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 Hello from a guy who wants a husky

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Join date : 2015-10-03

Hello from a guy who wants a husky Empty
PostSubject: Hello from a guy who wants a husky   Hello from a guy who wants a husky EmptySat Oct 03, 2015 4:36 pm

Hello everyone, I'm Chris, I've been a fan of huskies since forever and lately I've been reading a lot, watching some videos about huskies, I'm very tempted to get one.
My problems and questions would be, how much does it shed, I assume it depends on the dog as well.
I live in Romania which has temperate-continental climate (with hot summers 35 - 40 degrees Celsius / 95 - 104 Fahrenheit , - 20 degrees Celsius / - 4 F long , cold winters). I'm afraid it can be kinda hot for it.
I know they tend to make noise when they want something or they feel alone / hungry, about this, because I live in a bloc of flats, I have plenty of room, can I teach it to sit alone (10 / 11 hours a day) since small so it can get used to this?
I can commit to take it out for 30 / 60 mins in the morning and in the evening and more in the weekend, is this enough?
Do all huskies destroy stuff only when they feel alone? Can I teach them to behave?
I also know they are stubborn and sometimes hard to train.
Pfew..... Too many questions.

Thank you for your time.
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

Hello from a guy who wants a husky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from a guy who wants a husky   Hello from a guy who wants a husky EmptySat Oct 03, 2015 6:07 pm

I wouldn't worry about the temps you describe.
People on this board have huskies in Florida and Texas.
They do adapt.
Just be aware of their fur coats- if you are uncomfortable in the heat, they will be very uncomfortable.

I would be concerned about leaving a husky alone for 10-11 hours a day.
Huskies are social animals.
They want to be with their humans.
Can you take the dog to work?
Is there doggy daycare in your area?
Can a local teen come walk the dog during the day?

Huskies will howl if left alone.
They will destroy stuff if they are bored.
Lots of exercise helps alleviate both.
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Join date : 2015-10-03

Hello from a guy who wants a husky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from a guy who wants a husky   Hello from a guy who wants a husky EmptySat Oct 03, 2015 7:36 pm

I'll just brush it 2/3 times a week if needed, not a big deal.
No, nobody can walk the dog, no doggy daycare either, unfortunately.
So this remains my only problem, the hours it's gonna be left alone.
I saw some people teaching them to sit in a surrounded area but I think that's bad.

Thank you for your answer.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Hello from a guy who wants a husky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from a guy who wants a husky   Hello from a guy who wants a husky EmptySat Oct 03, 2015 8:31 pm

Chris, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's a very rare Husky who'll tolerate being left alone for that long during the day.  I presume you know the size of a Husky and when they start doing damage, they can tear a room apart in short order; you can leave in the AM and not have a couch to set on, for example, when you get home that evening.  (( okay, folks, where's the picture of the destroyed couch, I can't seem to find it?? ))  The other comment, they can be loud when they howl - I had one girl who I could seriously hear well over a mile away - think what that would sound like inside a building, especially if you have neighbors - and they will be noisy if they're left alone!!!!!

When you think that it's going to be "alone" over night while you're sleeping (6 - 8 hour) and then the 10-11 hours while you're at work - you're suggesting that you only have 5-7 hours if you dedicate *all* of your off time to him - as I said, it would be a very rare Husky who will accept being out of contact for that amount of time.

I'm one of the people who live in Texas and we hit 45c and my two pups handle it - mostly by finding the coolest place they can until it starts to cool off, but my Alaskan has been know to lay out sunbathing at 40c.  Our lows (generally a month or so) drop into the 0c range, sometimes a bit cooler but not much.

Shedding - when the winter ends and the dog sheds it's winter undercoat it's said that you can build a second dog out of it - realistically, I'd say that's close!  They don't just "shed" we use the phrase "blow their coat" because "shed" just doesn't seem to be a strong enough term.

Your concerns are very real and thanks for posting them, but right now - I don't think a Husky fits into your life ... sorry.

Hello from a guy who wants a husky S-event    Hello from a guy who wants a husky S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Join date : 2015-10-03

Hello from a guy who wants a husky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from a guy who wants a husky   Hello from a guy who wants a husky EmptySun Oct 04, 2015 3:53 am

Thank you for you answer, yes I know Sad, just wanted to find out more opinions from people who already own a husky and not from some videos or articles.
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