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 Help! New Husky with some issues :(

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Female Join date : 2015-09-16
Location : MD

Help! New Husky with some issues :( Empty
PostSubject: Help! New Husky with some issues :(   Help! New Husky with some issues :( EmptyWed Sep 16, 2015 9:37 pm

Hi all,

I’ve just joined, thank you for letting me be a part of your community! So I recently adopted a 4 year old husky female from a family that could no longer take care of her. She is 20lbs over weight and had very over grown nails as well as an incontinence issue and no one bothered to brush the poor dogs coat! She was a mess. I’ve had her for a month now and she is on Proin for her incontinence which has been working. Now the issue I have is she did piddle a little when I came home today and when I went to clean it, it was VERY sticky! So I did some research and it leads to Diabetes or UTI right? Well I had her at the vet two weeks ago and had them due a urinalysis to rule out infection for the incontinence issue, they said everything was normal. I do plan on taking her to the vet for blood-work on Oct. 3rd but I was wondering if any of you have any insight as to what may be going on. Thanks in advance!!
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Help! New Husky with some issues :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help! New Husky with some issues :(   Help! New Husky with some issues :( EmptyThu Sep 17, 2015 5:00 am

Alex welcome to the forum, and thank you for rescuing this girl. This poor girl has a lot going on, poor baby. I really wish I could help you with your question, although UTI could come about after her vet visit and that is why it didn't show up when they ran tests. I wonder if the meds she is on could be the cause, as in a side affect? Is there any literature on her medicine, that you could look over, or call the vet and ask what type of side affects come along with this medicine? I wish you luck, and maybe another member will see this in the morning and can help you, at the very least I just nudged your thread back to the top. Keep us posted, and again thank you for helping her!!
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Help! New Husky with some issues :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help! New Husky with some issues :(   Help! New Husky with some issues :( EmptyThu Sep 17, 2015 5:37 am

Alex, I'm a bit bored so I went wandering around the web. (and what am I doing up at this hour?!?)

Proin - If you're using Preventic (tick preventive) or Promeris (flea preventive) you may see some side effects.

Normal side effects are hyperactivity and anxiousness; there is also a side effect called Proteinuria, where there is an excess of protein in the urine (this is also an indication of diabetes) which is temporary while on the drug. I fail to find anything that indicates the proteins in the urine would be sticky - but I also fail to find anything that indicates it wouldn't be.

I'm actually surprised at the limited number of side effects listed for Proin since most medicine has a long list of side effects while this has generally just a few (from the half dozen sites I visited).

I wish I could be more helpful - sorry. I'd, as Renee suggests, have a talk with the vet. It may be simply a side effect, it may be an indication of something more serious.

And of course, at the very end of this, Welcome to the forum! and thanks for rescuing this girl!

Help! New Husky with some issues :( S-event    Help! New Husky with some issues :( S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Help! New Husky with some issues :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help! New Husky with some issues :(   Help! New Husky with some issues :( EmptyThu Sep 17, 2015 10:44 am

It could be a side effect of meds. The change in routine could trigger a UTI also. Getting weight off this girl would be my top priority after doing what I must to get the incontinence under control. I have seen this often with overweight dogs. Getting the weight off will take pressure off the bladder and clear up many things lurking in her system that could make her diabetic in time or is already giving her symptoms such as these.

Help! New Husky with some issues :( Huskyf10
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Help! New Husky with some issues :(

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