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Husky of the Month
Congrats Nikita, Archer, and Cheyanne,
our November HOTM Winners!
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 Huskies 101

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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:48 am


Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs.

So you're thinking of Getting a Husky and want to know more about the breed or what to expect?

Maybe you are thinking of becoming a breeder?

Maybe you want some general ideas of what to feed your new addition?

Or maybe you are starting at square one and are just trying to find a breeder or rescue?

Well you should hopefully be able to find most of this information right here from this handy dandy thread. Here you will find a bunch of information we've discussed on over the years and threads we deemed very helpful in either acquiring, providing for, and training your new Husky.

If you can't find what you are looking for here then our community will more than likely be very happy to help with what ever questions you have Wink

Again thanks for stopping by and have fun researching.

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:49 am

Huskies for Dummies

Everyone needs to start somewhere, and we were all like you once. Terrified and excited at the notion of sharing our lives with this special breed.

Hopefully you get a better understanding of what you are getting yourself into after reading these threads Wink

So you're Thinking of Getting a Husky?

What is "Coat Blowing" and why should I be scared???

Breed Types - Different lines of Sibes

Conformation - A Realistic Look at Sibes and their faults

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo

Last edited by Tika on Fri May 17, 2013 10:53 am; edited 7 times in total
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:49 am

Finding Your Husky

Weather you go to a breeder or a rescue to get your furever friend, it is important to feel comfortable with the experience and be as informed as you can.

Here are some links that should help you find your husky in an ethical and responsible manner.


How to Find a Reputable Breeder


Come on in to the Rescue forum if you are looking to adopt an older pup who still needs a new home. Some of our members work hand in hand with rescues and transport trains are always a possibility Wink

IAHT - Rescue Missions Forum

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo

Last edited by Tika on Fri May 17, 2013 10:52 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:49 am


We get questions from time to time from people thinking of breeding their pups. It is a very big and important decision one must make before they go through with it, once which effects the owner as much as it does the dog in labor.

We ask, and Hope, everyone wishing to get into breeding takes the time to REALLY and TRULY consider this decision to it's full extend, and do as much research as possible before they dive in.

To that end, here are some threads that may help shed some light on breeding.

So you're Thinking About Breeding?

So you want to be a Breeder?

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo

Last edited by Tika on Fri May 17, 2013 10:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:49 am


Caring for your pup doesn't stop at feeding and walks. Their general well being and health is a very important aspect of owning a dog, and you should be up to date on as much information as you can, after all you are completely responsible for this bundle of fur.

Below is some Medical Related information that may help keep your pup in top form.

Heartworm Meds - What do we use?

Why Should You Vaccinate your puppy?

Dog Baseline Health

Doggy First Aid Kit

The Furminator - Good or Bad?

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo

Last edited by Tika on Fri May 17, 2013 10:45 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:49 am

Food and Nutrition

Another Important Question we get a lot is what type of food you should feed your dog? There really is no one correct answer, but we do have some recommendations.

You can also check to see what types of food the members are currently feeding their dogs Wink

You can also find information on how to prepare and feed a healthy raw diet as apposed or in tandem with kibble Wink

IAHT - Nutrition and Feeding Forum

What Are you Feeding your Husky?

IAHT - Raw Feeding Forum

Are you Considering a Raw Diet?

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo

Last edited by Tika on Fri May 17, 2013 10:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 9:49 am

Training and Behavior

Training a puppy is never easy, even for those of us with a lot of experience. There is always some new challenge to over come and something new to learn. There are no over night fixes, easy solutions, or short cuts for the most part.

For a well behaved and trained pup you need patience, commitment, and time.

You should find some common training issues a lot of people have and possible solutions for them below Smile.

So you're Bringing Home a Puppy

Crate Training

The Secret to having a well behaved dog

Dealing with Mouthing and Biting

How to Introduce new Dogs Safely

Potty Training

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo

Last edited by Tika on Fri May 17, 2013 10:47 am; edited 4 times in total
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The Long-Winded Canadian

Male Join date : 2011-08-11
Location : Montreal, QC

Huskies 101 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 EmptyFri May 17, 2013 10:33 am

Come join in on the fun with our Husky of the Month competition or Holiday Hijack.

Every Month a new theme is selected by the community. We then all add pictures and vote for which picture encapsulates the spirit of the theme best.

Top spot gets their picture on the site for a month.

Top 3 get added to a calender made at the end of the year, which is then sold and all profits go towards a rescue.

HOTM - Information

HOTM Rules - Please Read

HOTM - Calendar Information

How to Post PIctures

The Holiday Hijack

Or would you rather simply talk about random moments of your day or vent about how annoying your boss is? The Holiday Hijack is for you!!!

Come on in and chat with our members about nothing or everything.

Welcome to the HolidayHijack

Holiday Hijack Forum

Is this about the cake problem? What's the matter with you mathematicians, cake is never a problem. - Professor Lazlo
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PostSubject: Re: Huskies 101   Huskies 101 Empty

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Huskies 101

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