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 Akira is limping occasionally

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Male Join date : 2015-07-29
Location : Portage la Prairie, MB

Akira is limping occasionally Empty
PostSubject: Akira is limping occasionally   Akira is limping occasionally EmptyMon Aug 03, 2015 2:05 pm

This JUST started today. She is 9 weeks old right now so I was up with her at 4:30 this morning to take her potty. She is always full of energy at that time of day and was jumping and hopping around as we walked out to her potty spot in the back yard. She came back in and against my wishes got up the 3 stairs to the kitchen where her water dish is. She didn't drink anything but walked around the island and came back to me. When I saw her she was limping and really trying to put as little weight as possible on her front right leg. I brought her downstairs to check out her foot/leg and she walked a bit and then seemed fine. At 6:30 she was up again for the day. This time after coming in she ran downstairs for some play time. By the time she was at the bottom she was limping and wimpering pretty badly. She would hardly put any pressure on her sore leg/foot. After about a ten minute cuddle session she seemed fine again. She is still walking good now (noon) but is a little less active. She wants to play but is slower and not as energetic as normal. She is still eating and drinking good. Saturday I had her out for a run and she fell at the bottom of a small grassy hill. On Sunday she was playing with my son, and a few kids, and had another tumble at the bottom of another small hill. I'm guessing this could be a small sprain/strain?? To help her rest her leg we are not letting her walk up or down stairs. Sad to see her wanting to play so much but she knows to rest and relax too. She is taking it easy on herself. I've read to ice the area as well. She doesn't feel swollen anywhere so is ice still a good idea? Any recommendations on how to keep ice on her leg? We tried calling the vet, but it is a holiday here and can only use the emergency number. Not sure this is an emergency type of situation. Thanks for any advice in this area
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Akira is limping occasionally Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akira is limping occasionally   Akira is limping occasionally EmptyTue Aug 04, 2015 12:43 am

Not sure but would maybe those ice/cold pads work with maybe some medical tape? I realize the medical tape might pull on the fur when taking off but not too bad, and the vets use it, or something very similar to it. Good luck! Hope Akira feels better, she is adorable!
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Female Join date : 2014-09-19
Location : Temecula, CA

Akira is limping occasionally Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akira is limping occasionally   Akira is limping occasionally EmptyTue Aug 04, 2015 1:16 am

To me it sounds exactly like growing pains my gsd puppy did this a lot just try to not let her over do it like jumping or too much playing if you notice her limping let her stay in a confined area so she can sleep or maybe chew on a bone to keep her from playing. The whimpering is kinda odd though, id make sure theres nothing in between her toes or swollen ect.
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Male Join date : 2015-07-29
Location : Portage la Prairie, MB

Akira is limping occasionally Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akira is limping occasionally   Akira is limping occasionally EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 10:31 am

Thanks everyone. She does magically seem fine so it may have just been growing pains. Smile
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Akira is limping occasionally

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