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 Noticing a change in appetite

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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Noticing a change in appetite Empty
PostSubject: Noticing a change in appetite   Noticing a change in appetite EmptyFri Feb 08, 2013 4:33 pm

So, background info:
Kingsley is 3 months old.

He usually eats 3/4-1 cup of kibble per meal (3x/day). He's always been a great eater. Finishing everything and sometimes wanting more. But lately he's been leaving his meals looking barely touched. He'll eat half of his meal or sometimes less.

I KNOW that any number of things can be contributing to this change, ranging anywhere from his mood to illness. I'd just like to rule out the worst, if y'all can help me.

We took him for his 12 week shots 1 week and 3 days ago. That day he was very sleepy and lethargic, but he still ate all of his food.
The next day, he ate breakfast, didn't touch his lunch, and then got hungry during dinner time.
It took about 2 days, but he picked up his old schedule again. It's so funny, like 5 minutes before scheduled meal time, he'll run upstairs and sit in his crate waiting for food.

Last night, we gave him is dose of dewormer meds. He ate fine last night, but today, he wasn't super interested in breakfast and hasn't touched his lunch at all.

I know that it's normal to have a change in appetite after shots, but I was unaware about this happening during a dewormer (since he previously got dewormed with the breeder).

Sooooo, is this normal? Or should I give our vet a call?


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Female Join date : 2013-01-18
Location : Northern Virgina

Noticing a change in appetite Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noticing a change in appetite   Noticing a change in appetite EmptyFri Feb 08, 2013 4:52 pm

Unless his attitude or body language changes I don't think you have anythingto worry about. Huskies are self-regulaters. When Loki was 3 ~ 5 months sometimes he would skips meals or not eat as soon as I pull he bowl down. Even now at 7 months sometimes when I put his dinner bowl down he won't eat until 3 hours after I put it down. How many treats are you giving him? That can factor in to how hungry he is.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Noticing a change in appetite Empty
PostSubject: Re: Noticing a change in appetite   Noticing a change in appetite EmptyFri Feb 08, 2013 4:58 pm

We don't usually train until the evening when he's a little bit more docile, and that's when the treats come in. Turns out my husband was more concerned than he lead on because he actually called the vet.

Alls normal as long as he doesn't puke or have loose stool.
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