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 How much water?

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Join date : 2013-05-20

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: How much water?   How much water? EmptyMon May 20, 2013 4:16 pm

Hey guys,
I have a 9 week old husky. I'm having some issues with her peeing in the house during the day. She is fine holding it all night (roughly 7-8 hours) and going in the morning, so I don't think it's a matter of bladder control. I give her treats and give her affection when she uses the bathroom outside. When she does it inside if I don't see her doing it (rare, usually only does it when I'm cooking or have my attention on something else) I just clean it up with a good clearner to remove the smell so hopefully she doesn't note the smell as a place to continue to go. When I catch her in the act I say a sharp "No" and pick her up and place her outside. I've been doing this for two weeks and have made no progress. She still pees in the house roughly 4 times a day. I take her outside every half an hour to an hour. Sometimes she pees in the floor because she's playing with the other dog in the house and after a few minutes of playing she will just squat and pee then start playing again.

Onto the question of this post!
I've noticed my puppy drinks water pretty much constantly when she's awake. If she's not running after the beagle, eating, sleeping, or using the bathroom, she has her nose in the water bowl. I want to regulate her water input to help control those urges to pee so much and hopefully help me to get her potty trained. How much water should I allow her to drink and when should I allow her to drink it? Only after eating? After playing with the other dog? After going outside and using the potty?

Any help is appreciated!
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Male Join date : 2013-04-18
Location : Houston, TX

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much water?   How much water? EmptyMon May 20, 2013 4:38 pm

I wouldnt leave the water down all day but thats just my opinion. My two are 14 weeks. One male and one female. The female is by far the worst but she is getting better. She also doesnt squat 100% of the time. Its really disappointing to walk into the room and you see a trail of urine 5 feet long.

It sounds like you are doing a good job. Keep telling her No if you catch her in the act, bring her outside and immediately give a treat when she goes again. I wouldnt leave water down all day and when you do give her water, dont fill up the bowl all the way. This is what I do, but Im no expert. My two still have accidents even at 14 weeks. Its going to take a few months.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much water?   How much water? EmptyMon May 20, 2013 4:53 pm

That's what I do too. Also his signal to go out is really weird. He get really rowdy and if I don't get it, he starts biting me and generally acting bratty. Like he's literally trying to grab my arm and drag me outside, we're working on this. It took me a little while to figure that out, I would just give him a time out for the biting and then go back to get him and find an accident. It finally dawned on me what he needed lol. And, I don't let him have free access to water all day, mostly because he digs in the bowl and splashes it all over. He's a little bit of a goof ball if you haven't figured that out. Wink
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Female Join date : 2012-10-25
Location : Seattle, WA

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much water?   How much water? EmptyMon May 20, 2013 5:24 pm

Especially for female puppies, 7-8 hours in the crate at night may actually be your problem. If they hold their tiny puppy bladders too long, they can get puppy vaginitis or a UTI. The constant water drinking and need to pee NOW (though sorry, that's all puppies, give it a couple months-not a couple weeks. There are physical limitations on bladder control for puppies, even if they know they should potty outside). Does she seem to strain to pee, or pee small amounts very often? If she does have vaginitis or a UTI, limiting her water is opposite what you want to do.
Remember that puppies are not going to follow the same timeline-some will potty train super fast, some still need a reminder to potty outside at 8 months. If she's drinking loads of water and peeing like crazy, I'd take a sample to the vet, UTIs can be pretty painful, and vaginitis can lead to UTI. Her body could fight it off, or she could need meds, which are pretty cheap. Taking her to pee more often (moving the liquid through is the important thing) at night might help you.
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Join date : 2013-05-20

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much water?   How much water? EmptyTue May 21, 2013 12:57 am

Short update! I limited my little Ghosts water today and had -ZERO- accidents all day!!! I'm ecstatic!!!
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Male Join date : 2013-05-18
Location : Chapel Hill, NC

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much water?   How much water? EmptyTue May 21, 2013 11:13 am

Another thing to keep into account here is activity level of your puppy. At night sleeping in the crate they can hold it much longer than during the day when the are active. When Maya was that age even with limited water consumption when she was playing she would pee every 15min and I would simply miss her I need to pee indication because I was like you just went out and peed.

As they get older they get better control and dont need to go as often when active and you also get used to knowing when they need to go. Many of Maya's accidents when she was younger were when my roommate was watching and she didnt understand Maya's indicators to need to go or fell to what I did in the beginning of she cant need to go out again.
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Male Join date : 2013-04-04
Location : Vallejo, CA

How much water? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much water?   How much water? EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 1:20 am

Hello.  I agree with MayaDog. When Carson was 9 weeks he was good at night for at least 7 hours but during the day when he's more active I would take him out every 20 minutes and tell him to "go potty". Sure enough he always had to go pee.  I always had my phone with me to set-up a timer or else I would forget. Lol. I gradually added more time every month.  I did not leave the water down but would give him a chance to drink at least every hour and as much water as he wants with his meals.  He is now 17 weeks and I've had him since he was 6 weeks, and so far he's only had 3 accidents in the house because I couldn't take him out or let him out on time.  He now stands in front of the sliding door and whines when he needs to go potty.
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How much water?

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