where this is coming from.

And the weather channel says there is very low to no pollen counts in our area and we are going on our third Fall with Siku and this hasn't happened before.
That is so weird. I think Maddie had acute demodex. It wasn't allergies because the benadryl didn't seem to help. I would do a skin scrape ($20)first before doing an allergy test. Those are expensive. I'll be thinking of more ideas.

Could it be a yeast infection? Does the area smell funky? There's a site called petmd. You go to a tool called the symptom checker. It gives you a diagram of a dog and you click on the area that's bothering him most.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I think my foster has seasonal allergies    So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 1:54 pm

It doesn't smell at all. It just like a flat red rash, and its driving him crazy. It started stressing him out with his constant itching, that he stopped eating and got sick to his stomach a couple of times. He never had a temperature and he is back to eating normal, now that the Benadryl has taken away some of the itch.

He eats Orijen, The Honest Kitchen and he is only two and hasn't been on those for more than a year and we switch proteins (haven't recently though) so I doubt he has developed an allergy all of a sudden to this food. I just can't think of a single thing, that is different in his life that could of caused this other than Fall and I don't think thats even the case!

I will check out Petmd right now, thanks! This site could be dangerous for me since I'm so paranoid to begin with.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I think my foster has seasonal allergies    So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 11, 2013 2:00 pm

siku&nikolai wrote:
It doesn't smell at all. It just like a flat red rash, and its driving him crazy. It started stressing him out with his constant itching, that he stopped eating and got sick to his stomach a couple of times. He never had a temperature and he is back to eating normal, now that the Benadryl has taken away some of the itch.

He eats Orijen, The Honest Kitchen and he is only two and hasn't been on those for more than a year and we switch proteins (haven't recently though) so I doubt he has developed an allergy all of a sudden to this food. I just can't think of a single thing, that is different in his life that could of caused this other than Fall and I don't think thats even the case!

I will check out Petmd right now, thanks! This site could be dangerous for me since I'm so paranoid to begin with.
No problem! haha, I try to stay away from webmd as much as possible too. Razz Yeah, I don't think it could be his food if you haven't changed it in a long time. Use PetMd to find symptoms and get ideas, then you can run them by your vet tomorrow to see what he/she thinks.

I hope Siku feels better soon!
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So I think my foster has seasonal allergies  - Page 2 Empty
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