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 Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)

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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 03, 2017 4:23 pm

I'd say do the extraction. I'd think it'd be somewhat painful to leave them and the trimming not work.

Jenn, Kohdi has the rear dew claws as well. He's yet to have any issues but...anything can happen. At this point I wouldn't want to have them removed unless he's having surgery done for something else. My breeder does remove them but on Kohdi, somehow missed it. She's the one that brought it up though when I went to pick him up, not sure if have noticed myself. Even though none of my other huskies had them.

Bella is a beautiful lil girl Smile
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 03, 2017 4:34 pm

Well, thank you for your lovely feedback everyone. I will defiantly get her k9's removed. those are her adults one's therefore she wont be growing new ones Sad Also will check with the doctor if we can get her dewclaws removed, don't want her to trap them in something and hurt herself later on

One last thing, she's only 5 month old & 14kg, what would her expected adult weight be? 25kg or 30 kg as I want to adjust her kibble diet accordingly.

Thanks for all your feedback guys.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 03, 2017 5:00 pm

I don't know if she would go that high. We have this chart and while in pounds there are some dogs that were in your range at that time. I would think somewhere between 20-25kg. I don't think she will go as high as 30kg but hard to say. Each line grows at their own rate. The easiest way to tell is to talk to the breeder and see what the sizes were on past litters if there are any.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2016-05-29

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyThu Jul 13, 2017 6:45 pm

Too bad I just saw this. Bacchus did get his baby lower-canines removed as well as his baby lower-incisors. In addition to this treatment, I gave him some DIY LIPUS and red-light therapy that focused on the mandibular condyle on both sides as well as having over 10 sessions of K-laser targeting the same area.

I am happy to say that his bite overall corrected itself. He still has a slight overbite, but his lower canines are locked ahead of his upper canines versus in January when they were reversed. He needed no filing down of the canines and will not need anything in the future. The only thing the vet did in Bacchus's follow-up several months later was to remove a tiny sliver of gum tissue on each side of his upper gum-area so his lower canines would clear the upper palate.
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 4:11 am

Hey guys.. just to clear it up Bella is almost 6 month old and those Lower K9 are her adult one's the puppy teeth fell out!! The extraction would be for her adult tooth.. her surgery is in about one hour, but I'm a bit worried now that my friend told me to trim them and not extract them as she won't be able to eat well and so on.. is there any clear answer to wether she can eat and live fine if we extract her teeth?

Also another note I wanted to get her spayed, but got advised to wait until she gets her first period as that's recommend any idea about that if it's has any truth??
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 9:30 am

Hey guys.. I went ahead with the extraction and removing her dawclaws... I think she's in pain.. they did give me pain killers for her. I had to do it as she had something called locked incisors.. also her lower k9 were puncturing her upper gums and was going to cause damage to her other teeth therefore the doctors suggested not to wait or do trial and error by trimming them (they would make more money by trimming and we need to do it more than once) I feel bad for her..

I wanted to know how am I suppose to fead her the kibble food she use to eat..? Do I crush it into pieces and mix it up until it's very soft so she can eat it? Or what's the best solution so she can recover without hurting her mouth
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 11:27 am

I would mix the kibble with some water or broth and let it get soft. You shouldn't need to crush it if you let it soak long enough.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 11:31 am

I was thinking canned until his mouth healed, then I think he should be able to eat normally.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 S-event    Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 12:50 pm

My worry is; that if I give her wet food such as TOTW she might to get diaharia because of changing foods.. I dunno if she can change from Orijen kibble to TOTW wet food without getting diahria..

She has 6 stitches in her mouth poor girl.. I dunno crush her kibble with hot water let it soften up!! Or TOTW soft canned food?
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 1:18 pm

Ali, I think you can probably expect a round of diarrhea in either case. Effectively she's been injured and it's up to you to help her heal. I wouldn't expect her to eat normally - quantity - for a few days anyway. Giving her something that softer will help encourage her to eat but I'd not expect her to do much more than nibble until her mouth heals.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 S-event    Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 2:04 pm

Well problem one solved.. we put hot water on her kibble and it became very moist and soft after they put it in the mixer and it became a bit sticky.. it was soft but chewey... not sure if she's be fine eating chewy food? If not il just switch to canned food.

Now regarding her elezaberh collar it is suppose to bother her so much? She was crying a lot can I possible get her a e color they isn't made out of plastic? Maybe sponge or something?

Can I possibly give her tramadol instead of her pain killer?

They gave me stonorgyl and petcam (meloxicam oral suspsion) both once a day in the morning.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 2:23 pm

I would give her what the vet prescribed for pain, it is designed to calm her as well as take the edge off the pain she is experiencing. The kibble soaked in water should be fine, I actually do that everyday for my gsd, and she has no problems, has her teeth etc, but I feel it is healthier for a dog, so you may find that you will continue to soak in water after her mouth heals, gives her added fluids, which in the excess heat of where you live and where I live (west Texas) it is an added benefit.

Here is a do it yourself e collar using a towel, should be much easier on her.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 17, 2017 2:41 pm

Maybe I didn't say it explicitly, but I think you can expect her to be uncomfortable as the wounds in her mouth heal.  I'm guessing that the e-collar was used to prevent her from opening the wounds by chewing on something she shouldn't - but as I said, that's a guess.  There are different types of e-collars, but for the relatively short length of time you'll be using it - a week to 10 days probably - I doubt you can get an effective substitute in time to really help.  

As long as she's eating anything, I wouldn't be overly concerned about what she eats - no matter what it is, it's going to be uncomfortable for her.  

Medication - two I recognize and one I don't (nor does Google - stonorgyl?) most vets know what can be exchanged and what the correct dosage should be - with most meds, I think that if you dose her enough to stop the pain, you're going to have a very sleepy dog.  And that might not be a really bad thing as she heals.  In any case, I wouldn't substitute any meds without talking to your vet.
Again, most vets are also conscious of the cost of veterinary medicine -vs- the equivalent human medicine (most human medicines are less expensive) and will assist you in choosing a cost effective pain regimen.

I'm stressing this - because of the oral surgery, she's going to be uncomfortable.  You can manage that discomfort to a degree by giving her soft food and pain medicine - but she will be uncomfortable.  Regrettably, like human surgery, you do what you can ... the hard part is that she doesn't "understand" why she's hurting and you're just going to have to do what you can and accept that she'll be uncomfortable for a while.

Thanks Renee ....

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 S-event    Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 31, 2017 6:01 pm

Hey guys.. so an update on Bella her surgery went fine her lower k9 are taken out and no longer causing damage in addition to her dewclaws. All of that is solved now, but just yesterday we came across a new problem Bella is 6-7 month of age and we didn't get the time to spay her yet, we wanted to do it in one month time hoping her period began yesterday and I heard we have to spay her before her period to avoid complications.. now that she got her period I have been told NOT to spay.. can you guys advice if I should still do the spay in one month? Or leave her as she is??

Also any tips on how to avoid a messy time during her current period? Pampers maybe??

Thanks guys..
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Jul 31, 2017 6:15 pm

They make doggy diapers or you can make your own by wrapping cloth around her and tying it off.

Once she is done with her heat you can go ahead and get her spayed. There's nothing wrong with doing it after her first heat. There's still some debate on which is best, to spay before or after. Both work. I think spaying after is better in my opinion because it allows her body time to grow in properly before you remove her reproductive parts. Spaying too early can actually lead to parts being missed during the spay that will lead to complications later. Heats last around 3 weeks. We always said a week coming, a week in, and a week going. You will have to keep an extra eye on her during this time because she is now sexually mature and you don't want her to accidentally get pregnant.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 01, 2017 2:23 pm

well thank you. I will take her to the vet once her period passes!

One thing we noticed is Bella isnt eating well at all.. we give her food twice a day and she's refusing the food, but jumps to get anything other than her food.. our food..

Should we possibly consider changing the Orijen puppy into something else? or maybe add a wet food to the deit? someone suggested feading her meat. buying meat cooking that and feeding her..

What would you recommend?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 01, 2017 2:35 pm

Eating less while in heat is normal. My girl skips meals when she is in heat all the time. Main thing is that she isn't not eating the rest of the time. If she is having good poops on her current food and eating it well when she isn't in heat then I wouldn't change.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 01, 2017 2:49 pm

Ali, I agree with Jenn. They will eat less, and as long as she is eating something and not loosing weight she will be fine. To your spay question. From what I have read the safest time to spay is 1-2 months after her heat is over with. My gsd had her first heat at 10 months old and waited until she was 13 months old before spaying, felt it best to do it that was so her bones had a chance to grow properly. Most vets will not spay during heat and recommend not to spay until all signs of heat are over with, which is about 1 month after it goes away. So just keep an eye on her, so she wont have puppies and set up a time that is long enough after the heat so her body goes back to normal. Typically females will go 4-6 months between heats, so you would want to get her spayed in between heats. Hope that helps some. Smile
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Male Join date : 2017-05-01
Location : United Arab Emirates

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PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyMon Sep 04, 2017 3:41 pm

Hey guys, back again... so Bella has those patches on her skin where the hair is falling off and the skin is darkish, the doctor wanted to do a skin scraping or give her a medcine called Bravecto. doctor said she's 80% sure its some disease passed on from the mother and it doesn't show up until a while later.. (forgot the name) so we went with the Bravecto 500mg pill. doctor said wait out one week if it doesn't spread around her body it should be fine, should I do anything else other than wait..?

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Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Image210
Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Image310

One more thing, Bella got her heat in August, I want to get her spayed soon, should it be in October as in ideal time?

sorry, but one more... Bella is 16.7 KG she hasn't gained weight for two month now.. did she stop growing? Sad
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware)   Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 EmptyTue Sep 05, 2017 11:31 am

Was it demodicosis? If so I would wait out and see how the bravecto does. If it is demodicosis and you get her eating under control so her immune system is in top working condition it should sort itself out. If it doesn't then it would probably be worth doing the scrap to verify that it is mites and not something else.

Now that she is over her heat you can get her spayed anytime they have an opening. Just make sure that when you do it that you have time to watch her to make sure she isn't bothering her stitches or playing too rough.

The spay could have slowed her down some and not eating regularly will do the same. At 9 months she is getting closer to being done growing but should still fill out some more all the way up past a year old. At 36 pounds though she may not get much larger. She has hit bottom of standard for females. Some lines are just light weight though when all is sorted out she may pack on a few more pounds. As long as she doesn't look sickly thin then I wouldn't worry too much about her weight.

Overbite + Giardia + diaharia (poop pics beware) - Page 5 Huskyf10
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