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 Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)

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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 10:23 pm

Abby is 5 years old and Shelby is about 4 months old. They LOVE to fight with each other it is so funny I will have to get it on video sometime! But I figured I could start a little scrapbook for them Smile

This is the most recent picture of them both they just went for a walk! It was the first time Shelby actually walked well, right next to Abby! But half way through the walk Shelby needed a brake she was tired so I carried her lol!
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 5882535051_b4d9db8d01

This is Abby laying out in the sun, her favorite thing to do!
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 5883104634_63404fb3e3

This is Shelby being a weirdo haha she LOVES bathrooms! no idea why, but that is where she likes to take her naps in the shower or behind the toilet.
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 5882542243_31a39454b2
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Female Join date : 2010-09-09
Location : Deltona, FL

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 11:01 pm

lol @ sleeping in the bathroom! She must think it's cooler in there or something. They are both beautiful!


Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Woowoosig
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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 11:16 pm

haha thank you. Shelby is totally different than Abby when she was a puppy. Shelby is always wet from laying in the shower and dirty from playing in mud in the back yard. Abby is little princess and refuses to even step outside if the ground is wet.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-09
Location : Deltona, FL

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 11:17 pm

haha. That sounds like my mom's dog. She acts like it's terrible if there's due on the ground. Thankfully my two LOVE water!


Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Woowoosig
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyTue Jun 28, 2011 11:40 pm

Awww they're both beautiful!!! I love you The bathroom thing is too funny! They all have their weird things though.

My girl is 5yrs old and we got our boy at 3months. (he's now 10 months). I thought that the age difference would be an issue, but they play all of the time. Mya is a b**ch though and has him totally dominated...poor
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Female Join date : 2011-04-15
Location : WI

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 1:15 am

Love the shower pic! My collie use to sleep in the shower too.
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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 10:20 am

MelissaI wrote:
Awww they're both beautiful!!! I love you The bathroom thing is too funny! They all have their weird things though.

My girl is 5yrs old and we got our boy at 3months. (he's now 10 months). I thought that the age difference would be an issue, but they play all of the time. Mya is a b**ch though and has him totally dominated...poor

Thats exactly how our older dog is she is the boss. Like when they come in from outside they share a water bowl Abby will go to it first and drink almost all of the water so shelby hardly has any. LOL Then when shelby goes out back to pee abby always pounces her so we have to take them out separately.
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 11:53 am

What a cute pair!

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Iaht10
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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 1:58 pm

thanks Smile I think Shelby might turn black. she has black roots under her red hair so I guess she'll surprise us.
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 2:01 pm

Britt09 wrote:
MelissaI wrote:
Awww they're both beautiful!!! I love you The bathroom thing is too funny! They all have their weird things though.

My girl is 5yrs old and we got our boy at 3months. (he's now 10 months). I thought that the age difference would be an issue, but they play all of the time. Mya is a b**ch though and has him totally dominated...poor

Thats exactly how our older dog is she is the boss. Like when they come in from outside they share a water bowl Abby will go to it first and drink almost all of the water so shelby hardly has any. LOL Then when shelby goes out back to pee abby always pounces her so we have to take them out separately.

haha, yep, Mya ALWAYS drinks water first and Kody just stand next to her waiting patiently. He's smelling anything in the yard and she wants to smell it to she'll come, growl at him, and move him out of the way. Same goes for everything actually. I'm just happy that he respects her. Hope it stays that way!
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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 1:19 pm

Abby Got to go to the beach yesterday! thought I would share some pictures. She liked it but she rather have ate sand then play in the water LOL we stayed for about 30 min and then she was done haha
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 6014971668_7fd55f9538Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 6014422217_82df7129f0Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 6014420739_d901a1db87
Taking both Shelby and Abby would have been too much! I wouldn't have been able to handle them so Shebly stayed home and gets to go next week but this is what I came home to.
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 6014421669_ff6d1107fe
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Female Join date : 2010-09-11

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 2:07 pm

Cute pics! Shelby seems to do well when Abby isn't around. Willow doesn't like being alone but she has never had to be until I have to take Dakota to the vet without her. I will be curious to see Shelby's colors as she grows. It's fascinating to see how much they can change as they grow.
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 2:44 pm

Awww, you can tell that she had a great time! I need to get Mya to the beach sometime this summer. We have one doggie friendly beach that I've been meaning to take her to. She loves the hose and kiddy pool so I'm curious to see if she'll like the beach also. Kody I'm sure won't be a fan though. I wouldn't be able to handle them both either! LOL!

Mindy, Kody had to stay alone for the first time when I took Mya to the vet to get the lump checked out. I could hear him crying and howling from inside the car Sad
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Female Join date : 2010-09-11

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 3:16 pm

MelissaI wrote:
Mindy, Kody had to stay alone for the first time when I took Mya to the vet to get the lump checked out. I could hear him crying and howling from inside the car Sad

Yeah, I'm afraid I will have a dog with SA when the unthinkable happens. I need to start working with her now. to break her of this.
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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 9:30 pm

Abby hates water so it was hard for me to get her in it long LOL! but she loves to lay in the heat. Shelby will love the beach she LOVES to be wet.

But they are not close with each other sadly but I guess its good too because I will be taking Shelby to college with me next year. Mindy I am so excited I to see how Shelby changes too I am sad I won't be able to see the change in front of me because I leave for college soon my mom will have to send me pictures Sad
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Female Join date : 2011-06-13
Location : North Carolina

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyFri Nov 25, 2011 10:11 pm

My puppy is growing up recent pictures of the girls.
Abby and Shelby relaxing on the couch
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 6402600037_ea68126d30

Shelby all grown up 8 months old now Smile
Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) 6402598493_6f4bd33b92
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Female Join date : 2010-09-11

Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :)   Abby and Shelby's Scrapbook :) EmptyFri Nov 25, 2011 11:35 pm

Aww!! Look how beautiful she is all grown up!
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