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 Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event

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Female Join date : 2011-12-15
Location : Eastern Kentucky

Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event Empty
PostSubject: Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event   Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 9:53 pm

This evening Tasha gave us a real scare. She had been fine all day, but when I came home from picking up one of the girls, she was acting weird and laying on the ground (she was in her kennel). When I went to check on her, she was shaking all over and her head was swaying side to side. Not violent shaking, but she was visibly shaky and her limbs were jerking. She was responsive the whole time, and when she saw me coming to her she tried to get up and come to me, but she was staggering all over and couldn't stay up. I got to her and helped her up and after about 3-4 minutes, the fit passed. She was very quickly back to her normal self, but I have her in the house keeping an eye on her. I called our vet's emergency line and he called me back. He said to just keep an eye on her and if it occurred again to bring her in tomorrow, that she could have a thyroid problem or might be having seizures. To my knowledge, this is the first time she's ever had a fit like this (We've only had her since December). I've emailed her previous owner to clarify that. She is 8 years old and is in great health. The only issue she's ever had that I know of is that after having 1 litter of pups, she was spayed and they found a mammary tumor and had to remove all of her mammary glands.

Have any of you had similar issues? Is there a chance that this is just some freak thing that happened that won't happen again? We're very worried about her.
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Female Join date : 2011-12-15
Location : Eastern Kentucky

Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event   Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 5:29 pm

I've been watching her closely today and for the biggest part of the morning, she was very lethargic and sleepy. She hasn't had any further episodes, so I'm thinking maybe the event just drained her energy. If she's not feeling better tomorrow or if she has another event, I'm going to go ahead and take her in just to be on the safe side. Here's a pic I took of her last night:
Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event 554948_871492945631_1435451701_n
This is pretty much all she's done since. She gets up every little bit and wants to be petted, but then she goes right back to laying down.

Prayers and continued good thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-11
Location : Berwyn, IL

Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event   Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 5:39 pm

I'll be thinking about Tasha. Is she eating/drinking? Definitely take her in if you think she's not feeling better. It's so hard sometimes because they can't tell us what's wrong.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event   Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 6:29 pm

I would definitely take her in. It's could be an odd reaction to something, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
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Female Join date : 2011-12-15
Location : Eastern Kentucky

Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event   Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 9:49 pm

She is eating and drinking and pretty much back to her normal self this evening. She still seems a little tired, but she was running around in the yard and playing with me earlier.
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Female Join date : 2012-01-15
Location : West Virginia

Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event   Tasha gave us a scare, seizure like event EmptyThu Jul 26, 2012 1:14 am

Definitely make an appointment to take her in tomorrow and let a vet check her out. I think you should do a few panels of bloodwork to make sure that nothing is off, but they'll probably recommend that anyway.

Hope she feels better soon! That sounds so scary :/
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