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 Koda Threw Up

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Female Join date : 2012-01-05
Location : Florida

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 6:49 pm

Koda just threw up, and I could tell she was having a hard time of it. She heaved several times before it came out, looked like her partially digested kibble. (Ick factor: Drake was trying to eat it while I was getting paper towels...EWW).

She vomited the second day we had her, but it was more like coughing up drool, it was mostly clear with only a few pieces of kibble. Should I be worried that she is sick or not unless she throws up again? Her poop is normal. I don't know if I should feed her something bland, but I'm hesitant to do that since she's just started getting used to TOTW and eating it regularly.

She's seems like she feels okay, she's been playing and wrestling with Drake, and when she's not doing that she's sleeping like usual. I just don't know if I need to keep everything normal and wait to see if it happens again??
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Male Join date : 2012-02-03
Location : Norman, OK

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 7:14 pm

It sounds like something I was experiencing with Dakota (minus the other dog trying to eat it haha). It happened when I had just started to transition Dakota over to TOTW so I looked a few things up. Dakota is a puppy so it might be a little bit situation. I would just keep an eye on Koda for awhile. It could be any number of things. If the problem persists the rest of the day and tomorrow, I would give the vet's office a call and let them know.

Throwing up could be a lot of things with dogs. They could simply be excited from playing or doing something with their beloved owner! They could also be eating their food too fast. If that's the case, I would put a ball in the food bowl to make them slow down. They actually have specific balls at petsmart that are made to slow your dog's eating down. That clear stuff she threw up when you got her sounds like what Dakota throws up sometimes after he drinks too much water too fast. Hope she gets better!! Just keep an eye on her Smile
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Comedic Relief

Male Join date : 2009-07-15

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 10:25 pm

I'm thinking eating to fast or to much at one time. Try feeding 3 times a day instead of twice. Smaller meals are easier on the digestive system.

Mylo, I had to feed 3 times a day all his life because of stomach issues if he ate to fast or to much.
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 11:33 pm

Usually puking up food but acting otherwise normal is due to: eating too fast, eating too much, or exercising/playing rough too soon after/before eating. If she sucks down food it can be easily remedied by feeding on a flat surface such as a placemat or the floor.

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Cheyenne, Mishka, Mickey, Rodeo, & Odin
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Female Join date : 2012-01-05
Location : Florida

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 1:03 am

You know I would think that was the case except she doesn't eat fast, she eats EXTREMELY slowly. Like seriously, she doesn't even go to the bowl right away when I put her food there, and when she finally does she eats lying down and it almost aggravates me how slowly she eats! I'm like hurry up already!! lol.

I really don't know what it was...hopefully she's fine the next few days. The only other thing I can think of is that we put flea meds on her today, but I made sure to watch her so she didn't try to lick her back...maybe she had some sort of side effect??
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 1:05 am

That really could be also, is she acting lethargic or lazy at all? When Mickey used to be on Promeris he'd be out of it for like 24-48hrs but that stuff was strong...

Force Free Training Thread
Cheyenne, Mishka, Mickey, Rodeo, & Odin
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

Koda Threw Up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Koda Threw Up   Koda Threw Up EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 8:55 am

It could be the flea/tick meds..

Here is a news story a local news station here did on Flea/tick meds.
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