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 urban mushing rolleblade inline

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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptyFri Mar 21, 2014 9:16 am

Hey everyone,
just got my first husky. been on a few mushing sessions with him.

I seem to tire him out quickly he's about 15 months old.
only just started doing this. as I'm the new owner.
it's not often he's pulling me I'm usually infront or beside him.
some rough patches he gets infront of and want too pull.

I"v only let him pull me on flats or slight downhills and try to skate uphill as his new to this.

currently using a regular harness. which is ruberised at the front.
what brand should i go and is there a major difference with back harnesses?

Think I'll post my questions in this thread from now on.
most threads weren't that long.
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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySat Mar 22, 2014 8:50 am

Okay I'v figured out the harness.
getting a windchill made up.

stamina should increase in time.

now can i fit him with baby shoes for infants?
looked at dog boots and their kinda ordinary. the better one's i could afford two nike baby shoes.

might be a mismatch front and rear. anyone opposed to this seeming they should fit okay. mite be a little low cuffed.

we broke a nail already. as their kinda long.
I worry about paws as I'm try to stay on concrete. he runs on the grass typically but theres still driveways etc.
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Playing with the Big Dogs

Female Join date : 2013-12-04
Location : Idaho

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySat Mar 22, 2014 10:58 am

One thing I just wanted to mention if his nails are super long you should get them cut or go to groomer and have them do it. It can be unhealthy for a dog to have too long nails and lead to them getting injured. It's really important with active dogs because they are using there feet so much.

i don't think baby shoes would fit well but I honestly am not sure I have never heard of someone giving that a go.

Also there is a foot cream called musher's secrete that a lot of us on the forum use to help protect our dog's feet when they are being active. It can help protect from concrete too so you might want to check it out.
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Female Join date : 2012-02-24
Location : Denver Colorado

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySat Mar 22, 2014 2:16 pm

1) how far do you go? A dog needs to work up the millage.
2) yes I prefer some different places to get harnesses but for beginners alpine outfitters is the best.
3) dog booties are better for running on concrete. Also There is a product called mushers secret can help
4) make sure the nails are short. Long nails are not good for any pulling activity.

oh and have fun! Smile
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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySat Mar 22, 2014 10:29 pm

I was going to trim nails but they didn't look that bad. I assume constantly running on pavement will keep them low.
just one on his leg is demented and the quick is red. maybe someone botched trimming them in the past.

one day we did 6 kilometers with two long breaks. but as soon as i come home he lays flat and doesn't want to come in. i have to pick him up.

I checked out musher secret. a wax rite. wouldn't this not hinder cooling down?
I'll give it a shot

I think I may stick too huskies. he pretty much won't poop until we go for a run. ignores other dogs & doesn't chase cars. a litttle scarred of some strangers.

I"m really not sold in any boots I'v found yet.
the half decent looking ones are priced ridiculously in victoria australia.
if I'm paying $100 i want them to be tried on at-least.
a paw is just wider than feet. the only issue i see with toddler shoes is laying down.

anyone have a brand of boots they swear by? or will musher secret get me by
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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySun Mar 23, 2014 10:26 pm

so does anyone think it's cruel to run a dog on concrete?

having a guy blast me on a forum for running 6 kilometers.
aren't most endurance races 50-1000 miles
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySun Mar 23, 2014 10:32 pm

As long as you wait until after he's done growing, check his feet, and make sure he's not showing signs of pain or having physical issues, I wouldn't worry about running on concrete. Just keep your eye on your pup to make sure they are okay. I think people on the internet tend to way overreact and assume you're going to run your dog until his feet fall off.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySun Mar 23, 2014 10:38 pm

Keep in mind though that the dogs that do those super long endurance runs are very conditioned and trained for it. You wouldn't expect a normal person to up and run a marathon, so you shouldn't expect your dog to either. Start small and work up. If he is too tired to get up to come in, you've gone too far. Tired and panting is good, not able to move is not.
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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptyFri Mar 28, 2014 11:23 pm

heres the thread.
A few photos.
urban mushing rolleblade inline IMG_1411_zpsc461c496
urban mushing rolleblade inline IMG_1412_zps6dca2f78
urban mushing rolleblade inline IMG_1413_zpsed31c8f0
an unknown mark I found. should i get it checked out I was told regardless of what it is the vet will cut it out.
urban mushing rolleblade inline IMG_1410_zpsc3217326
also in my council it's mandatory for all dogs to be neutered. I don't want this done, my dog has the best demenour. ignores all other dogs. we need all the muscle and testosterone we can have. as I'm working him a lot harder than most dogs.

everyone thinks its bad to have a dog pull on a lead. I'm considering switching to a retractable leash for mushing, which I think is strong but  researching them shows otherwise. others have said these things break all the time?? maybe I"m lucky and have a heavy duty leash? want to upgrade to a 8 meter one, so there's more room for error on steep hills.

are these leashes weakest at their when completely stretched out?

I encourage pulling as I want to be pulled so i let him pull even when out walking.
the old owner was adamant about not letting him pull and only letting him walk beside the old owner when walking.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySat Mar 29, 2014 1:29 am

Pavement/asphalt kill joints, and can be detrimental if the growth plates are still open. I won't run my dogs for any real distance on pavement if I can avoid it. Yes endurance races are many miles, but also consider most distance teams are multiple dogs (10-16 typically), these dogs train year round to get to that level, and the surfaces they run on are far more forgiving than pavement. These dogs also have years of genetics behind them to be these kind of athletes, something many pet lines lack.

With any sport you should run the right equipment for the job at hand. Meaning proper running harnesses, mainline with a built in bungee for single dog setup, skijor belt connection to harness yourself in, etc. I would not recommend a retractable leash or anything that can be pulled from your hand.

Being neutered has not slowed down my main leader Mason, at 8 years old he's still running strong into the 20-30mi per run sustaining at 8-10mph range. He was done at 2 when he reached his full potential for growth and development.
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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptyTue Apr 01, 2014 12:10 pm

thoughts on playfighting?
he seems to enjoy it a lot and initiates it when he's feeling energetic.

I know it's not recommended with some breeds, so husky specific obviously.
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Join date : 2014-03-21

urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 12:25 pm

small gradient hills have been scary.
I like to go down the middle of the road if theres no cars.

slowing down by doing grinds on gutters.
Been buying way too many pairs of skates.

skating new hills in the rain, footpaths get greasy.
I try to cess slide.
On average destroy one wheel an outing which in about 4 kilometers he gets tired.
haven't fallen.
4 times a week.
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urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty
PostSubject: Re: urban mushing rolleblade inline   urban mushing rolleblade inline Empty

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