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 8 month old hurt leg advice please!

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Male Join date : 2012-10-17
Location : Fort Wayne

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 2:59 pm

So I just noticed that my pup is walking / jogging with a sort of limp. It appears that it's the back right leg. We were just playing fetch a few moments before. And he's still completely mobile, but there's definitely something up. I checked the paws--they're in good shape. I applied a little pressure around his leg/muscle to see if he reacted, but nothing. He's in good spirits. Could it just be a pulled muscle or something? Does that happen to dogs? I hope it's not a joint issue. Please advise!
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 4:04 pm

Could you post a video?
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 4:41 pm

Koda did this the other day too and he is also 8 months but it was his back left leg.. I think koda was from playing at the dog park for almost 2 hours and was just sorr cause he seems better. Has he done any different activity?
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 4:48 pm

This happened to Dizzy a few weeks ago and so being the paranoid dog owner I am, I took him to the vet. The vet diagnosed him with panosteitis, which is basically doggie growing pains and recommended a lower protein food. He seems pretty okay now, and I don't see him limping or holding up a paw anymore. I think they can pull muscles or get sore muscles just like we can. But, at that age it could also be the beginning of luxating patella. Again, I'm an over paranoid dog owner though, so don't get all worried and google it.
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Male Join date : 2012-10-17
Location : Fort Wayne

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 5:03 pm

Going to try and upload a video:

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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 5:22 pm

I'd check range of motion in the hips and knee joints, see if there is any pain or something prohibiting full range of motion. It could be loose tendons from a growth spurt or something like that, if the problem persists I'd definitely have it looked at by a vet.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 5:23 pm

have you been running him?
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Male Join date : 2012-10-17
Location : Fort Wayne

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 5:30 pm

Haven't ran him on concrete--he runs as much as he wants at the dog park. The past 2 days I played fetch with him inside on the carpeted floor--there's not a lot of cushion (it's the same floor from the video).
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Female Join date : 2011-05-03
Location : Buffalo, NY

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 6:56 pm

My dog has luxating patella in both knees and it presented itself at 7 months. I also recommend testing for range of motion and feel him over for anything that may be "off." With the knees you can often feel a sort of click or popping if something isn't right there. Hopefully it's nothing serious and he just played a little too hard.
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Male Join date : 2012-10-17
Location : Fort Wayne

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 2:09 pm

Here's a video of him today--I think it has gotten worse. Please advise I am really worried!

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It doesn't look like hip dysplasia does it? It looks like he's walking with an instep. I'm trying to keep him off of it, but he gets restless.

I did feel around his leg/hip area and didn't notice anything really--he didn't seem to flinch or wince in pain, either.

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Female Join date : 2013-05-26
Location : Michigan

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 2:26 pm

I would say go to the vet, unfortunately even with video it is hard to say what's going on without someone to do a check-up.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 2:38 pm

lillith87 wrote:
I would say go to the vet, unfortunately even with video it is hard to say what's going on without someone to do a check-up.

I agree. No harm done in getting it checked out, even if just for your peace of mind.
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Male Join date : 2012-10-17
Location : Fort Wayne

8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 5:03 pm

Just got back from the vet. Took two X-rays and the results were "abnormal." She said it was most likely Pano, but that she hadn't seen it appear in the knee--that it usually occurs in the shaft of the bone. She prescribed anti inflammatory meds and pretty much confirmed everything I've read/been told about the condition.
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8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8 month old hurt leg advice please!   8 month old hurt leg advice please! Empty

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8 month old hurt leg advice please!

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