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 Spindle Cell Tumor

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Join date : 2013-10-02

Spindle Cell Tumor Empty
PostSubject: Spindle Cell Tumor   Spindle Cell Tumor EmptySun Aug 10, 2014 5:29 pm

Hi All, im new to the site. I have a wonderful 10 year old rescue female Siberian named Sierra whom ive had for 5 years now whom was just diagnosed with a spindle cell tumor on her front left leg. The last 9 months have been simply brutal and my vet considers her a wonder dog as she has had a malignant tumor removed from her liver, a bile duct obstruction resulting in a cholecystduodonotomy surgery, pancreatitis resulting in diabetes, hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism, and a benign anal mass as well as eye wart/cysts.

This initially started 2 years ago when my vet and i noticed an almond shaped growth and thought it was a lipoma as it was movable. After she became diabetic 6 months ago, the tumor grew (as ive read they feed off sugars), my vet checked it with a needle aspiration and deemed it to be a cyst. Well it further grew over the last 4 months to the size of half a tennis ball located halfway up her front left leg. A few days ago, I took her to a imed specialist whom told me its a spindle cell tumor. My choices are amputation (out of the question given she is a diabetic and has some neuropathy and hind leg muscle wastage), or surgery with grafting and possible chemo. Im planning to meet with a surgeon soon to enter surgery #4.

Im curious if anyone has dealt with this? ive read these do not metastasize to the lymph nodes and major organs but can go to the lungs.

Thanks for any help.
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Spindle Cell Tumor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spindle Cell Tumor   Spindle Cell Tumor EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 6:14 pm

Sorry to hear about your girl Sierra, my Sierra had a cancer mass removed in Feb off the top hind leg.

i do not know much about the spindle cell but it sounds like she is a trooper like my girl! best of luck to you both and keep us posted

Spindle Cell Tumor Iaht10
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Join date : 2013-10-02

Spindle Cell Tumor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Spindle Cell Tumor   Spindle Cell Tumor EmptyMon Aug 11, 2014 10:50 pm

Hi thanks for your link, it was a good read and glad to hear your Sierra rebounded.

My Sierra has essentially something similar to yours in that its classified under a soft tissue sarcoma but the composition of the cancer cells classify it as a spindle cell tumor. Being in the leg, they will not be able to attain any margins. So i am opting for tumor debulking and depending on the cytology analysis, may need radiation. Im hoping for a grade 1 tumor which can allow her to finish out her remaining few years without any other treatment.

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