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 Food quantity and weight

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West Canaan Coyotes
West Canaan Coyotes

Female Join date : 2017-12-05

Food quantity and weight Empty
PostSubject: Food quantity and weight   Food quantity and weight EmptySun Jun 24, 2018 10:06 am

Our guy just turned 1!! He is 22" to the shoulder and has been hovering just under 47lbs for the last few months. He was neutered at 10 months and seems pretty happy and healthy.

We are feeding him Nutro Grain Free Adult dry food 2x per day at 1 cup of food each which he gobbles.

Should we be feeding him more? He seems so much smaller than other huskies. His dad was a bit tubby but is around 68lb.

He also poops sometimes 3-4x per day. My old terrier mix would poo 1-2x. Is that weird??

TIA!!!!Food quantity and weight Img_2010
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West Canaan Coyotes
West Canaan Coyotes

Female Join date : 2017-12-05

Food quantity and weight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Food quantity and weight   Food quantity and weight EmptySun Jun 24, 2018 10:10 am

Here is the second picture I failed to post!
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West Canaan Coyotes
West Canaan Coyotes

Female Join date : 2017-12-05

Food quantity and weight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Food quantity and weight   Food quantity and weight EmptySun Jun 24, 2018 10:12 am

Fail....Food quantity and weight Img_2012
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Food quantity and weight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Food quantity and weight   Food quantity and weight EmptySun Jun 24, 2018 11:53 am

A bit hard to tell from these pictures how he is weight wise. Rule of thumb is to run your hands down his side and feel for ribs. You should be able to feel the last rib or two without needing to put much pressure on. A lot of huskies are out of standard so it has begun to give people a warped perspective on how large they should be. At a year he still has some filling out to do. If you feel more than the last two ribs up his food by a half cup and see if he puts on a little more. As for how much he poops there are a few things that could do that. Does he have solid poops or are they sometimes mushy?

Food quantity and weight Huskyf10
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West Canaan Coyotes
West Canaan Coyotes

Female Join date : 2017-12-05

Food quantity and weight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Food quantity and weight   Food quantity and weight EmptySun Jun 24, 2018 12:22 pm

I can feel the bottom 2 pretty easily but after that I have to rub a little harder and just feel the bumps of the ribs. As for his poops they are not hard or compacted, but are pickup-able..... slightly squishyer than Play-Doh if that makes sense.

I have heard that males take until around 2 yrs old to get to their adult size. We didn't get him from a breeder that might have been focusing on size. It was a whoopsie litter from my friends 2 Sibes.

Thank you!
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Food quantity and weight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Food quantity and weight   Food quantity and weight EmptySun Jun 24, 2018 12:45 pm

Sarah, as @TwisterII said - but I'll do it a bit more directly - at 1 year he's pretty much reached his height (size); from now till he's two you should see him add more muscle (bulk) and probably a bit more weight.

As you describe it, being able to feel the bottom two ribs pretty easily, I'd guess that he's about on target for weight though the "squishier than Play-Doh" sounds like his feces might be a little looser than "desired" (who desires dog feces? Smile ) which is normal with a dog who's getting a bit more than needed to eat (and I didn't see where you said / if you said how much you are feeding him.)

The best pictures you can use for us is one where he's standing square with the camera (side view) and another taken from above (head on).  That way we can see how the belly tuck is as well as how sveldt he looks.

ETA: Sorry, you did say that you feeding him 2 cups of  Nutro Grain Free Adult - I honestly don't know ( so don't want to comment ) about their quality but DogFoodAdvisor gives the a 4 star ....

I have three dogs, one gets a cup twice a day and will complain if I'm late! One gets two cups in the evening and will leave about 1/4 of a cup.  The third also gets two cups in the evening but will eat anything he can get his teeth on and still be hungry!!  What each individual pup needs is something you're going to have to determine by trial and error - for some two cups is too much and they'll gain weight (er, fat) for some three cups isn't enough and they're going to look starved ... and most dogs, I think, are "always hungry!"

Food quantity and weight S-event    Food quantity and weight S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Food quantity and weight

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