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 Bed sheets attract hair

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Join date : 2016-03-12

Bed sheets attract hair Empty
PostSubject: Bed sheets attract hair   Bed sheets attract hair EmptySat Mar 25, 2017 5:24 pm

Is there any certain kind of bed sheet and pillow case that I can use that won't let hair stick to them so badly? Our husky is a little over a year old and has consistently been shedding since we got him, but it is particularly bad on our bed. We don't want to restrict him from sleeping with us, but if he lays on the sheet or pillow case, it is instantly covered in fur and very hard to get off. He loves to steal my spot when I get out of bed and lay with his head on my pillow because he thinks he is human. Lol

Also, what about car seat covers? Anytime we take him anywhere which is usually multiple times a week, the back seat looks like a dog has been living there for months. It is almost like the materials just pull fur off of him.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Bed sheets attract hair Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bed sheets attract hair   Bed sheets attract hair EmptySun Mar 26, 2017 11:09 am

For the car - get one of the back seat hammocks. Chewy's has a few - search dog backseat hammock - there are lots available with different features (I like a zipper between the front seats so a passenger can ride in back if necessary.)

For the bed - I use an old sheet on top of the comforter with an additional old sheet folded in half an on the bottom third of the bed (for when he's wet) These can collect the fur, mud and wet, be thrown in the wash. Since I am old, I have a ready supply of old bedding and can rotate sheets - one comes off, another goes on. That way the sheets and blankets I sleep on are always furless. Mostly - it does float in the air Razz You can also try fabric softener and cotton sheets. But, not sure that really helps much.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Bed sheets attract hair Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bed sheets attract hair   Bed sheets attract hair EmptySun Mar 26, 2017 1:40 pm

I think the thread count of the sheets counts for a lot, the higher the thread count, the less likely the fur sticks to them. I bought a comforter cover from IKEA once that I simply cannot use because the dog hair clings to it like its glue. Normally, I've found that washing the item a couple times helps reduce dog hair sticking to it (like black clothes) but this comforter cover, it made no difference. It's not very soft and no matter how much fabric softener and washing I did made it any softer. Whereas I have sheets and another comforter cover that matches them that doesn't hold dog hair and any hair I do find, swipes right off with my hand. I do like Amy mentions too, with covering the bed during the day with either an old sheet or blankets specifically intended for when the dogs jump up.

With the car, I agree with Amy on the hammock, they are great. I used them before when I had a car with "cloth" seating (now I make sure I get leather, haha) Lint rollers (sticky tape) help some too.
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Bed sheets attract hair

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