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 Dental Cleanings

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Join date : 2013-05-18

Dental Cleanings Empty
PostSubject: Dental Cleanings   Dental Cleanings EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 9:38 am

How often do you do dental cleanings (under anesthesia?) We brush Anya's teeth daily, but she's not much of a chewer so that makes it tricky to keep her teeth in good shape. Our new vet (Who I am undecided about) said we need a cleaning ASAP, but putting her under always makes me nervous-she had a cleaning last year when she had her molar extracted and I was worried sick.

I don't see the rush--she has some tartar/plaque, but her gums are in good shape, she's eating normally and not showing any discomfort or drooling, her remaining teeth are in good it normal to get dental cleanings every year?

I of course will do it if necessary, I just hate putting her through it if it's not needed
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Dental Cleanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dental Cleanings   Dental Cleanings EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 3:27 pm

you can try an enzyme toothpaste, i started using it on Leo when i started seen some buildup on his teeth, along with a dental spray. so far the tarter is very minimal or gone. i'm hopping it will be gone every were soon.
I'm actually using the mint flavored one but did want to get this one next:
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Dental Cleanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dental Cleanings   Dental Cleanings EmptyMon Oct 12, 2015 3:23 pm

Never! We have never had our dogs in for dental cleanings and don't ever plan to either. It would be far better for you to keep your dogs' teeth in "mint" condition so they never need a cleaning than to put your dog through the risk of sedation.

I would ask your new vet why specifically they are recommending a cleaning. Perhaps there is something going on that you don't see and it would be better to ask for specifics before ignoring their recommendation.

We have used an enzymatic toothpaste with daily brushing in the past and found it just wasn't good enough. After that we switch to Petzlife Oral Care spray and both us and our vet were amazed with the results. However, although Petzlife worked like a dream, the dogs disliked it so it became a chore to chase them down and spray their teeth daily. Now we use Proden PlaqueOff, a powder we mix in their food once a day, and let me tell you...we, our vet AND our dogs have never been happier. The dogs don't even know it's in their food every day so there's no fighting to get it in them and my vet always comments on how great their teeth are. Dakota is 10 years old now, he's NEVER had a dental cleaning and at his check up less than 3 months ago his vet remarked on how great his teeth looked. And all I do is put a teeny bit of all natural seaweed powder in his dinner once a day. Wink

Dental Cleanings Summer10
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Dental Cleanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dental Cleanings   Dental Cleanings EmptyMon Oct 12, 2015 6:28 pm

that sound so much easier to do, then brushing.
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Male Join date : 2014-09-20
Location : Houston, TX

Dental Cleanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dental Cleanings   Dental Cleanings EmptyMon Oct 12, 2015 8:21 pm

Hmmm very interesting @Huskyluv, I've been wanting to know something like this cause I've noticed mylo has a little bit of build up on his top teeth all the way to the back.
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Female Join date : 2015-07-13
Location : Putnam Valley, NY

Dental Cleanings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dental Cleanings   Dental Cleanings EmptyTue Oct 13, 2015 1:11 am

I'm going to have to get some of that Proden PlaqueOff. I too am wary of bringing Red in for cleanings due to having to sedate her. I've been brushing her teeth but not daily and have been suplementing with greenies in between because I have such a tough time brushing. The problem is that Red loves the toothpaste so much that she thinks it's a treat so she ends up eating it all before I complete a good brushing and she constantly chews on the toothbrush. She fights me every time I start the brushing motion.
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Dental Cleanings

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