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 Persistent worms & excessive stools

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Female Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : England

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 6:04 pm


Was wondering if anyone can help!
I have a 13 week old puppy, Luna, who seems to keep getting worms.

The first day we got her she was sick worms, so we rang the emergency vets and they said to give her worming tablets so we did.

A week later we took her to the vets (for her jabs) and they gave us some advocate for fleaing and worming.

We started noticing white flecks in her stools and she started to poo 15 times a day!!!

Has anyone else experienced this?

We took her to the vets again & they gave us a tablet for tape worm.

Now two days on, she seems to have round worms again.

She's not even been out yet, she's due to be allowed on boxing day and she hasn't been in contact with any other dogs.

I'm really baffled as to how she is contracting them and am getting worried, has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Thank you
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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Virginia

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 6:25 pm

If you are actually seeing the round worms being expelled in her feces, then I think the Flea/Worm treatment is doing its job. The tapeworm would need another type of medication, which I believe you gave her. Sometimes the animal can become re-infested with tape worm (you will notice them as little rice-like segments in the feces) from their bedding or from fleas. If you notice little rice-like segments around her anus, she likely has tapeworm and I don't think most Flea/Worm meds remove them only the roundworms. You can expect excessive poo as her body expels these worms. Often the worms have irritated the colon and cause some nasty poos. You probably should just call your vet to make sure that what you are seeing is what should be expected from the meds that she has given your pup.

We actually had worms and diarrhea for a couple weeks after getting our pup at around 10 weeks old. Most small pups have worms. It's gross but not uncommon... Good Luck!! Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : England

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 6:37 pm

Yes, i think your right, she's had meds for tape worm & round worm but no avail. She's happy within herself, still eating and drinking & we're booked in with vets on the 27th but i'll give them a call tomorrow.
Thanks you very much for your help Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-06-18
Location : Camp Pendleton, CA/Concord, NH

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 7:04 pm

My Luna had some bad worms when I first got her too. Make sure she stays away from her feces because she can get reinfected by ingesting them as well.
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Female Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : England

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 7:26 pm

Thanks Katie, we try and pick them up as soon as she goes, so hopefully we can avoid more worms Smile
Thanks again!
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Female Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : England

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 9:37 pm

Crying or Very sad Feeling sad now, as puppy has just been sick a writhing mass of worms (think they're round worm) but i've given her worming tablets only today!

Will call the vets first thing, but just have no idea where she is getting them from, anyone know how dogs contract round worm?

We've had her from being 8 weeks old and has be wormed persistently to counteract her recurrent worm problems, she'll be 14 weeks on Friday and as i mentioned previously hasn't been out yet or in contact with any other dogs, feel so sorry for her, she must be so uncomfortable.

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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Virginia

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 9:52 pm

If they are coming out, they are dying! This is good! Worms are passed from eggs in fecal matter or soil and also fleas. If the mother has ever had roundworms, she will be a carrier to her pups (the way I understand it) and nearly all puppies have roundworms. The eggs are very resilient and can remain dormant for long periods of time.

Hang in there!! I know it is gross!!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 9:57 pm

You should look into doing a fenbendazole treatment. Its a liquid goat wormer that treats multiple forms of parasites, you give it for 5 days in a row and you'll be cleaned out. After the treatment is complete be sure you are picking up all stools and bleach the kennel/potty area. Consult your vet of course, but I have had no luck with the typical Strongid wormer that the vet gives (mainly because you have to give it and repeat in 14 days or you don't wipe out the parasites).
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Female Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : England

Persistent worms & excessive stools Empty
PostSubject: Re: Persistent worms & excessive stools   Persistent worms & excessive stools EmptySun Dec 23, 2012 10:09 pm

Thank you both for your help, it is very much appreciated.
Glad they are dying, they made me heave!
I'll definitely look into fenbendazole, as they seems to be very persistent!
Thanks again
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