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 Ares neuter site...

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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 4:55 am

Ares got neutered early this AM and I picked him up at 5PM. He has been in a lot of pain since I got him, lots of whining and crying. He is having trouble sitting down and is really swollen and red down there.
Does it look normal. These pics aren't the best quality since my camera is dead, but the incision is larger then Embrys was and looks irritated...

Ares neuter site... Photo010
Ares neuter site... Photo011
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Female Join date : 2012-08-25
Location : NYC

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 7:57 am

How old is he, The older they are when they are neutered the more painful in may be, they recommended neutering males between 5-6 months, the older they are the more tissue has to be cut out because the more developed they are. Thunder goes next month for his neuter...He has to finish all his shots first. I hope this helped, It looks a little irritated but that may be from them shaving the hair, is he wearing a cone?
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 8:39 am

Ares is young. Not exactly sure how old. I think he was about 5 months when Jennet got him. That must have been, maybe 3 months ago (give or take).

Jenett, that doesn't look like Kody's at all. This is what Kody's looked like:

Ares neuter site... DSC04052

If he's that uncomfortable maybe take him to your vet to get it checked out?
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 12:15 pm

Well he seems a lot better this morning. And nice guess Melissa Razz He was exactly 8 months a couple days ago

I'll get new pictures when I'm out of class this afternoon
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 1:43 pm

Yep - I can post pics of Cato's balls for comparison if need be too.

Ashley, I recommend waiting a few months longer if possible. Neutering young come with many complications. I waited until 8 months with Cato, but in hindsight I should have waited longer. I can't go back now, but I promise myself I will wait until the growth plates close from here on out.

I can post links if you need me to.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 2:10 pm

Yea it does look inflamed, shaving the hair doesn't cause inflammation. I can't tell if there are sutures on the outside or if tissue glue was used. If he's still in a lot of pain and inflamed when you get home, call your vet and ask for an anti-inflamatory like Rimadyl (carprofen). If the inflammation is gradually going down but he's still in pain, a pain reliever would be what I would want. Also if it doesn't gross you out to much, I'd take his temp, a fever would indication the early stages of infection and he may need and antibiotic. A temp over 103 is high. 99.5-102.5 is normal. (not that I'm say he has one, just as a precaution Smile )

On a side note- I think that the person that did his shave job needs a few lessons from the master lol not enough from the sides where the incision would be scratch and not uniform lol sorry my OCD always kicks in when I prep patients for surgery Rolling Eyes
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 2:23 pm

I knew Brooke would pipe in! She will be posting better pics after clas s- should be easier to tell at that point.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 2:32 pm

mheath0429 wrote:
I knew Brooke would pipe in!

lol! I can't help myself Laughing
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

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PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 2:33 pm

Don't stifle it! We love having your expertise on the forum!!!
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 3:51 pm

Okay he's way less swollen and trying to play without his medication. I think he's fine lol!

Ares neuter site... IMG_9867
Ares neuter site... IMG_9866
Ares neuter site... IMG_9862
Ares neuter site... IMG_9861
Ares neuter site... IMG_9860

is the white/yellow discharge on his penis normal after a neuter?
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 3:56 pm

Brooke, they used disolvable stitches and as soon as I left the clinic from picking him up I called my vet and told them I need to pick up 5 days of Rimadyl, which they gave me. I haven't given him any yet because they didn't tell me when he got the 24hour shot of Morphine and right now he isn't in any pain..

LOL I should my teacher Ares' shave job in my vet tech class this morning and was like what the heck?!
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

Ares neuter site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ares neuter site...   Ares neuter site... EmptySat Sep 01, 2012 9:24 pm

Balon was done at about 5 months 3 weeks, his site didn't look quite like that. His "ball area" was very black and blue, but his incision was a little red and angry looking but not as bad as Ares. Poor guy, I'm sure like us they are all different in how they look.
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