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 Behavioral questions

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Female Join date : 2015-08-13

Behavioral questions Empty
PostSubject: Behavioral questions   Behavioral questions EmptySun Oct 04, 2015 11:29 am

Ghost doesn't seem to enjoy being outdoors. If one of us is out there with him, he tolerates it pretty good. He will amuse himself until it's time to go back inside usually. There are times even with us out back with him, he will run to the door and whine/cry to go back inside. We have a large fenced in back yard and we were hoping he would rather enjoy some playtime outside each day. But he doesn't. If we put our Pug out back with him he will play for a few seconds and then whine and bark to come inside, then repeat. If you put them indoors he will romp and play well with the Pug. He just doesn't seem to enjoy outside?

Also, when he goes to pee, he squats and then walks forward as he pees. He does this almost every time. And then he will sniff around and squat to pee and walk as he is doing it, again! He's not old enough (I don't believe) to be doing this as a marking trait. I have never had a male dog to do this though, so I'm just wondering if this is a male Husky thing?

Any input/advice - appreciated! I am still reading thru the forum notes so please forgive me if I have asked something that I will later run in to on here that has been answered a thousand times! Thanks!
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Behavioral questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behavioral questions   Behavioral questions EmptySun Oct 04, 2015 3:04 pm

I personally think it's just because he's so young/small for both issues. He might like the security the inside of the home offers him and he's been more used to that environment, but I think as he gets older, starts exploring more and generally more comfortable out there, he will want to be out there as well.

I had one husky who moved while he peed, and my impression was that he didn't wanna get any of it on him, haha, so he was moving away from it. I don't know that for sure but as he gets older and bigger, he'll start lifting his leg.
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Female Join date : 2015-08-13

Behavioral questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behavioral questions   Behavioral questions EmptySun Oct 04, 2015 3:15 pm

Thanks for replying!! I hope he grows to enjoy being outside more. We got him when he was only 6 weeks old and I worry that the breeder should have kept him longer (like until he was 8 weeks). I have read some things about how it effects them to take them too soon from their mother. So maybe where he's still so young - it's like you said- he wants the security of our home. I can't wait to take him on walks. I am afraid to do that until after he has all of his vaccs. he needs his second round this week.

Maybe that is why they walk and pee... so they don't get it on them? lol!

on a side note ** I am going today to buy him some Taste of the Wild grain free puppy food! I found the topic on feeding and he is experiencing the runs quite frequently! Hoping that will help him. I will mix it like it was recommended so I don't make his belly more upset!
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Behavioral questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behavioral questions   Behavioral questions EmptySun Oct 04, 2015 8:54 pm

I pretty much guarantee you he will want to be outside more once he's a little bit older. Smile

I totally understand with wanting to get him on walks, it kinda sucks having to wait but it is very important that you do wait. even when he is ready though, the walks have to be short for awhile, there are quite a few threads in here about how long they should be and what surfaces are more ideal than others, according to his growth/age/etc. all this waiting will pay off though, and you will have a husky that will probly wanna walk your legs off, haha. You can use the waiting time to get him accustomed to his leash and being a good boy while he's on it. Smile

I hope you get his runs taken care of, at his age its pretty common, and can have varying reasons, from food to worms, things like that. With mine, even bottled water versus tap water. With bottled water their poop was runnier, why I do not know.
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Female Join date : 2015-08-13

Behavioral questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behavioral questions   Behavioral questions EmptyTue Oct 06, 2015 9:24 pm

Ghost has started jumping on my sons bed and peeing?? He does it right after he comes inside - from peeing! I don't understand why he is doing this. I thought I read where someone else's husky done this, but I cannot find the post to further read about it now.
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Behavioral questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Behavioral questions   Behavioral questions EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 2:48 pm

my chihuahua was the only one who pee on my bed when he was younger but he wasn't potty trained yet and it was early in the morning and he didn't want to wake me up  Laughing. you can try giving him more time outside to do his business or play out there for a wail and see if he might pee one more time. i do remember reading about that, but don't remember where i saw it. here are some links hope they help.
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