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 Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.

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Male Join date : 2012-05-24
Location : Georgetown, On Canada

Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. Empty
PostSubject: Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.   Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. EmptyThu Jan 02, 2014 2:43 pm


This is not really a husky issue but it's a husky's friend issue lol.  I could use any help I can get at this point and this community is usually pretty good with advice.  My gf has a rotti x shepard mix and since she has been about 4 months I believe (maybe younger I met her at 5 months old) she seems to have some sort of allergic reaction or skin issues.  She will barber herself constantly and it has gotten really bad these last couple of months,  it literally looks like somebody shaved the bottom half of her body.  When you examine her skin she seems to have little red marks/dots in the areas she had chewed some look like scabs kinda it's hard to tell with what little black fur she has.  My gf has been working diligently to try and fix the issue with her vet but so far nothing has worked.  

She feeds Juno a raw diet because she is allergic to kibble (will throw up, diarrhea, itch even more and all kinds of fun stuff)  she is usually fed chicken and bones (offal included), beef, fruit, veggies, fish, suppliments, 3,6,9 oil (human grade only) there are no by-products in this diet and Thane is on it to and has zero problems.  She ended up switching to lamb to see if chicken and or beef was the issue but she got the same results on lamb.  She has added coconut oil and fish oils but they have done nothing for her unfortunately.

She has also given Juno Oatmeal Shampoo baths, anti itch spray, humidifiers around the house, claritin and Vanectyl-P (steroids)  and so far only vanectyl-P can stop it the rest will slow it down for a bit.  But this has only been a temporary quick fix. Also a skin scrapping has been done and it came up with nothing and I believe an allergies test is in the works just have to save the money for it and take her off Vanectyl-P.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas as to what may be going on here?

Last edited by xredrainx on Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2013-06-17
Location : Maine

Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.   Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. EmptyThu Jan 02, 2014 3:15 pm

no sugeestions from me, but I feel her pain. I had this problem with BOTH of my dogs for the past couple of months. One got it worse than the other, but I had the same problems with the bumps and the scabs just no major hair loss. The coconut oil is the only thing that has some what helped but we still have no solution. So if she finds out what it is, let me know for sure! Did it start for her going into Fall and Winter? Or was it also during the Summer?
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Male Join date : 2012-05-24
Location : Georgetown, On Canada

Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.   Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. EmptyThu Jan 02, 2014 3:59 pm

All year round, it seems to get worse in the winter though.
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Female Join date : 2012-10-25
Location : Seattle, WA

Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.   Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. EmptyThu Jan 02, 2014 5:01 pm

I know we have one dog in my store that is allergic to grain (not just a sensitivity, like legit allergic) and can't use oatmeal based shampoo. Like people who can't even touch peanuts because they're super allergic, she's kind of like that. I don't think a different shampoo is going to solve it, but it couldn't hurt to try if you haven't already?
You might also try rabbit as the protein? It's expensive but I know a few dogs and a kitty that do really well on it.
Poor pup!
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Male Join date : 2012-05-24
Location : Georgetown, On Canada

Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.   Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. EmptyThu Aug 07, 2014 10:24 am


Sweet Baby Jesus we figured it out after 2 years what the issue was. There is something in the carpet in the apartment my girlfriend used to live at that was causing the dry skin, itching, etc. We found out about a month ago once my gf moved out of the apartment into a townhouse with no carpet. It's a funny solution but it works and finally Juno has her full coat back and is in good health.

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PostSubject: Re: Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.   Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue  Could use some help. Empty

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Allergies, Skin Condition, No Clue Could use some help.

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