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 puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet

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Male Join date : 2013-03-03
Location : warrington

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Empty
PostSubject: puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet    puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 7:31 am

i was woke up last night by the sound of Akira vominting in crate next to me. it got me very worried obviously as she has been sleeping really good and has been goin for 6 hours near enough straight without needing to go toilet. so at 2 am this morning when i was woke up to find her vomiting in her food bowl i took her down to her toilet area she had a wee and a poop! i check the vomit to see any signs of blood which i could not
see the only thing there was somethinh narrow about an inch long but i was unable to recognise it.

after she had been toilet she wanted to play i let her have a minute just to check she was fine and then straight back to crate.
she went straight back to sleep. meanwhile i find she has took a small piece of toilet roll carboard inside her crate so i am ashuming this was what the small narrow object was in her vomit. thinking she had got it out of her system i was a little happier thinking she would be ok.

3:15 am after 45 mins solid sleep im woke again to the same disturbing noise of her retching and vomiting (twice this time) in her food bowl again. i inspected the vomit again but no signs of blood again and no cardboard looking objects.
i took her back toilet gave her a small amount of water and back to sleep.

i was very worried at this point and tried to google for some answers but couldnt find anything to explain why she would be sick the 2nd and 3rd.

she slept till around 7 am went toilet we had a play my kids had a play with her. she had breakfast about 8 with 1 small spoon of natural yogurt which she ate every last bit.
Then i had to go school run so she was put in her crate again i get home an hour later she is still sat there good as gold looking for me and now she is having a nap on my rug.

point being she seems fine and normal as of this morning but as i mentioned i was just concerned about her vomiting after already getting up the cardboard. is this normal

or should i have her checked just incase??

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Female Join date : 2013-01-24
Location : Johnson City, Tennessee

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Empty
PostSubject: Re: puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet    puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 8:49 am

Parvo is terrible right now and if you havent had all of Akira's booster's she is still prone to getting it even if she has had one. This may not be parvo at all, but spring time is Parvo season. If it is and you catch it in the early stages its more likely you can save her. HOPEFULLY it is NOT parvo and she just ate something that is making her tummy upset. I would have her checked out or atleast take food away to let her stomach settle for 12 hours.
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Empty
PostSubject: Re: puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet    puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 8:55 am

Sometimes it takes a while for them to work all of the offending items they ate up and out. I wouldn't be overly concerned or rush her to the vet over cardboard and vomiting a few times. My dog has eaten stuffed dog toys only to end up vomiting 5+ times over the course of the day getting a small amount out each time until he finally worked it all out entirely. If the vomiting is producing results (i.e. getting stuff that shouldn't have been eaten out of the body) then it's a good thing.

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Summer10
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Empty
PostSubject: Re: puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet    puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 9:13 am

My dog ate a stuff toy arm whole and it took 2 1/2 days before he vomited up and he was eating and drinking and potty just find those days.

sounds like she just getting rid of the cardboard.
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Female Join date : 2012-10-06
Location : Space Coast, Florida

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Empty
PostSubject: Re: puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet    puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 9:38 am

I agree that it's she's probably just getting the cardboard out. If her poops are normal looking and she's drinking water, then I wouldn't worry much.
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Male Join date : 2013-03-03
Location : warrington

puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  Empty
PostSubject: Re: puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet    puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet  EmptyTue Mar 12, 2013 11:21 am

thanks she seems fine she had a normal poop this morning and she seems happy enough after abit more investigation into her crate bedding i noticed some of the vomit had gone onto her bedding. i was able to see better as it wasnt dark outside and i noticed where her vomit dried there was what looks like some tape that im guessing holds the cardboard roll together which would explain the further vomiting.

Thanks everyone i am just a little paranoid untill she gets her full vacs done as i lost a gsd puppy to parvo when i was younger and i know how horrible a virus it is.
it wasnt nice at all.

as i say she seems to be her normal bouncy self again today Very Happy

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puppy vomit last night should i take her to the vet

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