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 Things you should keep on hand?

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Female Join date : 2012-09-21
Location : Chicago, IL

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PostSubject: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 12:31 pm

I had a bad experience today when Lola dug up a tulip bulb and ate it. The vet had me induce vomiting using hydrogen peroxide. Thank goodness I had just enough on hand to get the job done. I asked hubby to pick up a new bottle at lunch today. The vet told me that you should keep hydrogen peroxide and benadryl on hand. What other items do you keep on hand?
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Female Join date : 2012-09-05
Location : Central FL

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 12:42 pm

I've been meaning to have a thermometer for Callie around. There's been a couple times where I've panicked wondering if she has a fever and it'd just be nice for the peace of mind.

I will also never be without gauze again. When I was younger my sister was teasing our dogs and they started fighting. The bigger one broke skin all along the smaller one's neck and we needed to clean her up and get her patched up asap. I guess now I'm just terrified that something like that could happen again or even just getting caught on something. So I always know when the gauze and antibacterial things are.

Though not necessarily medical, I keep her microchip info on me all the time.
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Canadian Sunrise

Female Join date : 2012-10-29
Location : Montreal, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 12:48 pm

Can of pumpkin for those "runny" days. They never eat too much at once so I use the rest to make them cookies and myself muffins.
vet tape for the odd occasion one will split a pad....
And the emergency vet phone number on our fridge. Just in case.
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Things you should keep on hand? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 1:44 pm

Vet wrap
Emergency vet info

Things you should keep on hand? Summer10
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Canadian Sunrise

Female Join date : 2012-10-29
Location : Montreal, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 1:50 pm

I actually need to get more gauze. We used it one day when Tika broke her dew claw and bled all over her leg. Neosporin is a good idea as well.

I'm going to add those things to my shopping list.

Good thread!
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Female Join date : 2012-06-16
Location : Toronto, ON, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 1:51 pm

Can't really give too much advice on this myself - I keep medical supplies at my house for the humans and use that for the animals too:

Gauze (non-woven)
Thermometer (there's one for the dog ONLY)
Medical tape
Syringes etc

I also keep canned pumpkin for the dog for those not-so-good pooping days...

There's a thread here - the list seems very extensive, but I'm trying to get my supply to this eventually...
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 1:55 pm

Superglue, gauze, vet wrap, quik stop, hydrogen peroxide, clippers (for wounds,) rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, cotton swabs, tea tree oil, and pumpkin

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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 7:15 pm

Flour also works well if you do not have Quik Stop on hand (for nails that are clipped too short).

Like Shae, I also keep my microchip stuff on hand. I put one on my keys and one in the car. Make sure you're registered with the chip! The lady at the clinic told me that you have to register for it to be in full effect (free). She said many strays are brought in with chips but they don't have any information on the owners. Sad

Thanks for the thread, guys. I know what I'm buying this weekend.
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Female Join date : 2012-09-05
Location : Central FL

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 7:26 pm

VintageJeans wrote:

Like Shae, I also keep my microchip stuff on hand. I put one on my keys and one in the car. Make sure you're registered with the chip! The lady at the clinic told me that you have to register for it to be in full effect (free). She said many strays are brought in with chips but they don't have any information on the owners. Sad

My vet took care of it for me but it's always good to double check, too. I've got to log in sometime to check but I believe I'm all set since I've been receiving emails and the only way Home Again could have gotten it was from my vet.
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Female Join date : 2012-03-30
Location : Jacksonville, Florida

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PostSubject: Re: Things you should keep on hand?   Things you should keep on hand? EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 8:24 pm

I think most things have been covered for what to keep on hand, however Apple Cider Vinegar is something we use a lot for the dogs around here as well.
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