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 Newby Angel Girl

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Angel girl
Angel girl

Female Join date : 2019-01-05

Newby Angel Girl Empty
PostSubject: Newby Angel Girl   Newby Angel Girl EmptyWed Jan 30, 2019 1:21 am

Hi all! I became new on here the beginning of January when we got our Diamond and Diego. January 1st was our 1st day with the precious babies. My husband works all day and I'm home with the babies. So I primarily took care of them. Well on January 9th I fell off a 10ft ladder and smacked the concrete. To make it brief I had a concussion spilt my eyebrow open broke my hip fractured my pelvis and tailbone. Also broke my arm in 3 places. Naturally since the 9th I've been in the hospital. So I was only with. Them 8 days. My husband and father-law have been taking care of them. My question: will i have. To re-train them? I'm thinking yes. My problem is i still cannot put any weight on my leg or my arm. Now the surgery ha s beed done. It may be another 4-6wks before I can really play and love on them. Will they come back around to me? They loved me before this happened. Please give me your opinion. Thanks!
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Newby Angel Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newby Angel Girl   Newby Angel Girl EmptyWed Jan 30, 2019 1:31 am

Your dogs have got good caretakers so how about you taking care of you for the time being. I hope that everything heals and goes back where it's supposed to quickly, that sounds like some tumble you took!

Since you were their first "people" when they were adopted, they'll probably be there with tongues aflapping when you get home full time. Dogs know who took care of them, who loved them and they'll remember you ... now, depending on how much they've been spoiled / ignored by the men in your life - well, you may have some retraining to do (men and dogs, yes??)

Be careful, you don't need to have one of them pull you off your feet - at least not until you're on your feet again!

Newby Angel Girl S-event    Newby Angel Girl S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Newby Angel Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newby Angel Girl   Newby Angel Girl EmptyWed Jan 30, 2019 10:51 am

They will still love you when you return. As for re-training behaviors, that will largely depend on what your husband and FIL have been doing with them. If they have been continuing the training and rules you established before being taken out of commission then they should be fine. But if everyone has been letting them run the house then you may have to reestablish some rules. Puppies are a handful. Especially 2. They need to be trained and exercised separately and together. They need to have their together time, and their apart time to ensure that they each can function and listen independently of each other as well as together. You don't want littermate syndrome setting in. Even once you are back your helpers will have to be helping so I would just be prepared to have to direct the guys to do the training the way you want them to and leave the spoiling to you until you are better. Which hopefully is soon. Get to feeling better.

Newby Angel Girl Huskyf10
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Angel girl
Angel girl

Female Join date : 2019-01-05

Newby Angel Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newby Angel Girl   Newby Angel Girl EmptyWed Jan 30, 2019 11:31 pm

Thank you Twisterill. I do believe there will definitely have to be some re-training to be done. But that's no biggie. I thank you for bringing up the "separate" time they have to have. To be honest this was one thing that did lay heavy on my mind before I mangled myself up. I will definitely be working on this! Unfortunately it's going to awhile before I can do much of anything as I still cannot put any weight on my left leg or use my left arm. It may even be another week or 2. But all will be well eventually. And as intelligent as the puppies are they'll learn. Thank you for your comments and concern. You have a wonderful evening!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Newby Angel Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newby Angel Girl   Newby Angel Girl EmptyThu Jan 31, 2019 12:19 pm

Oh my - I am so sorry you took that fall! Hope you heal fast and well!!!

As for the puppies. Siberians are notorious for loving EVERYONE. They would welcome you with open arms even if they never met you. Being their caretaker for 9 days, they will remember you when you return.

Al is right - be careful as they get bigger. My two adults used me as a kite one fateful day, then a drag anchor. Nothing broken but a lot of skin lost. For some reason, I thought it was a good idea for an old lady to attach two prey driven huskies on harnesses to her waist and walk along a critter infested road.
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Newby Angel Girl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newby Angel Girl   Newby Angel Girl Empty

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Newby Angel Girl

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