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 Itchy paws

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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Itchy paws Empty
PostSubject: Itchy paws   Itchy paws EmptyFri May 06, 2011 6:54 pm

I think Faith has allergies to something as she's been chewing and biting at her paws for the last few weeks. It gotten to the point where I heard her crying this morning and rushed to her to find out what was wrong. She was biting at her paws and they were bleeding and slightly swollen. Sad Poor baby.

I cleaned her paws with a baby wipe, put some neosporin on them, and wrapped them up in gauze and medical tape and confined her to her crate for a couple hours. She seems to be doing a lot better this afternoon.

She's never chewed her feet before, ever so I definitely took notice when this started a few weeks ago. But there are so many possible factors it's hard to know what the problem could be. It's spring and tons of stuff is blooming, the yard has been treated for bugs and weeds and had fertilizer applied all within the past few weeks as well. I have no idea what could be the culprit but now she really has me more concerned since she's at the point where she's drawing blood. I'm going to give her a bath tomorrow and see if that doesn't help any and keep putting Neosporin on her feet. Oh and nothing about her diet has changed so it's not a food allergy. Seems like it's just one thing after another Faith. No

Itchy paws Summer10
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Itchy paws Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itchy paws   Itchy paws EmptyFri May 06, 2011 7:15 pm

were you using dog friendly stuff to treat your yard? it would be odd that she is the only one affected by that though. maybe you need to keep booties on her while she is outside and see if that helps at all? and get some paw wipes? hope you can figure it out!

Jack licked his pad raw last june on my b-day camping trip! turned out he had a tiny thorn stuck in his pad Sad

Itchy paws Iaht10
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Itchy paws Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itchy paws   Itchy paws EmptyFri May 06, 2011 7:16 pm

Oh no!
When I first started reading your post, I thought, 'It can't possibly be food allergy!' So then one would conclude it's something new introduced to her environment. Although, I have read that once in a blue moon, dogs can develop food allergies to ingredients they used to do fine in the past. It's that remote possibility thing, and it's highly likely that isn't the case here.

Anyway, did you have a landscaper or someone else treat the yard for bugs and weeds or did you do it yourself? I have heard some of these lawn treatments and fertilizers can be irritants to a lot of pets.

I'm wondering if you wiped her down each time she comes in from being outside, would she get better?

I hope it's just as simple as the lawn treatment you recently put down is causing her itchy paws....Get better soon, Faith!

Itchy paws 41765413
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Itchy paws Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itchy paws   Itchy paws EmptyFri May 06, 2011 7:26 pm

Awww poor Faith Sad I hope she gets better soon! Kody has a thing with biting his paws too, but he hasn't done it in like 2 weeks now. He would drive me crazy!
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Itchy paws Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itchy paws   Itchy paws EmptyFri May 06, 2011 8:50 pm

We do all our yardwork and maintenance ourselves. All the stuff that we treated the lawn with was pet safe EXCEPT for the fertilizer which was watered in 24 hours after application. Unfortunately the dogs did have to go out for a few bathroom breaks in the yard before the fertilizer could be watered in...maybe that could have initially started it but it's been at least a couple weeks since then and she's still biting her feet. My other two are just fine. scratch

I've checked her feet multiple times over the last few weeks since it started and I have not found anything stuck in there. I might try wiping her feet down every time she comes in and see if that doesn't help along with the neosporin until her pads heal up.

I feel so bad for her, just seems like it's always Faith having problems. I really hope this gets resolved soon as I don't want her to keep hurting herself and I certainly don't want her to be uncomfortable like this all the time.

Itchy paws Summer10
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