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 Husky Booties for Winter

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Male Join date : 2015-01-02

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PostSubject: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 11:57 am

Hello! The salt really bothers our Husky's feet but he loves his walks. Any advice where to purchase winter booties that are of good quality (and he will keep on his feet!) ? Thanks!

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Female Join date : 2013-06-20
Location : Toronto, Ontario

Husky Booties for Winter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 2:18 pm

We use Pawz ( We live in the city, so we just like it for the salt protection. He doesn't really need anything to keep his feet warm, so these are great. They're not super durable though as they're supposed to be disposable after awhile. But they are pretty cheap, and you get 12 booties in a pack.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Husky Booties for Winter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 2:26 pm

I am considering booties for Ami - yesterday he was sitting at the back door with one paw raised - there were snow balls between his toes Sad But the damn fool won't come in the house so I can melt them off, does not like his feet touched and I can only get Musher's secret on a few pads at a time.

So my question is - do these things stay on while the dog romps through several inches of snow?

I've even considered getting a dish of vegetable or coconut oil and doing a quick dip of the entire paw once he's outside...
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Female Join date : 2013-06-20
Location : Toronto, Ontario

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PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 2:36 pm

They are like a balloon, so they do stay on pretty well. After awhile though, the rubber does start to stretch out a bit, and you might lose a booty, but that's probably why they're disposable Smile

I've never lost a booty with Gus so far. But i used to use these with my shih tzu, and he would lose them randomly. I probably should have sized down a bit, but he had a history of being a biter if you didn't get his boots on quickly, so i decided to go with a slightly larger boot Razz

They are a little tricky to get on! But i think all boots are. Their claws always get in the way. It just takes practice.
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Male Join date : 2015-01-02

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PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 2:40 pm

Thanks, Maggie! I see PetSmart sells them, so I will take a look.
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Husky Booties for Winter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 4:26 pm

i swear by them!

Husky Booties for Winter Iaht10
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

Husky Booties for Winter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyWed Jan 14, 2015 4:40 pm

My boys keep holding their paws up when they are in the back yard on these crazy days where is it -35C, I wonder if maybe some booties will help...or if they will just eat them? Razz

Will look in to the types posted above!
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Male Join date : 2013-03-24

Husky Booties for Winter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Booties for Winter   Husky Booties for Winter EmptyFri Jan 16, 2015 12:18 am

jbealer wrote:

i swear by them!

We bought a set for each dog from and they worked out great, but they only lasted for about 3-5 runs and they got holes in them. I recommend getting the ones with Velstretch as a fastener instead of normal Velcro. I eventually took one old booty apart to match the pattern, and bought all of the material to make my own to save money. I've learned that the 300 denier seem to last longer than the thicker 1000 denier, so go figure that one out. Ha! I also throw mine in the washer and dryer when I do laundry to help clean them, and haven't had any issues doing that so far. I recycle the Velstretch when I make new pairs. My wife just put up a blog post about me learning how to use her sewing machine to make these booties, and someone recommended adding leather to the bottom to help them last longer. I think I might try it with my next batch and see how long those last.
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