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 skin issue cont., ZRD?

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Join date : 2012-07-31
Location : Denver, Colorado

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PostSubject: skin issue cont., ZRD?   skin issue cont., ZRD? EmptySun Aug 14, 2016 2:26 am

Okay a little back story with Freya's skin conditions...

Last December, my husky Freya had this skin condition near her eye, ( I went to the vet and it cleared up no problem with some antibiotic treatment. Not bacterial or fungal/mites. During this time I also assumed it was a mild form of ZRD and purchased a zinc supplement called nutrazinc. Nutrazinc has a few dosage levels depending on dog activity, etc so I just gave her the minimal amount because zinc is good for their fur/skin regardless of ZRD.

About a month ago the same skin condition appeared on the opposite eye than the first time and looked identical to the eye from December. Vet told me to up the dosage of the zinc and start adding fish oil to her food while also applying a topical antibiotic. 90% healed now, hair is still growing back.

Now there is a problem on her nose. Her nose has been unusually dry this year in general but now there is a small patch near the nostril that is losing hair and her skin looks irritated or more pink under her whiskers. Tonight I am not sure if she scratched it or what but it has a very small spot where it bled. Here are some pics.  I am taking her to the vet tomorrow to see what they have to say. Has anyone seen something similar before? or ideas? Does it look like ZRD?

skin issue cont., ZRD? Img_0810
skin issue cont., ZRD? Img_0811
skin issue cont., ZRD? Img_0813
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

skin issue cont., ZRD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: skin issue cont., ZRD?   skin issue cont., ZRD? EmptySun Aug 14, 2016 6:02 pm

Looks awfully raw Sad my guess would be a zinc deficiency but my guess isn't an educated guess. What might be an idea is to look for any common circumstances (?) (not sure that's worded correctly) between last December and now, i.e. Food change, flea preventative given, maybe a certain plant in bloom, etc. that might clue you in on some sort of allergy or bad reaction ...I know one member here, with a GSD has some skin issues that seem to stem from sticking his nose in needlepoint Ivy (it can be poisonous and does cause bad skin reactions both in animals and humans) . Keep us updated and good luck to you. It looks so uncomfortable Sad
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

skin issue cont., ZRD? Empty
PostSubject: Re: skin issue cont., ZRD?   skin issue cont., ZRD? EmptyMon Aug 15, 2016 11:32 am

Not sure about ZRD but my girl's nose has been really dry this summer too. Sometimes the dryness can cause the skin to crack or they will rub at their nose until it is raw. I have been putting a little bit of olive oil on her nose to help get some moisture back in.

skin issue cont., ZRD? Huskyf10
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