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 Cool weather husky another order of things...

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 2:19 pm

Whew...this boy is FULL of the ole scratch bounce I walked him twice yesterday for a total of 5.5 miles.  Plus at least 3 play periods of chasing balls, tuggie etc.  Today, we just got back from 3.75 mile walk.  And he's still rarin' to go...Tossed the bugger outside, through a chew, a minute later he's jumping on the door, I let him in, he's all over me, give him another chew toy, he runs to the door, I open it he bounds out in bouncy leap, I shut the door, heat up my coffee, sit down...he's jumping on the door...AGAIN scratch So I open it, hold it open for him to come in and he just stands there.  Sniffs the opening, steps back, sits oh-so-pretty.  I invite him in.  He grabs the towel on the floor I used to dry off his feet and tries to pull it outside, all the while looking up at me with his face tilted to the side, oh so coquettish Cool weather husky another order of things... 1625187496

I gave up.  Put my rain clothes back on, grabbed the tuggie and out we the 48° windy, rainy, puddle filled backyard.  After a vigorous game of tug followed by fetch the rawhide bone (he likes it when I fling way up into the air - like an outfielder catching a fly ball!)he is now, finally, happily chewing on an end of rawhide...

This is a hell of a lot of energy for one rather tired old lady who has a massive amount of chores to do today Shocked

Any other northern dogs coming out of summer stagnation?
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Female Join date : 2014-07-26
Location : Michigan

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 3:54 pm

*raises hand*

My boy has gone nuts, he keeps asking to be let out and then racing around. He wants to play tag and keep away and he just wants to run run run. More games, more bones, more play play play. I thought he had high energy before but now he is something else entirely. This is his first cold spell, he was born in July so he has never known the cold before, its like a miracle to him.

I am only 22 and happily exhausted. I have been trying to get back into shape and he is keeping me active, outside, and grinning ear to ear.
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Female Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : New Zealand

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 7:59 pm

Lol I'm just coming through the other side of this with Orion Smile It is finally spring here and starting to warm up a touch and the difference in his behavior is remarkable! I love his energy levels I really do but I have to admit I am kind of exhausted after winter Razz We've been walking 12km a day + biking 4 km + dog park + 3 x classes per week! Yesterday was pure sunshine and 21 degrees - I took him for his morning 6km walk and he was pooped lol he lay in the sun for the rest of the day and didn't do a damn thing, it was kind of blissful, I got a whole Saturday of gardening done! All my seeds are planted, my vege patch is dug, my roses sprayed - and looking amazing, I had such fun pottering round and then he didn't even want to go for a walk that night! We met a friend at the dog park for an hour then we came home and he put himself to bed Very Happy oh sunshine my friend...
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 9:04 pm

Amy, It was 50 last night. Zoomies in full on fast mode here, lol. Then the crazy girl went swimming in her pool!! Fall is here.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-28
Location : starvation lake,michigan

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySat Sep 13, 2014 9:19 pm

It was 46 here last night.I let robin out for her 1130 , she comes back but wont come inside,just sits on the deck and looks at me! After an hour she comes in,but only as far as the closed in porch.So she was sprawled out on the porch all night.Its all closed in with glass so its no big deal,I'm just glad to see her acting like her old self!
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySun Sep 14, 2014 12:15 am

I'm so jealous of all of you!!! was 100 degrees today (at the moment its a bit after 8pm and its 84 degrees still) and both Kohdi and Mishka act so lifeless Sad we went on our walk, they both sat down several times refusing to go on, and ANY house that had sprinklers on, they were in them getting drenched. I know I'm going to eat my words in a couple of months but...I WANT MY ENERGETIC HUSKIES BACK!!! Mishka is a puppy and should be bouncing off the walls and Kohdi should be going thru his almost terrible two's...and they act like theyre in an assisted living community!!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptySun Sep 14, 2014 10:52 am

It's 73 degrees here, overcast, and windy. It's lovely.

Mishka is still a lazy bum and laying inside though. Lol.

Cool weather husky another order of things... Signat11
Cool weather husky another order of things... O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool weather husky another order of things...   Cool weather husky another order of things... EmptyMon Sep 15, 2014 12:05 pm

Wow, Jimmy -100°! I think Ami would have a stroke!

But, be careful what you wish for - my bouncin' tigger has become a real handful and I'm beginning to be covered in bruises again...On the up side, my walks are much more exercise now with the brisk pace he is setting...down side: my butt aches.
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Cool weather husky another order of things... Empty
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