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 Mysterious limp this morning

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Female Join date : 2012-10-25
Location : Seattle, WA

Mysterious limp this morning Empty
PostSubject: Mysterious limp this morning   Mysterious limp this morning EmptyThu Mar 14, 2013 11:09 am

Hey everyone..
So this morning I woke Korra up for a pee break (puppy life is tough), and noticed she wasn't using her back right leg. It's seriously the strangest thing.
Last night, she was bounding around like normal, nothing out of the ordinary.
We live on the bottom floor, and we can walk right out the back door and pee asap. I didn't notice anything on the way out, not sure if it was because I was super tired and missed it, or if she wasn't limping. But when she peed I noticed her being gentle on that leg, and then she started hopping around (not using it at all). Once in a while she'll use it for balance, or to scratch her face..
She's our Chub, and goes limp when held, so we were trying to figure out what happened. She likes drama. If she runs head-first into the wall because she got distracted while running, the whole house will be made aware of this fact. Loudly. (Of course she'll trot off just fine after making sure everyone knew it hurt Rolling Eyes )
It doesn't seem to be her leg..nothing between her little pads, it kind of appears to be her 2nd toe, but we don't really know...I didn't see any splinters, it looks normal.. She pulls away when we give it a little squeeze.
Either she hurt it in her crate or on the way outside, on carpet.
Anyways, doesn't seem to be actively painful if she's laying down, no whining, she's asleep again. I'm gonna see how it is when she wakes up. I'm confused by this mysterious limp. Limp? Not sure if that's the right word, if she's not really using it at all.
My baby Sad
Sorry for any typos/content in a funny order, I'm on my phone.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-08
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

Mysterious limp this morning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mysterious limp this morning   Mysterious limp this morning EmptyThu Mar 14, 2013 1:07 pm

I'd wait a little bit and see if it gets worse/improves/stays the same. It could just be that she caught it on something in her crate or something like that.

I'd definitely wait to see if it gets better instead if rushing her to the vet right away. Save some money on unnecessary x-rays if it gets better quickly. If it gets worse or sticks around long, I'd definitely take her in though.

Just my opinion. Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-10-25
Location : Seattle, WA

Mysterious limp this morning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mysterious limp this morning   Mysterious limp this morning EmptyThu Mar 14, 2013 3:43 pm

That's definitely what I was thinking too. But it was 6 in the morning and I was in "what the hell" mode Smile I figured 5 hours with some chews in her crate would so the trick, but she still can't really put weight on it- it looks like she's trying to use it but she can't. It does touch the floor every couple steps so I think she's feeling a little better. Back into the crate she goes! At least we pooped her out yesterday, or I would have one very unhappy puppy on my hands....
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Mysterious limp this morning

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