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 Zeus seems to be having difficulty

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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : San Antonio, TX

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 12:07 pm

So I have started to notice some behavior changes in my old guy Zeus.  He's starting to sleep almost all day and sometimes he's up at night, constantly needing to go out and then doing nothing at all.  It all seems to have started after getting him back from being boarded.  My husband doesn't see it but I do.  

He's practically my dog.  Though Zeus loves all of us, I'm the main caretaker.  I'm also starting to see submissive behavior in him.  The biggest is that he's lowering his head and ears while being petted by our children (all under supervision since he's bitten out of confusion before).  I think it's pain from his arthritis.  Our morning walk was cut very short because he could barely walk.  He was in big time distress.  After his pain meds he's somewhat calmly resting.

I just have a bad feeling about all of this.  He barely acknowledged me while laying down and I could just tell he's physically wore out.  Maybe I'm crazy but something seems wrong.

Our vet is out today but I'm keeping a watchful eye on him.  I just can't shake this bad feeling.  Y'all pray for him.  Hopefully I'm just a paranoid doggie mom
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Female Join date : 2013-08-08
Location : Tucson, AZ

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 12:34 pm

Awh, hugs for you and Zeus. I will send prayers up for you both. Maybe he is just having a bad bout of arthritis and the vet can adjust his pain meds - I certainly hope that is all that it is. Please keep us updated! ((HUGS))
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 12:54 pm

Sad hope he perks up! how long was he boarded for and has he been there before, how long has he been home from being boarded? what meds or supplements is he on? when was the last time you had a full blood panel done? has the weather been changing or really hot? keep us updated and get him in for a check up as soon as you can.

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 3:16 pm

Hope things get better soon with Zeus. Keep us updated on him! This is really sad to hear. Sad
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : San Antonio, TX

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 6:30 pm

Thanks everyone.  He was only boarded for 4 days and it was at a vet clinic.  The weather here is the same as it always has been -- HOT!!!  Not really big on supplements because years back we had a scare with them.  I have been giving him his pain meds as needed and feeding him taste of the wild dog food.  He has been prescribed Tramadol by one vet and Deramaxx by our new vet.  Will call the vet back in the morning to see what he thinks is needed.  Between pain meds and small walks to keep him mobile that will be all he needs.  

It seems though when I look into his eyes all is see is discomfort.

Almost forgot to say that back in June his blood workup was completely normal.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-26
Location : Wisconsin

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 8:15 pm

Doubling up on glucosomine seemed to help me old guy. Hope he has better day tomorrow. Mine seems to have up and down days.
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : San Antonio, TX

Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  EmptyWed Sep 11, 2013 11:02 am

Well I'm happy to report that Zeus is having a better day today. I will talk to the vet about glucosamine supplements. I'm just happy he's doing better
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Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zeus seems to be having difficulty    Zeus seems to be having difficulty  Empty

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Zeus seems to be having difficulty

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