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 Velcro Husky ?

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Male Join date : 2014-07-27
Location : Ireland

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyThu Jul 31, 2014 6:46 pm

Hey all !

So before I got a husky I had seen everywhere that usually sibes can be quite cat like and aloof. My neighbour has a female sibe and she is like that,prefers to be by herself so I pretty much expected that when I got Kai, but he's the opposite !

If im at the kitchen counter, he will be lying there at my feet and even if i move to the other end of the kitchen for a few seconds, he's following me and lying beside me. If I leave the room he will follow me out unless I close the door and he will just lie beside it and wait.

Hes such a sweet boy and just loves to be with people.
In the living room he will lie down against the couch you're on and sleep, never anywhere else in the room.
I dont know what I would do if I didnt have my baby at my feet 24/7

Even as I type this im on the couch and Kai is sleeping happily at my feet Very Happy If I let them dangle sometimes he will put his head on them and sleep  lol! 

Anyone else have a velcro-sibe ? Smile
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Male Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Central Arizona

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyThu Jul 31, 2014 7:03 pm

Huskies seem to vary a lot as to how much physical contact they desire. Storm. while not unaffectionate, is not a lap dog. He prefers to be in the same the same room with us, or if we are all in separate rooms, he will take up station kind of in between. He wants to be around us, just not on us. But, he is also rather demanding when he wants to be petted and will nose at your hand, side, or whatever. He's also certainly not one to refuse attention and will happily melt into the floor with a good neck scratching.
Nakita, on the other hand, is constantly wanting to be petted, wants to lay next you, sit or lay on your lap and generally be close.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-27
Location : Ireland

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyThu Jul 31, 2014 7:35 pm

MattV wrote:
Huskies seem to vary a lot as to how much physical contact they desire.  Storm. while not unaffectionate, is not a lap dog.  He prefers to be in the same the same room with us, or if we are all in separate rooms, he will take up station kind of in between.  He wants to be around us, just not on us.  But, he is also rather demanding when he wants to be petted and will nose at your hand, side, or whatever.  He's also certainly not one to refuse attention and will happily melt into the floor with a good neck scratching.
Nakita, on the other hand, is constantly wanting to be petted, wants to lay next you, sit or lay on your lap and generally be close.  

Kai is like a mix between your Storm and Nakita,but with more Nakita  lol! 
He doesnt like to be on your lap but would happily lie at your feet/by your side.
Hes the same if he wants to be petted, nosing my arms and hands.
Whos that in your avatar ? I love the goofy grin
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyFri Aug 01, 2014 12:55 am

Miya will be 2 in November and she is a lap dog, foot dog, everywhere I go dog. Even when she's sitting next to me on the couch she will lay her head in my lap. She is a snuggle bug for sure. lol
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Female Join date : 2012-12-29
Location : Northern Nevada

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyFri Aug 01, 2014 2:10 pm

yes, Kato is definitely a velcro-sibe...more like a glued to my butt sibe!! He actually throws his body on top of me as if we are one person or dog  scratch he does this ALL the matter where we go...he just has to sit on top of us. Here is a couple of example pics...

My son...and Kato

Velcro Husky ? Img_2510

Kato and I.

Velcro Husky ? Img_0210
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Male Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Central Arizona

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptySun Aug 10, 2014 3:04 pm

Kai is like a mix between your Storm and Nakita,but with more Nakita  lol! 
He doesnt like to be on your lap but would happily lie at your feet/by your side.
Hes the same if he wants to be petted, nosing my arms and hands.
Whos that in your avatar ? I love the goofy grin[/quote]

That's Storm in my avatar. He loves to lay on his back, and his lips won't cover his teeth when he does.
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Female Join date : 2014-05-12
Location : Knoxville, TN

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyTue Oct 14, 2014 3:27 pm

Ellie follows me throughout the whole house and lays at my feet wherever I stop. However, she doesn't really like to be in my lap unless someone else tries to give me attention.
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Female Join date : 2013-09-26
Location : Adelaide, Australia

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyThu Oct 16, 2014 2:50 am

Axel is definitely a velcro sibe - but with my husband, not me! He's always under foot and cuddles up on the couch next to him... snuggle bug to the max! Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-06-26
Location : Wisconsin

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PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyThu Oct 16, 2014 2:11 pm

Loki is velcro to me. He is still somewhat aloof in that I think my lab would constantly listen for my movement and get up and follow immediately. Where Loki is more like I woke up from sleeping, where is she. Let me go upstairs and check type dog. Ichigo on the other hand will coming running whenever I call him and is almost always good with cuddling, but he doesn't follow me around or anything.

As I type this I have a cat on my shoulder and one against my leg. I never understand the cat comment as mine a probably just as demanding or more then all my dogs. I think the aloofness comes into play if they are busy with something, they don't tend to care about you. This to me is cat behavior. Whereas my lab would get so wiggle butt just if I called his name or looked at him. Ichigo acts this way a lot, but he is only about 6 months so I have yet to see how much it will change.
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

Velcro Husky ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Velcro Husky ?   Velcro Husky ? EmptyThu Oct 16, 2014 2:45 pm

When we are in "down time", Kesler has to be touching me. Weather it is laying on my feet while I read, do dishes or cook, or leaning on me if I am sitting on the floor or steps of our back deck. As well as the half an hour before I go to sleep while I lay in bed reading before my fiance comes to bed....I have a husky squashing me.

But most of the time....he is in 9 places at once. So I guess it just depends on his mood
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