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 Meet Harley

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Join date : 2016-09-16

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptyFri Sep 16, 2016 7:42 pm


We are long time Malamute owners but new to Huskies. Our household currently consists or Rohn a 4 year old malamute and two cats. To this craziness we added a 10 week female siberian mix.

Meet Harley.
Meet Harley Img_5710

Most surprising thing difference is her lack drive for food. Even the cat has more of a food drive. (She is eating her meals, she just isn't fixated like our Mal's have been.)

The other big thing is she is a submission/excited peer. Never had that with any of our Mal's so any tips on how to prevent that would be a great help. We are trying not to excite her but having limited success.
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Mark Grubbs
Mark Grubbs

Male Join date : 2016-01-10
Location : Long Island, NY

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptyFri Sep 16, 2016 7:53 pm

Welcome aboard! I got nothing for ya on the excited peeing thing, although I am sure someone here will have some advice on that front.

Good lookin pup! Looking forward to seeing her and the rest of your clan on here.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptyFri Sep 16, 2016 9:33 pm

As long as there isn't an underlying uti she will outgrow the excited peeing. As she gets used to you and builds her confidence it will stop. Welcome to the forum!

Meet Harley Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2016-07-25
Location : Birmingham, AL

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptyFri Sep 16, 2016 10:46 pm

Omg she is gorgeous!!
I never experienced the exciting peeing but I'm sure what Jenn said is true
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Female Join date : 2015-09-11
Location : Cincinnati OH

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptyFri Sep 16, 2016 10:50 pm

Luka still excited pees occasionally, but it's got much better. Time will help! Wonder why some pups do that and some don't? Hm... Do you know what she's mixed with? She's a pretty girl for sure!
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 2:04 am

Ohhh, Harley is indeed a cutie, and I will ask too, what is she mixed with?

My Miya has never been food motivated, yet thrives on positive praise, so there is a tip on training with her, good girl pat on the shoulders. The pee thing, ugh, well I really hope you do not have this issue as long as I had it, Miya did up until she was close to 18 months old, I was terrified she would do it forever. As a young pup it was all the time any time she got excited. Then it was when people came over, especially my husbands best friend. The best thing I can suggest is what Jenn suggested, build confidence, and know her triggers. If it's people in particular, then try and take her out to potty before someone comes over, as in our case we started to ask people to give us a call first to help with this. I can not wait to see this girl grow. Smile
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Join date : 2016-09-16

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 11:11 am

Thanks everyone!

Jenn/Renee/Dev - Hopefully she will outgrow it. She pees with people and Rohn Wink Hoping this will go away with time/training/work.

Supposedly there is a little malamute in there but having had Malamutes, I don't see it. She isn't fluffy and she is very fine boned. We were thinking of doing a DNA test just for fun to see what shows up.

She was an accidental litter from a friend of friend of my husbands and the puppies needed homes. (We don't support backyard breeding our Mals have all come from an excellent breeder.)
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 12:12 pm

Harley is absolutely adorable. Love that face Smile

It's been awhile since I've had a Malamute but I do kinda see one in Harley, it may just be her expression in this pic but I kinda see it in her eyes. I love Malamutes, the one I had I grew up with and he lived to be 16, he was my best bud. There is just something special about them.

Welcome to the forum! I hope to see lots more pics of Harley as she grows! Rohn too! Smile
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 12:46 pm

I gave you the tip for the excitement pee with people, but with Rohn she is submissive peeing, so definitely build confidence for that aspect. Hmmm on the mal, maybe she is too young to tell, and for sure huskies are finer boned than mals. She is lovely, and reminds me of my Miya when she was that age. Smile
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Join date : 2016-09-16

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 3:55 pm

Renee - Thanks for the tip. I had a feeling by her posture we had a combination of peeing triggers.

Harley is a blast! Rohn is still making up his mind about that though. When they play she jumps at his face and the poor guy looks at us like what did you do, why did you do it and when is it leaving Smile

Here is Rohn (he is a sable malamute)

Meet Harley Img_4911
Meet Harley Img_3711
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Join date : 2016-09-16

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 3:56 pm

Sorry about the sideways images Sad
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Join date : 2016-09-16

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 4:12 pm

Here she is napping after a play session with Rohn.

Meet Harley Img_5711
Meet Harley Img_5712
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySat Sep 17, 2016 5:49 pm

hi, welcome to the forums, your have beautiful fur babies.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptySun Sep 18, 2016 1:04 am

Rohn is gorgeous! Sable and Seal, are they the same? My Malamute was Seal and White on his papers, but his coloring was basically the same as Rohn, just not as black in places like the headpiece. Very pretty dogs you have.
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Join date : 2016-09-16

Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley EmptyMon Sep 19, 2016 1:43 pm

Jimmy - I can't post links yet because I am too new. If you google seal malamute, the first link that will come up is a link to a pdf on The authors do a really good job describing the different colors. It sounds like any coat can have a bit of the sable color but a true sable is a dog that would be gray and white but has a cream or orange undercoat in place of the gray.

Rohn looks like the sable in that article. I have had people insist he is wolf or wolf-mix... You can tell they haven't seen a malamute before Wink
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Meet Harley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Harley   Meet Harley Empty

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Meet Harley

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