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 Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)

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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  Empty
PostSubject: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 10:34 am

So today I went to give a Christmas gift to our daycare lady and she said that Siku's anxiety has come back in full force lately like he had when he was a puppy. She just assumed something changed at home or that we moved so she has been taking him with her on lunch to calm down his anxiety so he isn't in the crate. But she said its still crazy in the afternoon and that he won't leave her side and just whines for the last couple of hours, which is weird because we have been having some of the same crating problems at home. She is now wondering if maybe his protein levels are just to high (maybe now that he is getting older) and his already anxiety is getting worse becuase of it. She suggested lowering his protein and we will see if that works.

I want to stick with Champion Pet Foods because its the only thing that seems to agree with Siku as far as kibble goes (we don't have the room or resources to do raw yet) so I was considering lowering down to Acana. I know some people on here feed it over Orijen but for some reason I'm worried that lowering his protein means he won't be getting the propper nutrients that he needs for a husky. Am I over thinking it and he will be fine on Acana? I don't know why the drop in the protein levels worries me, but do you think it will even help with his anxiety?

Switching his food is my last hope before I buy a bottle of rescue remedy and let her use it when she see's fit to kind of give her a break. I told her that I think he has now formed a very strong bond and whether or not he is near you, he cares if you are out of his sight, which is what he does to me and what a lot of huskies are like in general. I know she compares him to Nikolai to which in Siku's defense isn't totally fair because Nikolai I feel like is the exception when it comes to huskies and he has no husky tendancies at all!
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Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 12:07 pm

If Siku is sensitive to protein, then it could help, but if his anxiety isn't connected to diet, then lowering his protein levels wouldn't necessarily have an impact. If you're not sure, it won't hurt to try Acana with a lower protein content. Switching to Acana would at least tell you that much, and he would still be getting what he needs in terms of nutrition. If Siku does not have a protein sensitivity, and he isn't already on it, try switching to turkey. Since turkey has tryptophan, it could help calm him down some. Also, complex carbohydrates increase seratonin levels, so perhaps finding a turkey protein base formula and adding some complex carbs as snacks in between meals might help.

Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  41765413
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 12:17 pm

Thanks! I will try that, if all this doesn't work. I just ordered a bag of the Acana and I will see. I mean it just seems so out of no where that his anxiety came back this strong that I don't think it could be the Orijen cause he has almost always been on it, mixed with the Honest Kitchen. I got the Grasslands in Acana so I will see how that goes and give it some time. We do Orijen Adult which as Turkey in it, but it isn't the main protein source I dont think. Maybe I will add Embark (THK) in the morning rather than the Love right now and see if that helps at all along with the new Acana.

I just feel so bad, I don't want the anxiety to affect his life more than it does already.
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Female Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : New Zealand

Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 6:50 am

I have swapped Orion to the Acana and I am thrilled with it. The protein in the Orijen was just too much for him. He is prone to anxiety as well and just generally high strung and I have found he has settled a bit since swapping him so I couldn't be happier.
I have also tried rescue remedy for him as well when he was younger and would work himself into hysterical states and it did work quite well. I am experimenting at the moment with pheromone sprays since we go overseas for christmas in a few days and he will have to be in a boarding kennel. The spray goes on a bandanna so it is with him all the time rather than just a plug in diffuser.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-10
Location : New Zealand

Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 7:00 am

GeorginaMay wrote:
I have swapped Orion to the Acana and I am thrilled with it. The protein in the Orijen was just too much for him. He is prone to anxiety as well and just generally high strung and I have found he has settled a bit since swapping him so I couldn't be happier.
I have also tried rescue remedy for him as well when he was younger and would work himself into hysterical states and it did work quite well. I am experimenting at the moment with pheromone sprays since we go overseas for christmas in a few days and he will have to be in a boarding kennel. The spray goes on a bandanna so it is with him all the time rather than just a plug in diffuser.

Pity you didn't live closer he coulda came and had a holiday with Keyto and Digger lol
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 7:40 am

I haven't tried orijen but I did try acana with dizzy for a while. It was fine, but I didn't notice any difference in personality. Now that he's been on raw for a while I have noticed that certain proteins really wind him up. Beef being the main culprit. Man does he get excited when he eats beef. I can see if he was placed in an anxiety causing situation after eating beef that might put him over the top. I agree that finding something turkey based might be a good idea.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 7:43 am

Also, have you been more anxious than usual? I am kinda prone to anxiety but I notice that if I am more anxious, then Dizzy will be more hyper and reactive. It kinda sounds like Diz and Siku and very similar in some ways. Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyFri Dec 20, 2013 10:59 am

Honestly Jen. I've been wondering that too. I can get pretty anxious at time and I always say Siku and I are the same. What Siku is going through I go through and vice versa. I don't know if we are really that in tune with eachother but we always seem to have the same problems!

I would think that would be the case at home, and could explain the problems with the crating at home recently, but not at daycare I don't think. But you know I am stressed when I'm away from him (seems more than normal lately) and he could just be stressed being away from me at daycare, and the thought of the daycare lady not being in his sight to might just be to much to bare for him when I'm not there maybe. Everyone around me seems to think that I cause the problems for Siku too, so maybe your right cause I do baby him a lot and can't stand not being with him. I think we both have highstrung personalities and us together is a recipe for distaster.  lol! But thats why we fit together!

And Olivia, thats really good to hear that you did notice some difference between the two because you have now given me hope! The food gets delivered tonight and I hope that we at least see some what of a difference in the switching. Let me know how the bandana and stuff works after you away cause I'm open to trying anything!

Also I wonder if I'm just thinking to much into it. She says he plays all morning and is fine and its the afternoon that she starts running into problems. I know how grumpy he does get when he is tired (like no joke, VERY grumpy, again just like me!) when he is just suddendly getting to over stimulated now that its cold and gets to tired after the morning that its just his tired fits in the afternoon.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 5:54 pm

How is Siku doing? Smile And how are you doing?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 6:03 pm


I'm really not sure. We kind of did the switch but mostly didn't. Nikolai kept getting into Siku's Acana during dinner and the lamb did not agree with his stomach and he kept getting sick, so in turn when they weren't fed in their crates, Siku would get Orijen, so I wasn't really able to test it out.
I haven't heard the daycare lady complain though since I told her I switched, and that I would be more than happy to give her rescue remedy if needed. I see her every morning too when I drop him off so I would hope she would tell me if their was issue but I wouldn't put it past her since she didn't the last time.

At home though, he is  also back to normal and hops right into his crate when its time for me to go to work. Its so weird the phases this little man goes through.  Rolling Eyes

Last edited by siku&nikolai on Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 6:04 pm

When does Dizzy start daycare again?
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 6:09 pm

He went back last week, but half days. My hubby picks him up at noon and takes him home. He woos in excitement every time I drop him off lol. He is doing really well. Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 6:18 pm

Yeah I can imagine that he is very happy to be back! I don't know how you did it for a couple months without it. After a week of no daycare for my dogs, even with long walks or runs, it just doesn't cut down their energy enough!

Thats why I had to keep it a secret from my daycare lady about Nikolai's one testicle. After he had that surgery, she asked where he was and I was like, it was so weird they just randomly found his testicle, I had no clue! Haha.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

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PostSubject: Re: Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)    Acana Vs. Orijen and Anxiety (Now even at daycare)  EmptyWed Feb 05, 2014 1:15 am

If it is food related, I'd suggest you speak to a holistic vet about your dogs Qi (pronounced chi) and see if finding a balance between is hot and cold manifestations. I know it sounds weird but. My experience it works.

Hers some info:
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