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 Is my husky mixed or not?

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Mike bargas

Join date : 2018-09-28

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptyFri Sep 28, 2018 10:18 pm

I recently got a female husky. But i don't think shes full husky . How can i tell?Is my husky mixed or not? 20180914Is my husky mixed or not? 20180914Is my husky mixed or not? 20180914
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptySat Sep 29, 2018 2:14 pm

I hate weekends since everyone is off playing with their dogs and I'll respond just so you know there really people here - during the week!

But to answer you question "Is she fully a Husky?" - I can't tell. The distance between her ears looks to be too great.

This is another case where I think I'd invest in one of the DNA tests and have them tell me.

Is my husky mixed or not? S-event    Is my husky mixed or not? S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptySat Sep 29, 2018 7:37 pm

@aljones the ears, to me, look about right considering the position they are in. I think that's why dog show judges can tell so much when the dog is in stacking position, their eyes are focused and alert, the ears are erect and forward, tail is relaxed, etc. I happened to take two pics of Kohdi at the beach, within a few seconds of each other, while I was behind him and he was looking at the water. First pic he's relaxed, and so are his ears, they are off to the side and have quite a bit of space in between, and second pic he's focused on a dog in the water, ears are up and forward and that space in between has closed dramatically. Not just between the ears themselves but at the base as well, it's like ear position has skin that pulls and retracts as well. You can kinda see what I mean in my avatar pic. Kohdi's ears are up and back, see what kinda looks like 2 pockets of skin in between the ears? Almost like bubbles, whereas Mishka's ears are just back and the skin is pulled tight.

This dog looks Husky to me, coat is so very short though and in *these* pics I can't tell if it's a standard coat or not. Ears don't look overly large so I'm not thinking there is any GSD in her (which is usually the combo in white Husky mixes) How old is she?
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptySat Sep 29, 2018 9:38 pm

Sorry, @Artic_Wind, this is another place where we'd best agree to disagree.  

The ear set on this dog is wider even than that of a Malemute which is consistently wider than a Sibe. From my viewpoint, even if this dog were 'at attention' so that the ears were 'aimed' they still seem to me that they'd be more wide set.  Add to that that the ears on this dog are considerably more pointed than rounded  at the tip.

Is my husky mixed or not? S-event    Is my husky mixed or not? S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptySat Sep 29, 2018 10:04 pm

Two pics, to demonstrate what I meant, for whoever cares. First pic is Kohdi, relaxed, with ears much in the position of the OP's Husky, second pic is Kohdi with his ears up, considerable difference in spacing between ears, in my opinion. While the ears of the OP's Husky are more pointy than what the standard for Huskies is, most Huskies in pet homes don't tick all the boxes of what is standard and yet are full Husky. My girl, Mishka, has ears that are a bit pointy as well. But I suppose without a DNA test, I shouldn't measure my dogs against others, which isn't what I'm doing actually, but simply suggesting we can't expect any of our dogs to tick all the boxes of "standard", not even dogs in a show ring can do that.

Is my husky mixed or not? Image140

Is my husky mixed or not? Image141
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptySat Sep 29, 2018 11:20 pm

To me, not only eats, but body doesn't look quite right. V I'm thinking their may be s but b of pittie in there.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Is my husky mixed or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is my husky mixed or not?   Is my husky mixed or not? EmptySun Sep 30, 2018 1:54 am

Weird Amy, I think the thing I'm most picky about on a Husky is its ears. It's been one of the first things I have looked for when choosing all my Huskies. This dogs ears don't bother me, and imagine they'd look MUCH different if she had fluff around them, and on her neck. That's the only part keeping me from saying she may not be full husky, and that is the lack of any kind of fluff. Sure I'm used to seeing lots of fluff, with my current two and all my past Huskies, but this coat here just seems TOO tight. Yet, there are Huskies with super tight coats, I guess this coat just seems more than tight. Her head looks husky, eyes and eye set look husky, her body, I personally can't see, but what I can see, with no fluff on it, just keeps me from saying it looks husky too. She's very young, her growth plates are still visible, I just don't know if that's it or not. Most young huskies are fluffier when young.
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