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 Canine Alzheimers.

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Male Join date : 2013-12-30
Location : Indiana

Canine Alzheimers. Empty
PostSubject: Canine Alzheimers.   Canine Alzheimers. EmptySun Sep 20, 2015 10:21 pm

I have a 15 year old Husky Nikki, my vet says she has alzheimers also known as sundowners. She has become scared and confused, forgetful and lost. I take her to work with me and she sleeps all day in my office, i can't leave her home by herself or she will make a mess. When I do leave her I have to put her in a crate in my garage because she will urinate, vomit, and worse, even if it is for only an hour. She waits by the door every day to go to work with me, she is very routine. She also makes a mess in my van a few times a week. At night the sundowners illness starts up, she paces for hours and usually about midnight she is in a full panic, I then put her in my garage where she will make a mess. My wife and I have not slept a full night in over a year, and cleaning up after Nikki almost every day is getting old. She can no longer use steps and has trouble getting up.I have Nikki on arthritis medicine and I am trying a Purina food called bright mind. Nikki and I have run 3 to 5 miles every morning for 14 years, it's killing me to see her this way. Has anyone else had any experience with this, I don't know what to do.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Canine Alzheimers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Alzheimers.   Canine Alzheimers. EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 1:51 am

You might want to ask the vet about a sedative to manage the evening agitation. I'm so sorry tho say this, but it may be time to consider end of life issues and how you want to manage this... if canine Alzheimer's is anything like human than the disease is only going to get worse. We watched my father succumb to this disease and it was devastating to all of us.

I am so sorry to hear of Nikki's illness and my heart goes out to you.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Canine Alzheimers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Alzheimers.   Canine Alzheimers. EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 2:13 am

Dan, I don't have the exact experience, because it was my cat with what I called Kitty Dementia. Although her messes were considerably smaller than what your Nikki's are, I can fully relate to cleaning up, sleepless nights, the unsureness. I'm really sorry you and your wife are going through this. Kitana would pace at night, and howl at the top of her lungs, this coming from a 4 pound cat. We had her since she was about 3 weeks old, I eye drop fed her at the time, and taught her how to be a cat. She slept with us every night. At the ripe old age of 12 she met her first dog, when we brought Miya home.

Dan, it is the most difficult thing in the world, to see our best friend, our "kid" surpassing us in age. The last 2 years of Kitana's life was with extreme difficulty, especially with a young dog in tow. My husband and I talked about it here and there. And then she would perk up, ate like a pig, made it to her kitty pan, and wouldn't howl at 4 am. To be honest, those perky moments got fewer, more days were bad than good. The decision will be the hardest one you'll make. And again, I am sorry. We decided when the bad days far out numbered the good days, we knew it was time. She was closing in on her 15th birthday, I really was hoping that she would perk up more often, but she didn't. Our vet was surprised we waited as long as we did. He said her quality of life was minimal. I think she held on for us. There have been many tears shed over her. I miss her greatly. She even affected Miya, we can not say the word kitty, or Miya will whine and look for her. I think a lot of our heartbreak was shifted, since we had Miya. Had Kitana been our only friend, I know we would have gotten a kitten or a puppy before she passed. For us, we have always needed the pitter patter of little feet. So it is not a way to forget your friend, for us having another companion, has made it a little easier saying good bye to the older one. For some people they need time with out a companion, for us we need the comfort we get from the one still with us.

The day will come, when you and your wife will say it is time. My heart goes out to the both of you. I sincerely hope in time you will find another companion, not to replace Nikki, but on the contrary, in order to continue remembering Nikki and the great times you all had. I wish you both luck, with the decisions, you will eventually have to make. I wish there was some miracle drug, or herb, or supplement that will get your old Nikki back, I don't. Maybe some of the other members here can give you some better ideas than myself. Sadly though, and this is said with a heavy heart and a face full of tears, every one of us here will have to make the most difficult decision, a decision none of us want to make, but we all know it will be inevitable.

Until you do......give her lots of love and hugs, and belly rubs. You're in my thoughts.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-11
Location : Berwyn, IL

Canine Alzheimers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Alzheimers.   Canine Alzheimers. EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 9:40 am

I don't post on here too often anymore but seeing this tugged at my heartstrings. I dealt with canine cognitive disorder (CCD) with my boy, Saber. If you're curious and want to read some of my story with Saber, here's the link:

I spent hours on the internet doing research and here is the supplement plan I had Saber on. Not everything is for the CCD, I will make a note next to what is.

Neutricks - 2 tablets once/day (CCD)

Nutramax Dasuquin for Large Dogs - 1 tablet once/day

Now Foods Sam-e 400mg - 1 tablet a day (CCD) This must be given on an empty stomach and at least one hour before eating to allow proper absorption. This is human grade and I kept it refrigerated. You can give it in a treat or give a small snack afterwards to make sure it's been swallowed. Saber was a pro at taking pills, so I just put it in the back of his throat for him to swallow and gave him a little treat afterwards.

Resources Canine Antioxidant Formula - 1 tablet twice/day (CCD)

Cholodin Canine - 2 tablets twice/day (CCD)

Now Foods Salmon Oil 1000mg - 1 softgel a day, this is also human grade. If you decide to give salmon oil, you must supplement with the vitamin E and salmon oil naturally depletes a dog's vitamin E.

Now Foods Vitamin E 200 IU - 1 softgel every other day, human grade.

If I had one recommendation, it would be to try the sam-e. It did wonders for Saber, but keep in mind that every dog is different. If you do decide to try the sam-e, it can also take a month to really get into her system before she shows any signs of improvement. Saber never got back to 100% but he recognized me and his name, he started eating again, his pacing stopped and he started sleeping at night. He was excited for walks and treats. His poop accidents continued until he passed but he had a bad back and that most likely contributed to it. His issue with stairs never totally went away but it did get better. I had to have Saber put to sleep because his back finally gave out and he couldn't get up anymore. But, with all the stuff I had him on, I got to spend another eight months with him.

My heart really goes out to you. It's an emotional roller coaster for us humans to deal with. It's a really difficult thing to watch our faithful companions slowly disappear in front of our eyes to be a shell of their former self. You feel helpless, frustrated, stressed, angry and sad all at the same time. I wish you good luck with whatever decision you make, I know it's not an easy one.
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Female Join date : 2015-09-21
Location : Leech Lake Reservation

Canine Alzheimers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Alzheimers.   Canine Alzheimers. EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 5:41 pm

I have never heard of this but there comes a time when its time to let go. I am sure you will know when that time is. If she is so upset every night I am guessing the time is near and my heart goes out to you.

I lost my seven year old lab to blastomycosis almost two years ago and I know I will never be the same
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Male Join date : 2013-12-30
Location : Indiana

Canine Alzheimers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Canine Alzheimers.   Canine Alzheimers. EmptyTue Sep 22, 2015 10:25 am

Thank you everyone for your comments and concerns, it's nice to here from fellow husky owners. I know we will have to make a tough decision soon, it's just very difficult.
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Canine Alzheimers.

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