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 Squirt mystery illness and xrays

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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Squirt mystery illness and xrays Empty
PostSubject: Squirt mystery illness and xrays   Squirt mystery illness and xrays EmptyWed Oct 30, 2024 12:25 am

Squirt has been sick for about 10 days now. 2 trips to the vet and no real answers other then she seems to have pneumonia.My vet set the xrays up to csu for an official opinion and we dis not hear back today. Unofficial second opinion was my uncle thinks she has masses in her lungs/or chest cavity, looking at the xrays on his phone. I will post the xrays to see if anyone else here has seen anything like it.

Started on the 20th where she decided to not eat and was lethargic and stiff. I could still coax her to eat. She is excessively drinking water and having accidents. Fast forward to this past sunday where mid day her breathing got really loud when her mouth was open and when it was closed it sounded like a hard sniff rather then normal breathing. Her energy level is way down. She will hardly eat. Went back to the vet yesterday when tehy did the xrays and more blood work. She has a slightly elevated wbc but otherwise everything was normal (again)Me and her got in a fight over her taking the antibiotics That we started yesterday. Im starting to think maybe she gave up and is dying.

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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: Squirt mystery illness and xrays   Squirt mystery illness and xrays EmptyWed Oct 30, 2024 12:26 am

Squirt mystery illness and xrays I0000010
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: Squirt mystery illness and xrays   Squirt mystery illness and xrays EmptyWed Oct 30, 2024 1:13 am

This is the radiology report. Turns out even though she is only half sibe she has a problem that is seen more in sibes then any other breed. Actually to the extent that merck lists it as a sibe/northern breed problem.
Squirt mystery illness and xrays Screen12

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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Squirt mystery illness and xrays Empty
PostSubject: Re: Squirt mystery illness and xrays   Squirt mystery illness and xrays EmptyWed Oct 30, 2024 8:33 pm

I have no idea how to help, I can read the pages you put up and look at the pictures but in either case they mean nothing to me.

Story of my life I think, you take it one day at a time ... if Squirt wakes up tomorrow, you've got another day to get on with. There'll be good days and there'll be really screwed up days but until you're ready to let go there are more days.

Squirt mystery illness and xrays S-event    Squirt mystery illness and xrays S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Squirt mystery illness and xrays Empty
PostSubject: Re: Squirt mystery illness and xrays   Squirt mystery illness and xrays EmptyThu Oct 31, 2024 1:51 am

Started prednisone today and got some appetite stimulator on top of the carprophen and the antibiotic. She seems a little better. She ate about half a pound of chicken and some frosted mini wheats today. First substantial amount of food since the 19th. Still will not eat any of the dog food. And she really does have a doggy buffett. At this rate it looks like it will be malnutrition that kills her, that and the chicken at the local grocery/hardware/fishing store is $16 a lb. She dis eat 2 big bites of hills rx puply food. My vet gave me a bunch of stuff that had expired within the last 2 months just to try and get her to eat.

Crazy how this really is a husky/northern breed issue and no one on the board has ever posted about it and my vet (has a husky and a half husky) had never heard of it. But it looks like she might be on prednisone for her whole life.

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