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 Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues

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Join date : 2017-07-14

Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues Empty
PostSubject: Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues   Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues EmptyFri Jul 14, 2017 9:45 pm

My name is Jules and I live in Colorado. I am so happy to find this forum. We lost our Siberian Husky/Norwegian Elkhound mix (Tuuk) earlier in the year and are heartbroken. He was truly one of a kind and we wish we could find another one just like him. Since nobody makes Siberian Husky/ Elkhound puppies on purpose, we have decided to get a Siberian Husky and a Norwegian Elkhound puppy. Yes, we know what we are getting ourselves into with two puppies and with both breeds. And no, we have absolutely zero interest in breeding them under any circumstances (so don't flame me please). We are looking for family pets and nothing more. We would like to have two because we felt that sometimes Tuuk could have used a buddy and was lonely, even though he spent most of his time with us. We want puppies because we have a cat and we want to make sure (as much as possible) that the cat remains safe. Yes, we know we will have to work hard to recognize and train them as individuals as well as teaching them both to be part of our "pack."

I have contacted several breeders I've found online at this point seeking information and they largely ignore me. I was encouraged by the website at Aruff Ranch in Minnesota (and actually found them on the AKC breeder website), but once I googled reviews, I was discouraged since they seem to be a puppy mill.

We just want a regular "pet quality" Sibe that is as healthy and free of congenital defects as possible so that we can have as long as possible of a time with it. We want to get one from somebody who cares about Sibes and about dogs in general. We don't need championship bloodlines and we are not going to enter them into sled races, agility or any other things like that. What I CAN guarantee is that they will be loved, cared for, played with, trained, fed well, taken for walks and to the several puppy parks in our area.

I found an old thread with some recommended breeders, but it looks like some of them haven't had puppies in years. If there is somebody out there who got their dog from a reputable breeder and can recommend them, I would appreciate any links. Close to Colorado is ideal, but we can go just about anywhere for the right dog.

We're thinking we will start looking for puppies in October as we will have settled into the school year at that point and will have the unscheduled time and energy to devote to raising furballs at that point. Any info out there is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues   Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues EmptyFri Jul 14, 2017 11:12 pm

Find a breeder first then a puppy will come.

Reputable breeders only breed when they want a puppy for themselves typically so you won't necessarily be able to just find a puppy from one who has health tested dogs in a short span of time.

Look up the website's breeder referrals. You can still get pet quality out of dogs who are CH dogs / lines. These are the people that are health testing their dogs and making sure they are free of genetic disease. You aren't going to get that from people just breedings for "pets".

Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues Signat11
Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues O8Cmm5
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Join date : 2017-07-14

Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues   Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues EmptySun Jul 16, 2017 3:08 pm

Thanks for the info Simplify! I contacted a breeder from who runs sled dogs in North Dakota and she thinks she might have a puppy for me in October. Keeping my fingers crossed that we are new Husky parents soon. Thanks for the advice.
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Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues   Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues Empty

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Hello everybody! Would appreciate suggestions for reputable breeders or rescues

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