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 Worms? Not eating?

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Female Join date : 2014-10-10
Location : Bear Delaware

Worms? Not eating?  Empty
PostSubject: Worms? Not eating?    Worms? Not eating?  EmptySat Jul 11, 2015 9:39 am

So two days ago I noticed in the poop bucket little white worms that look like rice. The poop looked like Swiss cheese. Vet said tape worms. Last night and this morning bandit has been weird about eating. Staring at me like what am I supposed to do with this. Eating very slowly. She normally eats at the snap of a finger and stops for nothing. She seems to be slightly a little lethargic at times but that's prob me reading into too much. She woke me up in the,middle of the night from panting heavily. Like if we just went for a 20min walk. Got her some water and went outside for to pee. Still panting most of the night if I was awake. Poops have been pretty loose. Only thing I've changed is brothers fiance said 2 cups a day is not enough. She said do 3 to 4. I figure if I'm feeding her more that would be the loose poop? She is very skinny though. I noticed and kind of agree with her after I have her a bath 2 days ago. I'm bringing a sample to the vet today and see what they say. Any advise?
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Worms? Not eating?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worms? Not eating?    Worms? Not eating?  EmptySat Jul 11, 2015 9:57 am

From my own experience and reading of others here, it is a rare husky that needs more than 2 cups per day. Too much food will make her not want to eat... as in, looking at the bowl and then you as if to say. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing"

We have been at my son's house - 3 kids, new environment, lots of stimulation. Ami is loving it, BUT, he is way off his usual feeding. Maybe, he's actually eating a cup a day. And he's not getting his usual "share daddy's dinner" either. You have a house full of family right now, if I remember? Also, huskies are lean dogs. Tho the uniformed, the can look under weight.

Are you feeding a corn based good? That can give pudding poop with small rice like grains, also
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Female Join date : 2014-10-10
Location : Bear Delaware

Worms? Not eating?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worms? Not eating?    Worms? Not eating?  EmptySat Jul 11, 2015 9:51 pm

She hasn't eaten since this morning. She puts the food in her mouth and then drops it out. She eats one piece here and there. She used to be excited for food. Not even in the kong will she eat food.she just sniffs it. I've been trying to feed her more since one as told when was under fed but nothing. Not eve HAND FEEDING. SHE LOVES THAT. Am I over reacting?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Worms? Not eating?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worms? Not eating?    Worms? Not eating?  EmptySat Jul 11, 2015 11:21 pm

What have you given for the tape worm and how long ago did you give it? At only being a day with out food I wouldn't worry too much. My girl skips eating frequently during the warm months. You do need to deal with the tape worm though or she will skip meals far longer. Also a tape worm can be why she is under weight and no amount of food will put weight on her if the tape worm is still in her.

Worms? Not eating?  Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Worms? Not eating?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worms? Not eating?    Worms? Not eating?  EmptySat Jul 11, 2015 11:52 pm

cosmothunder wrote:
She hasn't eaten since this morning. She puts the food in her mouth and then drops it out. She eats one piece here and there. She used to be excited for food. Not even in the kong will she eat food.she just sniffs it. I've been trying to feed her more since one as told when was under fed but nothing. Not eve HAND FEEDING. SHE LOVES THAT. Am I over reacting?

Tony, you're always overreacting! << ducking >>

As Jenn says, skipping a meal isn't all that unusual; skipping a couple of days isn't really all that odd.

If you've increased the amount you're feeding her and she's turning up her nose at it, she's trying to tell you something - "Dad, I don't really want all this!" If you've just wormed her and her tummy's upset, she may not feel like eating.

Relax and if you must worry, worry about the serious things she can get into (like eating socks!)

Worms? Not eating?  S-event    Worms? Not eating?  S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Worms? Not eating?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worms? Not eating?    Worms? Not eating?  EmptySun Jul 12, 2015 12:05 am

Listen to Jenn and Al. If it's any consolation, Ami has eaten nothing today except little bit of ice cream. All week long, he's eaten at best half his usual. I attribute this to heat, excitement, new surroundings, not playing with Archer and a bit of anxiety about not being home. And who knows, maybe the different water...
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Worms? Not eating?  Empty
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