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Congrats Nikita, Archer, and Cheyanne,
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 newer husky owner - pictures

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Female Join date : 2015-05-04
Location : Iowa

newer husky owner - pictures Empty
PostSubject: newer husky owner - pictures   newer husky owner - pictures EmptyMon May 04, 2015 8:29 pm

Last fall we ended up with a little runt, 6week old purebred siberian.  The mother had quit feeding them and the owners were feeding all the pups unsoftened, cheap kibble.  The little one was not doing well and we couldn't leave without her.  So home we came with a tiny husky of about 3lbs that wobbled about.  We named her Nijiro which means the colors of a rainbow
newer husky owner - pictures DSCN2046_zps6b626547

We fed her premade raw pheasant patties
newer husky owner - pictures DSCN2051_zps1f529d16

and learned about the husky desire to kill things
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and to play in water
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and talk about everything that might be wrong like not filling food bowls quickly enough
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and that the only thing more fun than water is wet dirt, especially when it's provided indoors
newer husky owner - pictures Niji_zpse8c84d43
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and the husky learned how to play with big dogs
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Which brings us to the present task of learning to be a sled dog and a potential future of agility
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I was bouncing around various breeds to get for agility and hiking, I also have a scooter to pull, but now we just want another husky.  Laughing   A better bred, raised, and cared for one this time though and preferably red.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

newer husky owner - pictures Empty
PostSubject: Re: newer husky owner - pictures   newer husky owner - pictures EmptyMon May 04, 2015 8:37 pm

What a lovely story that began so inauspiciously! So glad you took her home - she looks so full of health and vitality now. She really is beautiful. Welcome.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

newer husky owner - pictures Empty
PostSubject: Re: newer husky owner - pictures   newer husky owner - pictures EmptyTue May 05, 2015 10:33 am

Glad you took a chance on her. She's looking great. I know all too well about this playground of indoor dirt they like to take advantage of. You will have quite the striking pair when you add that red. Welcome to the forum.

newer husky owner - pictures Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2013-03-16
Location : Boulder

newer husky owner - pictures Empty
PostSubject: Re: newer husky owner - pictures   newer husky owner - pictures EmptyWed May 06, 2015 11:18 pm

Years ago, we answered an add in the paper for purebred husky pups. No doubt about the pups heritage, as both parents were there, but the living conditions were not great. A fight broke out between the pup's sire and another dog while we watched and the breeder used a broom handle to break things up. I think we decided we were not leaving without at least taking one of the pups with us. Not exactly a rescue but to some extent we felt that way: "just pick one and let's get out of here". The pup we took with us looked a lot like Nijiro: big black rings as a mask around her pure blue eyes. Same determined look on her face. She turned out to be a companion that will forever be in our hearts. I hope Nijiro is the same for you!
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