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 My first husky Meko

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Female Join date : 2015-05-14
Location : Portland, OR

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 1:58 pm

Hello everyone. My name's Glo. I'm from Portland Oregon. I got my first husky, actually first dog, 3 months ago. His name's Meko. Smile I couldn't ask for a better friend. He's now 5 months. He weighs 60 pounds. Last month he weighed 45.

Here are some pictures Smile

A lot of people tell me he has wolf in him. What do you guys think?

My first husky Meko Image7%20copy_zpsgbgrg72x

My first husky Meko Image4_zps0cscsaoc

My first husky Meko Image2_zpshs018bi6

My first husky Meko Image3_zpstgkc13vw

My first husky Meko Image5_zpsbd4jz3wb

My first husky Meko Image6_zpsoqdkf7qh

My first husky Meko Image8_zpsuitp4u5x

My first husky Meko Image1_zpsnjwu1nxz

Last edited by Glo on Thu May 14, 2015 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 2:07 pm

Handsome pup you have there!

I don't see wolf. I see maybe malamute or shepherd (ears) but nothing about his appearance leads me to believe he has wolf in him. Smile

My first husky Meko Signat11
My first husky Meko O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 3:32 pm

I agree with Ashleigh, to a degree, he probably is a husky/gsd. His ears scream gsd, no wolf will have large ears, even part wolf. I do not see malamute, same reason the ears. What I do know of wolf dogs they are extreme in size, very narrow chest, long legs. What throws me off is his toe nails, which is a wolf trait, but also a gsd trait, which is black toe nails. Wolf dog pups will be born in April or May, never in the middle of winter. Wolf dogs will never have back dew claws, yours does. I would happily say, he is a good looking husky/gsd, and carries a lot of physical characteristics of a gsd, with the markings of a husky. Now I will not say that he doesn't have any wolf in him, perhaps several generations ago, but it could be detrimental to your dog if you represent or list him as a husky/wolf, if he ever bites someone, he will be put down because of representing him as such. If he escapes he could be shot for being mistook for a wolf. There is no glory or prestige in representing a dog as a wolf mix. People are not familiar with your dogs color pattern which can look very much similar to a wolf. I would represent him as a husky mix or a husky/gsd, and leave it at that. Which is what I see any ways, he is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. My girl was sold to me as a husky wolf, and through my research and my first hand knowledge, she is not. She is husky/gsd, as well, yes she is large for a husky, but gsds tend to be almost double in size to breed standard huskies. My first hand knowledge, I grew up with a gsd/wolf dog. I will ask you what is his personality like, appearances don't always tell the whole story, my girl is very protective of me, a gsd feature and not a husky feature, for example, and definitely not a wolf trait.
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Join date : 2012-06-13
Location : Denver, CO

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 3:34 pm

His long face also says GSD to me. He reminds me of my childhood dog who was a mix of just about everything, but was primarily GSD and probably husky/lab. I'll see if I can dig up a pic.

Edit: I don't have a pic on this computer, I'll post one later.
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 8:01 pm

love Meko's marking's i agree, i see husky and GSD in him. where did you get him?
Can't wait to see some of your hiking pictures! i want to visit Oregon soon.

My first husky Meko Iaht10
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 9:27 pm

What a handsome fellow! And, you have some great pictures of him - that 5th one down is a stitch and the one of him sleeping is sooo sweet.

The first pic? I see Malamute a bit in his eyes. The rest looks like a "Gerberian" (saw that on the web someplace - tickled my fancy Rolling Eyes ) or, how about "Gerberian Shusky" Razz

And I love his snout - that is a snout with gravitas and character. Five months and 60 pounds? Hope you have stock in a good dog food company - he's gonna be a big boy!
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyThu May 14, 2015 11:49 pm

Great and beautiful dog! I love his markings!
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptyFri May 15, 2015 12:07 am

I'm in agreement here, I don't see wolf and echoing Reneee if you choose to call him a wolf mix you're putting him and yourself in danger - him for his life and you for suits should he decide to make lunch out of someone.

My male - who I loosely call an Alaskan Husky (look it up, they're a husky mix breed) and yours have a lot of similarity - especially in the odd markings (which I kinda like). Unlike yours, mine is lean and lanky if he's 50 pounds, it's because he's wet and he's never wet!- you'll see my note in my sig where he's my perpetual teen ager - loves nothing more than to rough house 24/7!

My first husky Meko S-event    My first husky Meko S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Join date : 2015-05-23

My first husky Meko Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first husky Meko   My first husky Meko EmptySat May 23, 2015 8:44 pm

I see a little wolf in him in some pics. but who cares. he's beautiful. enjoy your new friend.
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My first husky Meko

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