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 A Texas Howdy

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Female Join date : 2019-11-18
Location : Galveston, TX

A Texas Howdy Empty
PostSubject: A Texas Howdy   A Texas Howdy EmptyMon Nov 18, 2019 11:04 am

Good Morning,
I’m Amanda we live in SouthEast Texas Near Galveston island. We have recently and uniquely acquired Smoke into our family! He’s such a sweet and loving boy! It seems like he was raised in a loving home among other animals. He is not aggressive in any form or fashion and loves and protects our 7 year old son! If my son raises his voice in a manner Smoke does not like he goes and lays on top of him and puts his head down firmly on his chest. While I’m very happy with most of his behavior thus far. This poor guy is shedding like you would not believe! Though I have read some of the topics already, I need to address I don’t think it’s normal shedding. While I have raised many animals in my lifetime I always thought it to be cruel to own a husky or malamute in Texas. Because of our bipolar weather. However, Smoke is now one of us and we will do what is right by him. I do need  some advice though. How the heck to I keep my house clean? I have hardwood floors and it seems in every corner there’s handfuls of smoke’s hair, under the cabinets, nested in the floor mats, nested in the comforters etc etc. My OCD is driving me mad with all the hair. I read the topics on the shampoo and conditioner and rake brush for him but what about the house? ???? Our weather here is cold one day hot the next and visa versa. So his coat maybe confused as well. I just want to make sure he’s happy he’s so loving but I need a happy home too cause I can’t stand a messy home especially crawling into bed late and getting a mouth full of hair from the comforter 🤣 Thank you to whom ever started this great site! I appreciate any and all comments!

A Texas Howdy 9374c010
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

A Texas Howdy Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Texas Howdy   A Texas Howdy EmptyMon Nov 18, 2019 12:04 pm

Welcome to the forum from the other side of our great state - I'm over near th Big Bend National Park in south WEST Texas.

I hate to say this but - Huskies Shed! While there may be a few exceptions, like a Husky who doesn't (huh??) or one with a skin disease where there is - for Husky - excessive shedding, it's safe to say that Huskies shed a lot of hair!

If you think there's a cause for the hair - other than the fact that he's a Husky - take him a vet who knows Huskies (or other northern breed dogs) to take a look at his skin / fur. This is probably not the problem ... Smile

We have a few owners who are OCD and it's a real task to keep up with the fur. Most just run the vacuum when we need to (when the fur gets too deep for us) brush the dog as needed and enjoy our silly hairy monsters.

Sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear but ... (oh, the weather probably does NOT determine when thy shed or how much ... twice a years you'll get A LOT MORE fluff when they blow their coats and from your picture I'd say your boy (Nice looking pup, BTW) isn't blowing coat.

A Texas Howdy S-event    A Texas Howdy S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

A Texas Howdy Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Texas Howdy   A Texas Howdy EmptyMon Nov 18, 2019 2:12 pm

Swiffer is always on standby and a robot vacuum to assist between regular vacuuming does decent. You aren't going to ever see the house completely hairless ever again though. For around an hour you might have fewer tumble weeds in the corners. On that note though, food changes will trigger excessive shedding until they cleanse out the effects of the old food. Especially if you are going from a food that may have not agreed completely with them to a higher end food or food that sits better. I've had dogs that went nearly bald in the first few months I had them as they got rid of the old hair that poor food had helped grow.

Welcome to the forum!

A Texas Howdy Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

A Texas Howdy Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Texas Howdy   A Texas Howdy EmptyMon Nov 18, 2019 2:13 pm

Maybe a roomba? And im where its cold and the 20 below zero didnt keep my girls from blowing thier coats in February. I have a carpet rake. It works amazing on all surfaces. Also i may be wrong on this because it was 15 years ago but petco had a type of grooming that makes them shed much less. Another idea is train the dog to the vaccuum.
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

A Texas Howdy Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Texas Howdy   A Texas Howdy EmptyMon Nov 18, 2019 11:44 pm

He could be "blowing his coat"...which isn't like normal shedding, it's like you can pull handfuls of fur off your dog and they look all patchy with tufts sticking out here and there. The first time my dog blew his coat, I thought he was sick or something! And the amount of fur everywhere was amazing - I was vacuuming every other day**. could be that?

And yes, I've heard they can shed more when stressed, or change of diet, so maybe he's settling in and making himself at home by spreading his fur everywhere. Very Happy

He sounds like a very nice dog!

**I have a lot of hardwood too, and best way I've found is to just use the bare vacuum tube with no attachment on it, and wave it around under tables, chairs and in corners. It sucks up the fur even from 3-4" away, very satisfying and fast. **
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A Texas Howdy Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Texas Howdy   A Texas Howdy Empty

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A Texas Howdy

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