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 meet Miku and Kenai!

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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 12:40 am

hi everyone..i am vincent..and i am owned by two a two year old husky coyote mix named Miku...and the other...a eyed sibe named kenai...both keep me on my toes constantly and really hate being seperated from me..i am in the SCA and they do tend to come to events with me...have any idea how hard it is to go do my archery competitions and hear them howling bloody murder all the way across the camp because they cant see me? theyre poor babysitters usually have migrains by time i return lol...i personally happen to enjoy their little serenades they put on for me...cept when its at 2 am in the morning -_- small video of my two playing..this was taken last year by the way...they are much larger now lol

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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 12:54 am

Hi Vincent and welcome to the forum. Be aware that since everyone seems to go out on the weekends, except a couple of us older folks, the forum tends to be VERY slow, That'll pick up on Monday again.

I knew I should know what the SCA is and then it dawned on me that I have friends who do the whole Renaissance thing. Long bow, recurve, ???

meet Miku and Kenai! S-event    meet Miku and Kenai! S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 12:55 am

aljones wrote:
Hi Vincent and welcome to the forum.  Be aware that since everyone seems to go out on the weekends, except a couple of us older folks, the forum tends to be VERY slow,  That'll pick up on Monday again.

I knew I should know what the SCA is and then it dawned on me that I have friends who do the whole Renaissance thing.   Long bow, recurve, ???

53 inch recurve ...45 draw weight Smile
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 10:02 am

Before someone else calls me on it - being retired and not having a weekend can leave me really messed up;  I have no idea where my head was last night!

meet Miku and Kenai! S-event    meet Miku and Kenai! S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 10:44 am

aljones wrote:
Before someone else calls me on it - being retired and not having a weekend can leave me really messed up;  I have no idea where my head was last night!

lol your fine i ended up having to deal with the two brats kicking me off my own bed last night..and my cat joined in too...and i cannot sleep in a beanbag chair..i have just found this out..
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 11:48 am

My husband used to competition bow shoot. He was ranked #3 in the state of AZ for his age group when he was a teen. He went to nationals but choked. No idea what the specs on his bow are. I'm a gun girl myself so the bow never crosses my mind much. He hasn't had it out in forever. Welcome to the forum. Nice looking brats! Wink

meet Miku and Kenai! Huskyf10
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 11:51 am

TwisterII wrote:
My husband used to competition bow shoot. He was ranked #3 in the state of AZ for his age group when he was a teen. He went to nationals but choked. No idea what the specs on his bow are. I'm a gun girl myself so the bow never crosses my mind much. He hasn't had it out in forever. Welcome to the forum. Nice looking brats! Wink

lol nice Smile i just do timed events at sca wars and national competitions for me!..and two are indeed brats..miku is currently "yelling" at me because i am not paying attention to her
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 1:30 pm

Welcome to the forum Vincent. Miku and Kenai are precious.
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 1:40 pm

MiyasMomma wrote:
Welcome to the forum Vincent. Miku and Kenai are precious.

thank you very much Smile also maybe you can help me figure it out..what color kenai is? was thinking copper? as he has liver nose..lips...but the guard hairs on his back are really dark..white under coat with areas of lighter coat on his back as well...if he had black points i swear he would be sable...miku is a sable..i
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 5:11 pm

Sorry didn't see your question.....your boy appears to be an Agouti, in huskies it is called agouti with black hair on top and white underneath, whereas my gsd puppy she is considered a sable with that same banding, haha, why do breeds call things differently????? Ummm, it maybe better if I scoot over to your thread and look at the pics instead since the lighting in the video is a little dark.
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyThu Apr 28, 2016 5:26 pm

MiyasMomma wrote:
Sorry didn't see your question.....your boy appears to be an Agouti, in huskies it is called agouti with black hair on top and white underneath, whereas my gsd puppy she is considered a sable with that same banding, haha, why do breeds call things differently????? Ummm, it maybe better if I scoot over to your thread and look at the pics instead since the lighting in the video is a little dark.

yeah sorry bout the bad quality..but at 4 am i didnt care lol...but yeah theres tons of pictures on my thread Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyFri Apr 29, 2016 10:59 am

Hi glad you joined the forum. Cute pack (saw you other posts of horses and cats!)

What I have been told for the Color question is: Black, gray, agouti and sable dogs have black pigment. Red Siberians have liver pigment. White Siberians may have black or liver pigment.
I am in the same situation with Vlad we thought he would be sable and white for awhile but he has liver points. I have said some that he might be wolf gray as that is guard hair is banded with buff tones near the root with black tipping. The cream tones of the undercoat combine to give the dog a brownish-gray cast.

See ya around the forum.

meet Miku and Kenai! 20170810
meet Miku and Kenai! LcFfm5meet Miku and Kenai! KIX4m5
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptyFri Apr 29, 2016 2:34 pm

HuskyLear wrote:
Hi glad you joined the forum. Cute pack (saw you other posts of horses and cats!)

What I have been told for the Color question is: Black, gray, agouti and sable dogs have black pigment. Red Siberians have liver pigment. White Siberians may have black or liver pigment.
I am in the same situation with Vlad we thought he would be sable and white for awhile but he has liver points. I have said some that he might be wolf gray as that is  guard hair is banded with buff tones near the root with black tipping. The cream tones of the undercoat combine to give the dog a brownish-gray cast.

See ya around the forum.

thanks for the warm welcome Smile and isnt it confusing when the fluffies change colors so much? lol kenai is just an anomoly!
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

meet Miku and Kenai! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet Miku and Kenai!   meet Miku and Kenai! EmptySun May 01, 2016 8:39 pm

hi, beautiful fur babies, welcome to the forums. you also have very lovely horses.
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