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 Dogs ate rat poison!

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Male Join date : 2011-11-16
Location : West Virginia

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 5:19 pm

So last Wednesday night I had family in and took the dogs to my gramas to visit family. She doesnt like animals in the house but has a heated garage so I kept them in there. THey were fine till I went out and discovered the shredded package of D-Con.

I gave them both hydrogen peroxide to get them to vomit. Jasmine's was very blue/green and Barney's was normal color. Took them to the emergenc vet and they induced vomiting again and gave them charcoal and Vitamin K injections. They are on Vitamin K for 30 days. The vet said that the poison can stay in their system for up to 3 weeks and cause internal bleeding. Vitamin K promotes clotting. They seem to be doing fine now but I still am a little nervous. I'll rest a lot easier after 3 weeks!

Anyone ever had any issues similar to this??
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 6:14 pm

I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I had one of my dogs die from rat poison. He was an Airedale. One of our enemies at school did it. Anyways, he only lived about one month after that and was on steroids. He had a few seizures in the meantime. He was also temporary blind.

I would just keep a close eye on your two. Look for any seizures or if they lose some of their appetite. Also see if they try to 'hide' somewhere. Dogs don't like it when their masters see them die, so they'll try to burrow in a corner somewhere and pass.

It sounds like your vet is doing the right thing, but I would do more research on your end to make sure. You might have caught it early enough. By the time we found out, it was probably 6-8 hours later at 6am when he was almost dead in his kennel. I'm sure if he was left in there for a few hours longer, he would have died. I'm also not sure how much he ate. If your two didn't eat a whole lot, then I'm sure that helps out as well.

Do keep us updated.

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Danzig's Mommy
Danzig's Mommy

Female Join date : 2012-08-10
Location : Thornton, CO

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 7:21 pm

I hope everything turns out alright. I haven't experienced this but did have a scare with Danzig. The vet deduced he didn't have any signs of rat poison and it looked more like he was bit by a spider.

Like Jackie said, keep us updated. I hope everything ends up well.
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Male Join date : 2011-11-16
Location : West Virginia

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 11:41 pm

Well it will be a week tomorrow and so far I have seen no symptoms of anything. They still have quite an appetite but I have noticed a little bit of a difference in Jasmine's energy. She still wants to play and does fine on walks but she seems to weary of playing more quickly than normal. She finally told Barney to lay off last night. I'm wondering if it may be a side effect of the vitamin K. Idk..I'm just worried that they are gonna act fine for a while then start going down hill. Jasmine definitely consumed more of the poison than Barney. They seem fine right now though.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyWed Dec 04, 2013 12:30 am

Okay. To be honest, if Jasmine isn't having seizures by now or isn't throwing up, I think she'll be okay. The energy decrease may be from Vitamin K, but I would research the side effects of that. Her body may also be using a lot of energy to fight off the bad 'rat poison' cells, too. You know how you're tired when you get a cold or the flu? She's probably just recovering. I would still keep a close eye though.

My dog would go in spurts. One day he was fine, the next day he wouldn't stop having seizures. I think by now you would have definitely seen something.
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Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : South East Wisconsin!

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyWed Dec 04, 2013 9:30 am

This is tragic and preventable. "Pet proof" dispensers for rodent poison are available and should be used to keep pets safe. Politely pointing this out could help keep this from happening. Also, do not buy items packaged to be dispensed in an unsafe manner, D-con for example markets poison that is placed open in a little dish.
Best of luck to your puppies, but it sounds like they are over the hump and should be improving.
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Male Join date : 2011-11-16
Location : West Virginia

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyWed Dec 04, 2013 10:08 am

Hughie wrote:
This is tragic and preventable.  "Pet proof" dispensers for rodent poison are available and should be used to keep pets safe.  Politely pointing this out could help keep this from happening.  Also, do not buy items packaged to be dispensed in an unsafe manner, D-con for example markets poison that is placed open in a little dish.  
Best of luck to your puppies, but it sounds like they are over the hump and should be improving.    
Honestly, I should have thought to check the garage before I put them in there. My Grama doesnt have pets and she said that those poison was probably at least six years old. Just an oversight on my part. Just never thought about something like that being in there.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-03
Location : Colorado

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 12:08 am

Don't beat yourself up, we have LOTS of people come in with dogs and cats who have eaten rodent poison. Its not always something people immediately think about. At least you caught it fast!
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Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : South East Wisconsin!

Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dogs ate rat poison!   Dogs ate rat poison! EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 7:30 pm

kclee wrote:

Hughie wrote:
This is tragic and preventable.  "Pet proof" dispensers for rodent poison are available and should be used to keep pets safe.  Politely pointing this out could help keep this from happening.  Also, do not buy items packaged to be dispensed in an unsafe manner, D-con for example markets poison that is placed open in a little dish.  
Best of luck to your puppies, but it sounds like they are over the hump and should be improving.    
Honestly, I should have thought to check the garage before I put them in there. My Grama doesnt have pets and she said that those poison was probably at least six years old. Just an oversight on my part. Just never thought about something like that being in there.
Grandma's get a free pass because they are Grandma's! Unwritten rule someplace.
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Dogs ate rat poison! Empty
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Dogs ate rat poison!

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