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 Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]

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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySat Jun 16, 2012 8:18 pm

these photos in this post; are from my 'welcome' post Very Happy

Here she is when I brought her home,
awh my baby.

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 407644_10150718760464816_1680230119_n

her and one of my older rats who has sadly passed away recently.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 395263_10150721512154816_1115809496_n

When i first got her, she came EVERYWHERE with me in my purse.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 399985_10150738912254816_1571314740_n

eventually we had to graduate to a backpack.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 431692_10150748564329816_1616039104_n

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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 396533_10150780752149816_903208505_n

starting to darken,
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 429424_10150812163669816_1294079940_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 408778_10150812166814816_1394401298_n

growing some eyebrows
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when we went to the dog beach for the first time (Huntington dog beach)
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 536203_10150921136859816_1311885327_n

when I first realized how big she's actualy getting.
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 536707_10150948648569816_1122572792_n

her and one of her puppy friend bruse wayne.
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 543074_10151114050539816_1431665508_n

big girl!
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 532844_10151114058174816_12919098_n

When we go places, this is how she sits, with her head between my boyfriend and I.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 534805_10151114072569816_784541658_n

Dog beach!
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 540299_10151114131294816_1712195274_n

still going everywhere with me, this was when my boyfriend went to go buy a car, we were at a dealership.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 540268_10151114133194816_1498137627_n

Old navy
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 179588_10151114157529816_1664719210_n

ooh, and here she is at the beach again, i love this photo.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 581320_10151109502224816_1127584215_n

at a resurant we sat on the patio.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 562649_10151097127964816_311492519_n

oh, and this is the day we (boyfriend and I) got her as well, she's the brains of the operation.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 405578_10150718767539816_2111575451_n

and here are some photos from my boyfriends collection of photos of her
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 399462_307202049325956_1616275989_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 395680_307202089325952_1404550806_n

bringing her to me,
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 409534_307202222659272_256458141_n

another outing, walmart! lol!
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I don't even remember when she was this small!!!
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 541674_348795338499960_1207323449_n

When she was small she had a habbit of climbing on the dash and trying to sleep there,
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 540798_348796045166556_499799556_n

first treat from the three dog bakery, after her first vet visit.
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 556128_348797128499781_180913841_n

another outting; Kmart.
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 557546_348797871833040_547943096_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 532026_348799791832848_55229587_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 539452_348800118499482_471007176_n

Last edited by pandactivity on Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySat Jun 16, 2012 9:34 pm

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 395642_10150713938159816_756382926_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 402635_10150713938964816_172231103_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 405971_10150713946709816_1695713677_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 402708_10150718764569816_300194927_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 407097_10150718765764816_70194387_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 396381_10150721579084816_1293307794_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 397299_10150724975149816_1774430872_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 430419_10150742243024816_2090873565_n

trying to crate train,
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 397896_10150742245669816_705373192_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 426686_10150780733919816_2134108570_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 418552_10150780754644816_1848137961_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 426136_10150780758194816_676994542_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 417307_10150780761899816_2114659050_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 431490_10150785455804816_287060659_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 424058_10150791307584816_2053370394_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 429056_10150791314414816_1245796783_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 431125_10150791319664816_1930853239_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 430933_10150791445349816_731272618_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 429017_10150791447264816_518402361_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 431460_10150791448839816_482089892_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 419511_10150791701559816_499826787_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 420758_10150812158569816_415640792_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 418287_10150812172249816_678898459_n

Trillion and her puppy friend Onyx (my brothers dog, a gsdx standard poodle)
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 404555_10150812191854816_1480067005_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 431617_10150837680379816_539852696_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 432193_10150837686384816_1252006973_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 424474_10150853996449816_587058415_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 431197_10150853997129816_1269673795_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 420438_10150864887119816_59830903_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 424789_10150864888254816_547720643_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 432309_10150864890014816_1465709345_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 485145_10150891106859816_1857915285_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 549509_10150891108209816_1281867050_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 557570_10150891109104816_1976922173_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 532152_10150921135704816_899016479_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 533180_10150948649534816_1434676587_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 578077_10150948651184816_186524936_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 558654_10151114086774816_2190294_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 540299_10151114131294816_1712195274_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 306940_10151197682704816_775782513_n

Trillion HATES water, so to get her in water this much was a big deal
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 180226_10151197682794816_1026562958_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 283735_10151197682894816_1239856053_n

lol her face
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 206061_10151197683064816_993213449_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 250812_10151197683099816_1145994107_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 255420_10151197683169816_1309527659_n

my boyfriend & the trillion
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 533350_10151197683279816_1330032143_n

my sister emily petting her threw the doggy fence.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 601047_10151197683399816_1729652163_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 577671_10151197683554816_1349752515_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 168815_10151197683704816_248545852_n

at the vets today, she looks happy. :[ she was in so much pain tho

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 543364_10151197683809816_123036835_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 540604_10151197683909816_9531384_n

waking up and being out of it.
\Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 545435_10151197684024816_1125368226_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 285776_10151197684164816_1862145440_n

knocked outtt lolol
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 380184_10151197684254816_393620373_n

lol her face
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 556857_10151197684394816_904706730_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 601125_10151197684549816_159606516_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 551830_10151197684814816_1798289942_n
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Male Join date : 2009-07-15

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySat Jun 16, 2012 10:21 pm

Love the photo history. Its a toss up between the 3rd and 4th for my favorite.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySat Jun 16, 2012 10:54 pm

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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySat Jun 16, 2012 11:23 pm

Aww she is pretty.. my husband thinks she has the same coloring and looks of our Kerian..
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Female Join date : 2012-01-15
Location : West Virginia

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySun Jun 17, 2012 12:58 am

She's so pretty and she looks a lot like Ava! It looks like she had a rough day today though. Poor baby.
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySun Jun 17, 2012 4:34 pm

Thanks everyone ^.^
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Join date : 2012-02-07

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptySun Jun 17, 2012 11:08 pm

She is just precious!!!!
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Female Join date : 2012-05-14
Location : Raleigh, NC

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyMon Jun 18, 2012 1:50 am

Wow. Her and Snow could be twins, especially the pictures where she has the black "eyebrows"!! It's cool to see other huskies with her coloring. It kinda gives me an idea of what she could look like as she gets older! I hope she feels better soon!
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyTue Jun 19, 2012 5:15 pm

as some of you may know trillion hurt her leg so here are some photos (taken from the other post) from her vet visits.

we have some more we will post soon

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 484376_10151204732009816_1137780236_n

at vet #1's office.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 382455_10151204732129816_728445437_n

waking up from being under anesthesia;
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 563866_10151204733429816_955990321_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 554611_10151204733904816_1291838706_n

she was OUT.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 599811_10151204734144816_297309831_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 282657_10151204734359816_1508964785_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 599553_10151204734544816_882479542_n

the meds they gave her;
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 303350_10151204735029816_609640990_n

Vet #2
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 269295_10151204735569816_1390284229_n
when in huge amounts of pain she just wants to burry her head in you and cuddle;
this is Duffy hugging her.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 401930_10151204736879816_1445314135_n

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 165807_10151204738179816_1756972292_n

and lastly her xray, (it's the right leg in this photo)
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 223797_10151204738294816_1577951092_n

also the link to the post if you would like to read about the whole ordeal;
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 1:19 am

Trillion and her best GSD friend Orion~

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 554480_10151153020629816_915689558_n

(my hand is in the way because she was in heat -shes now fixed- and her junk was gross >.< )
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 382559_10151261536124816_745875532_n

We went to a camp thing with some friends anyways I had picked Trillion up to carry her back to camp because she put on the breaks and refused to walk (proly cause we had hiked a good 5 miles and she was tired) and one of our friends decided to come say hello and we got this photo out of it
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 315489_10151307196409816_677052174_n

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 376358_10151326583774816_1336423229_n

She REALLY wanted to sit in the front.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 552145_10151326585344816_950414343_n
Went to visit some family after 4 hours of driving we stayed at a motel6 and trillion just crashed out once we got there.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 217765_10151326585659816_954455856_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 217761_10151326585789816_1923959977_n

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 308970_10151326586444816_401315028_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 530262_10151326586554816_2114125314_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 308939_10151326586724816_1715964292_n

The lid to the food container broke lol
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Boyfriend and his friend Justin (and justin's cool mustache)
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 562689_10151326588349816_865672520_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 417488_10151326588519816_1248541259_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 417488_10151326588519816_1248541259_n


Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 424285_10151326588649816_1118817810_nTrillion's life~  [scrapbook] 557361_10151326588684816_275651997_n

brought her to work with me and stuck her in a Kennel she was VERRY unhappy.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 527174_10151326588779816_128513954_n
so i let her out and she was much more content

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 559091_10151326588904816_1781426103_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 580760_10151326588974816_1431778627_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 574930_10151370390049816_1209794400_n
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 1:26 am

Camping again, that glowstick looking thing was supposed to ward of fleas, but we got it from the dollarstore and we both said they proly just packaged used glowsticks and tried to pass them off as pest repellent lol
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 426679_10151370390139816_1262001240_n

Trying on holloweener costumes
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 526236_10151370390229816_1859998161_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 547284_10151370390514816_473359327_n
ladys and gentlemen i give you, KATY PERRY!
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 582815_10151370391009816_1138891961_n
My face looked really bad in these next two lol so i had to fix it
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 564340_10151370409949816_1663150413_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 542546_10151370410014816_1370568235_n

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 538915_10151399071374816_1336779281_n
she looks like shes missing a leg, this was at walmart we were doing a practice acsess test with our trainer
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 251465_10151399071949816_990668755_n

filthy mess! she knocked down our suction cup shampoo holder thing as well lol
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 557507_10151399073079816_613984785_n
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 1:35 am

(old photo but iv never uploaded it lol, this was last winter sitting on a HUUUUUGEEE (almost) 2 story snow berm thing
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 531046_348798101833017_679352120_n
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 575809_407671092612384_335794082_n
in heat >.> thank god ill never have to deal with a dog in heat again
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lol diaper butt.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 165900_410600075652819_1352484382_n

"I do not like showers"
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 282735_410639278982232_425262207_n
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Deep Pressure Therapy :3
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not sure if i ever uploaded this one
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 554585_427832250596268_1612157576_n
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Female Join date : 2012-06-14
Location : Running springs, California

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 1:42 am

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 306892_10151261522154816_459094190_n

this is where Trillion sleeps, in this small closet thing we took the door off and she goes in there and just hangs out on a bunch of blankets she has dragged into there lol we call it her cave.
Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] 548046_10151402346799816_97402420_n

thats all, for now, ill have more in an hour or so (waiting on uploads)
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Female Join date : 2012-08-25
Location : NYC

Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 12:38 pm

I think Thunder is going to end up looking like Trillion, he is the same color she was and is turning grey, also he has the "Clown Eyebrows" that come out of nowhere lol.
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Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trillion's life~ [scrapbook]   Trillion's life~  [scrapbook] Empty

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