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 Newbie on the block

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Male Join date : 2016-05-18
Location : Miami

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PostSubject: Newbie on the block   Newbie on the block EmptyWed May 18, 2016 5:14 pm

Hello my name is Lexi. I was recently given a husky by my boyfriend, I had wanted one for years. He is 3 months old and now and we are working on his training. I am having a difficult time because my husky, Ghost is a very stubborn boy. Ghost jumps up on people and when I take him out on walks he pulls on the leash. I would appreciate any tips anyone might have. I am looking forward to hearing back from you guys, thanks Smile
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Male Join date : 2016-05-18
Location : Miami

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie on the block   Newbie on the block EmptyWed May 18, 2016 5:16 pm

Newbie on the block Img_4511
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Newbie on the block Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newbie on the block   Newbie on the block EmptyWed May 18, 2016 6:21 pm

He is a cutie! Pulling is a common, dare I say, universal problem with huskies. The first thing you can try is to walk and when he starts to pull, just stop and wait. When he (finally) gets bored and comes back and has loose leash, start walking with him. Repeat as necessary. With our boy, the first time we tried this (he was a year old rescue with NO leash training) I think we went about 600' in the first 20 minutes Rolling Eyes If you are persistent and consistent, it is possible that this will all you have to do.

We ended up using a prong collar. Others use a variety of front clip harnesses. Or e collar training (teaching "heel"). You can search this site for all those terms, including pulling - pulling and mouthing are common problems with the breed and lots of people have chimed in - I particularly like the prong but would not use it yet on a 3 month pup. He's small enough, you still have a chance of trining leash manners by command only.

As for jumping on people - train the sit command and when people approach, make him sit. I would keep him tethered to you for now when out and about (in and out of house) If not tethered than crated or confined to a small area with baby gates. That way, when someone comes in, you have the tether ready to restrain him, make him sit and not jump.

Good luck - your pup is adorable - mask very much like my first girl, Sasha from the 1970's,
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Male Join date : 2016-05-18
Location : Miami

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie on the block   Newbie on the block EmptyWed May 18, 2016 7:49 pm

Thank you, that is very helpful advice! I definitely see that with owning a husky you must have A LOT of patience.
Ami is such a cutie as well!
Did you have any problems with his teething?Ghosts teething has gotten bad and I know with puppies that's normal but with Ghost it is aggressive teething. He chews on EVERYTHING. He even cracked one of his canines... do you have any tips on how to calm his teething?

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie on the block   Newbie on the block EmptyWed May 18, 2016 8:08 pm

People on here have recommended frozen carrots - I've never tried it, not had a puppy since 1973.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie on the block   Newbie on the block EmptyThu May 19, 2016 11:14 am

I would think frozen anything about could be used. The cold helps to numb the achiness of the new teeth. Carrots, yogurt, green beans. I give mine fruit frozen in ice cubes in summer and they crunch on those.

Welcome to the forum!

Newbie on the block Huskyf10
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