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 possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?

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Male Join date : 2012-10-23
Location : pomona ca

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 12:22 pm

about 2 weeks ago i rescued/adopted a 18 month old siberian husky. just recently though(past 2 days) ive noticed somthing funny about her ear, and obviously i thought ear infection. she has no head tilt or ear tilt( the only symptoms i see) when we go for our runs, it only happens when she walks really slowly throughout the house out of all the symtoms, my dog matches only one *HEAD TILT*

-Head/face rubbing
-Ear scratching (usually intense and vigorous)
-Head shaking
-Discharge from one or both external ear canals
-Waxy build-up in one or both ears
-Swollen ears
-Head tilt
-Hearing loss or deficit (not responding to normal sounds)
-Red skin (erythema) on, in or around the ear flaps (pinnae)
-Ulcers or skin erosions on, in or around the ears (often weeping or crusty sores)
-Hair loss on, in or around the ears
-Thickening (hyperplasia) of the ear flaps (pinnae)
-Signs of pain when the ears are touched or manipulated

i dont know what to think. is it a infection?
if i take her to the vet how much would a check be?
i read somewhere that it could be a tumor?!?!?!? is that likely?!?!?!?
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 12:26 pm

I'm the queen of dog ear infections as the three of mine get them often. When they're out running they don't do the head or ear tilt. Take a Q-tip and clean the ear. Does the wax smell? Is the ear hot? Sounds like an ear infection to me. I would take her to get it checked out.

Highly doubt it's a tumor.
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Male Join date : 2012-10-23
Location : pomona ca

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 1:25 pm

she just got her ear cleaned at petsmart when i took her for a bath how do i flush out the ears?
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Male Join date : 2011-10-20
Location : Minnesota

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 2:14 pm

A mixture of water and apple cider vinegar does a really good job of cleaning out the ears.

I would agree that it wouldn't hurt to take her into the vet to get looked at.

Hope your girl get's better soon!
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 3:59 pm

Don't clean the ears with q tips! It will push the wax further down the canal. Don't clean it with anything until your vet can get a sample of it and can check it under a microscope. If it is an infection it will be either yeast or bacteria or a mixture of both. It is okay to call around and ask for pricing on office visit charges. Just make sure that you ask the receptionist if they do microscopic examinations to diagnose ear infections. Some veterinarians give the same medication to every patient that walks in the door, you don't want that kind of that doctor.
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 4:17 pm

hypers987 wrote:
Don't clean the ears with q tips! It will push the wax further down the canal.

I miss spoke. Oops! Embarassed I didn't mean to clean it out with a Q-Tip. I meant to take some of the wax out to check it out. I clean their ears with solution and gauze.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyMon Nov 05, 2012 8:31 am

I actually use those round cosmetic pads, they work great and I can get a whole roll of them at my store for about 1.00!
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Male Join date : 2012-10-23
Location : pomona ca

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyTue Nov 13, 2012 2:35 pm

Sorry for the incredibaly late reply, I've been super busy latley. i took her to the vet and they did look at it under a microscope. turned out to be yeast..I dont know how but it is lol! she got meds such as a flushing solution and some kind of ointment. she's been on them for 6 days now and she has a check up today we'll see what happens. thanks everyone!
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?   possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? EmptyTue Nov 13, 2012 6:50 pm

Yay! Glad her ears are on the mend Very Happy Keep us posted!
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possible ear infection? idont know!! help please? Empty
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possible ear infection? idont know!! help please?

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